
这是一个可以用在任何应用中的功能属性和函数的集合。EsriUtils 是一个为方便使用的预定义全局变量。EsriUtils对象定义了一些跨浏览器的属性和函数,可以用来代替自定义属性和函数。例如:

    • 使用EsriUtils.getXY来获得事件的XY坐标
    • 使用 EsriUtils.setElementStyle来设置HTML元素的的position和style而不是使用HTMLElement.cssText
Property Summary
boolean doPostBack Enables/Disables whether the page is submitted to the server for a complete refresh or the page is refreshed through AJAX (postback). Default is true
String graphicsType String name of graphics type supported by browser. (if IE, then "VML", else "NS")
boolean isFF15 true of browser is Firefox 1.5
boolean isIE true if browser is "microsoft"
boolean isIE7 true of browser is "internet explorer 7"
boolean isNav true if browser is "netscape"
Number KEY_DOWN Down cursor keycode. Default is 40
Number KEY_ENTER Enter key keycode. Default is 13
Number KEY_ESCAPE Escape key keycode. Default is 27
Number KEY_LEFT Left cursor keycode. Default is 37
Number KEY_RIGHT Right cursor keycode. Default is 39
Number KEY_UP Up cursor keycode. Default is 38
Number leftButton Mouse Left button. Default is 1
Number mouseWheelUnit Unit value for each movement of mouse wheel. If IE, then 120, else 3
String navType String name of browser (IE/Firefox/Opera/Safari/Netscape/Mozilla)
Number rightButton Right button. If IE, then 2, else 3
String userAgent Browser's user-agent String

Function Summary
void addFormElement(String formId, String name, String value) Adds a hidden input field of argument name and value within the form with argument formId
String buildRequestParams(String formId) Build request parameter string based on valid form elements in form with argument id
void cloneElementStyle(HTMLElement source, HTMLElement target) Clones the style properties of the source element and sets to the target element
EsriGraphicsElement createGraphicsElement(String id, HTMLElement container) Creates an EsriGraphicsElement object based on the EsriUtils.graphicsType value and adds it to the argument container
HTMLImage createImage(String src, String width, String ht) Creates an image object. Depending on whether IE or not, sets the filter to support PNG transparency. The required width and height arguments can be specified as "px", "%", etc. For example "16px", "50%", etc
XmlHttpObject createXmlHttpObject() Creates and returns a browser specific XMLHttpRequest object
Number fromHex(Hex hex) Converts argument hexadecimal number to its base 10 number
EsriRectangle getElementBounds(HTMLElement e) Returns the rectangle bounds of the argument HTMLElement as specified in it's CSSStyleDeclaration
EsriRectangle getElementPageBounds(HTMLElement e) Returns the rectangle bounds of the argument HTMLElement as rendered in the current document
HTMLElement[] getElementsByClassName(HTMLElement element, String className) Returns all child elements of argument element who's class name matches the argument className
HTMLElement getEventSource(Event e) Returns the HTMLElement on which the argument event was performed
String getJSessionId() Returns the JSESSIONID COOKIE value from the browser
Number getKeyCode(Event e) Returns the key code for the argument event
Number getMouseButton(MouseEvent e) Returns which mouse button was clicked in argument event
EsriRectangle getPageBounds() Returns the size of the current document window
String getServerUrl(String formId) Returns the url to server as defined in the action attribute of the form with argument formId. If jsessionid is not already in action, it is appended by calling EsriUtils.getJSessionId()
CSSStyleDeclaration getStyleByClassName(String name) Returns the style class decleration from the page. If style decleration is not found, null is returned. (example : name "#body" returns ["background-color"], name "image.esriMapImage" returns ["position", "border", "margin", "padding"])
Number getStyleValue(String str) Returns the value (as Number) of a style property
EsriPoint getXY(MouseEvent e) Returns the point where the argument mouse event was fired
void hideElement(HTMLElement element) Hide argument element. (set style attribute "display:none")
boolean isLeftButton(MouseEvent e) Returns true if left mouse button is clicked in argument event
void moveElement(HTMLElement element, Number left, Number top) Move element to argument left and top position
void removeElementStyle(HTMLElement element, CSSStyleDeclaration styleString) Removes style properties from element based on list from argument style string. (example: "left:; top:;", removes the left & top style properties from the argument element)
void removeFormElement(String formId, String name) Removed the form element of argument name from form with argument formId
XmlHttpObject sendAjaxRequest(String url, String params, boolean doGET, function callback[, String contentType]) Send an Asynchronous Javascript & XML request to server at argument url, with argument parameters. If doGet is true, send as GET request else POST request. When processing request, callback argument function. [See AJAX documentation]
void setElementOpacity(HTMLElement element, Number opacity) Set the argument element's opacity. The opacity must be in the range of 0 to 1
void setElementStyle(HTMLElement element, CSSStyleDeclaration styleString) Set the argument element's CSSStyleProperties. The argument styleString is in the standard css style string. This is the prefered way for setting an element's style
void setImageSrc(HTMLElement element, String src) If browser is IE6, then creates a filter and sets AlphaLoader to argument src, else sets the element's source property to the argument src
void showElement(HTMLElement element) Show argument element (set style attribute "display:block")
void stopEvent(Event e) Stops the propagation of the argument event
void submitForm(String formId[, boolean async, function callback]) Submits the form with argument formId. If optional flag async is true, the form is submitted using XmlHttp and argument callbackFunction called when request processing is complete. [See AJAX documentation]
void toggleElement(HTMLElement element) Toggle visibility of argument element
Hex toHex(Number num) Converts argument number to its hexadecimal representation



//get the first map
var map = EsriControls.maps[EsriControls.mapNames[0]];

//get mapId which an overview and task works with
var ov1 = EsriControls.overviews["ov1"];
var task1 = EsriControls.tasks["task1"];

//get number of tocs

//get toolbar types
for (var i=0;i<EsriControls.toolbarNames.length;i++) {
var toolbar = EsriControls.toolbars[EsriControls.toolbarNames[i]];


Property Summary

Array mapIds Ids of all map controls
Array maps Collection of maps
Array overviewIds Ids of all overview controls
Array overviews Collection of overviews
Array taskIds Ids of all task controls
Array tasks Collection of tasks
Array tocIds Ids of all toc controls
Array tocs Collection of tocs
Array toolbars Collection of toolbars
Array toolbarIds Ids of all toolbar controls

Function Summary
void addPostBackTagHandler(String tagName, function callback) Add callback function to process xml tag with argument tagName
void processPostBack(XMLDocument xml) Callback function to update all controls on clientside postback
function removePostBackTagHandler(String tagName) Remove callback function registered to process argument tagName

Callback/Listener Function Summary
function void callback(XMLNode requestedTagXmlElement, String[] eventSources) The processPostBack function calls this callback function, added as a postback tag handler. The appropriate XML Tag and the list of event sources are passed to this function

posted on 2008-08-02 23:40  zhupeng  阅读(1226)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报