ArcGIS Server并没有一个绝对的硬件指标,但据经验,如果ArcGIS Server需要满足峰值为18个并发连接量的时候,至少需要SPECRate值为45以上的CPU方可满足需求,在这种情况下,服务器可以在8秒内返回一个数据显示请求。而SPECRate为45的时候,大约相当于Intel Xeon双CPU(核)3.8GHz服务器。
如果并发峰值连接数要求是30个时,建议配置SPECRate值在80以上的服务器,例如Intel 4CPU(核)的3.7GHz的服务器。
另外,配置ArcGIS产品的时候,内存配置一般按照一个CPU配置2G内存来实现, 一个CPU对应2G内存指的是一个核(双核中的一个)。
There are several different ways to measure computer performance. One way is to measure how fast the computer completes a single task; this is a speed measure. Another way is to measure how many tasks a computer can accomplish in a certain amount of time; this is called a throughput, capacity or rate measure.
- The SPEC speed metrics (e.g., SPECint2000) are used for comparing the ability of a computer to complete single tasks.
- The SPEC rate metrics (e.g., SPECint_rate2000) measure the throughput or rate of a machine carrying out a number of tasks.
For the rate metrics, multiple copies of the benchmarks are run simultaneously. Typically, the number of copies is the same as the number of CPUs on the machine, but this is not a requirement. For example, it would be perfectly acceptable to run 63 copies of the benchmarks on a 64-CPU machine (thereby leaving one CPU free to handle system overhead