C++ 新标准 11/14 语言新特性- 1

C++ Standard之演化

  •   C++ 98(1.0)
  •   C++ 03(TR1,technical report1)
  •   C++ 11(2.0)
  •   C++ 14

C++ 2.0新特性包含语言和标准库两个层面,后者以header files的形式呈现。

    #include <type_traits>

    #include <unordered_set>

    #include <forward_list>

    #include <array>

    #include <tuple>

    #include <regex>

    #include <thread> 

  TR1版本中的很多特性是放在namespace std:tr1下的(如shared _ptr、regex),现在也被放到了namespace std里. 


编译器会定义一个__cplusplus的常量,对于C++11是这样定义的#define __cplusplus 201103L,对于C++98和C++03,则是#define __cplusplus 199711L

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
    cout << __cplusplus << endl;
    return 0;


  • 语言层面

    • Variadic Templates
    • move Semantics
    • auto
    • Rabge-base for loop
    • Initializer list
    • Lambdas 
  • 标准库层面

    • type_traits
    • Unordered容器
    • forward_list
    • array
    • tuple
    • Con-currency
    • RegEx

Variadic Templates


    int printf ( const char * format, ... );

  … (additional arguments)
  Depending on the format string, the function may expect a sequence of additional arguments, each containing a value to be used to replace a format specifier in the format string (or a pointer to a storage location, for n).
There should be at least as many of these arguments as the number of values specified in the format specifiers. Additional arguments are ignored by the function.



  • 用于template parameters,就是template parameters pack(模板参数包)
  • 用于function parameter types,就是function parameter types pack(函数参数类型包)
  • 用于function parameters,就是function parameters pack(函数参数包)


// function 1
void printX()
// function 2
template <typename T, typename... Types>
void printX(const T& firstArg, const Types&... args)
    cout << firstArg << endl; 	// print first argument
    printX(args...); 			// call printX() for remaining arguments
printX(7.5, "hello", bitset<16>(377), 42);			





1 // function 3
2 template <typename...Types>
3 void printX (const Types&... args)
4 { /*...*/ }


  函数2和函数3都是数量不定的模板(variadic template),不同的是函数2接受一个和一包参数,函数3接受一包参数。两者并不会引起ambiguous,经过测试会调用函数2。

Space in Template Expressions

vector<list<int> > // ok in each C++ version

vector<list<int>> // ok since C++11

nullptr and std::nullptr_t


    void f(int);

    void f(void*);

    f(0); // calls f(int)

    f(NULL); // calls f(int) if NULL is 0, ambiguous otherwise

    f(nullptr); // calls f(void*)


Automatic Type Deduction with auto



    auto i = 42; // i has type int

    double f();

    auto d = f(); // d has type double


 1 vector<string> v;
 3 // ...
 5 auto pos = v:begin(); // pos has type vector<string>::iterator
 7 auto l = [](int x)->bool { // l has the type of a lambda
 9 // ... // taking on int and returning a bool
11 }

Uniform Initialization

  在C++11之前,程序员(特别是新手),很容易对初始化对象或变量时怎么写产生疑惑。初始化可能发生在小括号,大括号或者赋值运算符上。因此C++11引入一致性初始化(Uniform Initialization)的概念,任何初始化都可以使用共通的语法,即大括号。例如:

int values[] {1, 2, 3};

vector<int> v {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17};

vector<string> cities {

"Berlin", "New York", "London", "Braunschweig", "Cairo", "Cologne"


complex<double> c {4.0, 3.0} // equivalent to c(4.0,3.0)


  实际上,编译器看到{t1,t2... tn}便做出一个initializer_list<T>,它关联到一个array<T,n>。调用函数(例如ctor)时,该array内的元素可被编译器逐一传给函数。但若调用的函数参数是一个initializer_list<T>,则不会分解为数个类型为T的参数,而是直接将做出的initializer_list<T>传入。

  以上面的代码为例,{"Berlin", "New York", "London", "Braunschweig", "Cairo", "Cologne"}形成一个initializer_list<string>,背后有一个array<string,6>。调用vector<string>的ctors时编译器找到一个vector<string>接受一个initializer_list<string>,所有容器皆有如此的ctor。而{3.0,4.0}也形成一个initializer_list<double>,背后有一个array<double,2>。调用complex<double>的ctor时该array内的2个元素被分解传给ctor。complex<double>并无任何ctor接受initializer_list<T>

Initializer Lists

  Initializer Lists也跟Variadic Templates一样可以用于不定个数的元素。


int i; // i has undefined value

int j{}; // j is initialized by 0

int* p; // p has undefined value

int* q{}; // q is initialized by nullptr


int x1(5.3);     // ok, but x1 becomes 5
int x2 = 5.3     // ok, but x2 becomes 5
int x3{5.3};     // error, narrowing
int x4 = {5.3}   // error, narrowing
char c1{7};      // ok, even though 7 is an int, this is not narrowing
char c2{9999};   // error, narrowing (if 9999 doesn't fit into a char)
std::vector<int> v1 {1, 2, 4, 5}      // ok
std::vector<int> v2 {1, 2.3, 4, 5.6}  // error, narrowing
Initializer Lists的背后通过initializer_list<>实现。
void print (std::initializer_list<int> vals) 
    for (auto p = vals.begin(); p != vals.end(); ++p)
        std::cout << *p << std::endl;
print({2,3,5,7,11,13,17});  // pass a list of values to print()

   传给initializer_list者,一定必须也是个initializer_list(or {...}形式)。

  当同时有特定个数的参数和initializer list作为参数时,会优先选用后者,测试代码如下:

class P
    // ctor version 1
    P(int a, int b) {
        cout << "P(int, int), a=" << a << ", b=" << b << endl;
    // ctor version 2
    P(initializer_list<int> initlist) {
        cout << "P(initializer_list<int>), values= ";
        for (auto i : initlist)
        cout << i << ' ';
        cout << endl;
P p(77,5);          // P(int, int), a=77, b=5
P q {77,5};         // P(initializer_list<int>), values= 77 5
P r {77,5,42};      // P(initializer_list<int>), values= 77 5 42
P s = { 77, 5 };    // P(initializer_list<int>), values= 77 5

   如果没有initializer list的版本(版本2),q和s将会调用版本1的构造函数,而r会报错。

Rvalue references


  • Lvalue:可以出现于operator=左侧者,如变量
  • Rvalue:只能出现于operator=右侧者,如临时对象
// 以int试验
int a = 9;
int b = 4;
a = b;   // ok
b = a;   // ok
a = a+b; // ok
a + b = 42; // Error: lvalue required as left operand of assignment

// 以string试验
string s1("Hello");
string s2("World");
s1 + s2 = s2;                  // ok, s1+s2可以当做lvalue
cout << "s1: " << s1 << endl;  // s1: Hello
cout << "s2: " << s2 << endl;  // s2: World
string() = "World";            // ok, 竟然可以对临时对象赋值

// 以complex试验
complex<int> c1(3,8), c2(1,0);
c1 + c2 = complex<int>(4,9);         // ok, c1+c2可以当做lvalue
cout << "c1: " << c1 << endl;        // c1:(3,8)
cout << "c2: " << c2 << endl;        // c2:(1,0)
complex<int>() = complex<int>(4,9);  // 竟然可以对临时对象赋值


int foo() { return 5; }
int x = foo();    // ok
int* p = &foo();  // Error: 不能对rvalue取其地址
foo() = 7;        // Error


Perfect Forwarding


void process(int& i) {
    cout << "process(int&):" << i << endl;
void process(int&& i) {
    cout << "process(int&&):" << i << endl;
void forward(int&& i) {
    cout << "forward(int&&):" << i << ", ";
     int a = 0;
     process(a);        // process(int&):0
                        // 视为lvalue处理
     process(1);        // process(int&&):1 
                        // 临时对象视为rvalue处理
     process(move(a));  // process(int&&):0 
                        // 强制将lvalue改为rvalue
     forward(2);        // forward(int&&):2, process(int&):2
                        // rvalue经由forward()传给另一个函数后却变为lvalue
                        // (原因是在传递过程中把它变为了非临时对象)
     forward(move(a));  // forward(int&&):0, process(int&):0
//!  forward(a);        // Error: cannot bind 'int' lvalue to 'int&&'
     const int &b = 1;
//!  process(b);        // Error: no matching function for call 'process(const int&)
//!  process(move(b));  // Error: no matching function for call to
                        // 'process(std::remove_rederence<const int&>::type)'
//!  int& x(5);         // Error: invaild initialization of non-const reference of
                        // tyoe 'int&' from an rvalue of type 'int'



// ...\4.9.2\include\c++\bits\move.h

//  @brief  Forward an lvalue.
//  @return The parameter cast to the specified type.
//  This function is used to implement "perfect forwarding".
template<typename _Tp>
    constexpr _Tp&&
    forward(typename std::remove_reference<_Tp>::type& __t) noexcept
    { return static_cast<_Tp&&>(__t); }

//  @brief  Forward an rvalue.
//  @return The parameter cast to the specified type.
//  This function is used to implement "perfect forwarding".
template<typename _Tp>
    constexpr _Tp&&
    forward(typename std::remove_reference<_Tp>::type&& __t) noexcept
        static_assert(!std::is_lvalue_reference<_Tp>::value, "template argument"
        " substituting _Tp is an lvalue reference type");
        return static_cast<_Tp&&>(__t);

//  @brief  Convert a value to an rvalue.
//  @param  __t  A thing of arbitrary type.
//  @return The parameter cast to an rvalue-reference to allow moving it.
template<typename _Tp>
    constexpr typename std::remove_reference<_Tp>::type&&
    move(_Tp&& __t) noexcept
    { return static_cast<typename std::remove_reference<_Tp>::type&&>(__t); }


 1 class MyString 
 2 { 
 3 private: 
 4     char* _data; 
 5     size_t _len; 
 6     void _init_data(const char *s) 
 7     { 
 8             _data = new char[_len+1]; 
 9             memcpy(_data, s, _len); 
10             _data[_len] = '\0'; 
11     } 
12 public: 
13     // default ctor
14     MyString() : _data(NULL), _len(0) {  }
15     // ctor
16     MyString(const char* p) : _len(strlen(p)) 
17     { 
18         _init_data(p); 
19     } 
20     // copy ctor
21     MyString(const MyString& str) : _len(str._len) 
22     { 
23         cout << "Copy Constructor is called! source: " << str._data 
24              << " [" << (void*)(str._data) << ']' << endl;       
25         _init_data(str._data);     // COPY
26     } 
27     // move ctor, with "noexcept"
28     MyString(MyString&& str) noexcept : _data(str._data), _len(str._len) {  
29         cout << "Move Constructor is called! source: " << str._data 
30              << " [" << (void*)(str._data) << ']' << endl; 
31         str._len = 0;         
32         str._data = NULL;   // 这句很重要!!!
33                             // 另外需要避免 delete (in dtor),不然会把临时对象杀掉  
34     }
36     // copy assignment
37     MyString& operator=(const MyString& str) 
38     { 
39         cout << "Copy Assignment is called! source: " << str._data 
40              << " [" << (void*)(str._data) << ']' << endl; 
41         if (this != &str) { 
42             if (_data) delete _data;  
43             _len = str._len; 
44             _init_data(str._data);     // COPY! 
45         } 
46         else {
47             cout << "Self Assignment, Nothing to do." << endl;   
48         }
49         return *this; 
50     } 
51     // move assignment
52     MyString& operator=(MyString&& str) noexcept 
53     { 
54         // 注意 noexcept 
55         cout << "Move Assignment is called! source: " << str._data 
56              << " [" << (void*)(str._data) << ']' << endl; 
57         if (this != &str) 
58         { 
59             if (_data) delete _data; 
60             _len = str._len; 
61             _data = str._data;    // MOVE!
62             str._len = 0; 
63             str._data = NULL;     // 这句很重要!!!
64                                 // 另外需要避免 delete (in dtor),不然会把临时对象杀掉 
65         } 
66         return *this; 
67     }
69     // dtor
70     virtual ~MyString() 
71     { 
72         cout << "Destructor is called! " << "source: "; 
73         if (_data)
74             cout << _data; 
75         cout << " [" << (void*)(_data) << ']' << endl;
77         if (_data) 
78         {
79             delete _data;     
80         }
81     }       
82 };


posted on 2018-11-30 22:53  flysong  阅读(853)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
