string strSql = "select * from table where 1=1 ";
            string sql_count = "select count(1) from table where 1=1 ";
            string sql_where = "";
            string sql_order = " order by col desc ";
            if (paras.Length > 0)
                if (paras[0] != null && paras[0] != "")
                    sql_where = " and col2 like '" + paras[0] + "%'";
                if (paras[1] != null && paras[1] != "")
                    sql_where += " and col3 > to_date('" + paras[1] + "','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') ";

            strSql = strSql + sql_where + sql_order;
            sql_count = sql_count + sql_where;
            int from = 0, to = 0;
            from = 1 + pageSize * (currentPage - 1);
            to = pageSize * currentPage;

            string sqlSelect = string.Format("SELECT * FROM (SELECT ROWNUM RN, A.* from ({0}) A WHERE ROWNUM <= {1}) A WHERE RN >= {2}",
                strSql, to, from);

posted on 2009-12-17 10:49  小傻瓜  阅读(262)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报