鼎盛:Climax/high point - in the 5th century B.C., marked by the successful repulse of the Persian invasion, the establishment of democracy, and the flourishing of various fields in Athens.(公元前5世纪,以成功抵御波斯入侵、建立民主制度、雅典各领域繁荣为标志)
衰落:Decline - in 5th century B.C., closing with the civil war between Athens and Sparta.(公元前5世纪,以雅典和斯巴达内战结束)
盛行:Prevailing - in the second half of the 4th century B.C., with all Greek under the rule of Alexander, king of Macedon, and Greek culture spreading.(公元前4世纪后半叶,希腊受马其顿国王亚历山大统治,文化传播)
融合:Melting - in 146 B.C., when Greek culture and Roman culture began to merge, with centers of Greek learning like Alexandria around the Mediterranean.(公元前146年,希腊文化与罗马文化开始融合,地中海周围有亚历山大等希腊学术中心)
民主含义:“exercise of power by the whole people” (权力由全体人民行使), but only referring to adult male citizens, excluding women, children, foreigners, and slaves.(但仅指成年男性公民,妇女、儿童、外国人及奴隶被排除在外)
奥林匹克运动会:Originated in the ancient Greek in the year of 775 - 776 B.C. and revived in 1896 in modern times.(起源于公元前775 - 776年的古希腊,1896年在现代复兴)
荷马史诗:The Iliad deals with the alliance of the states of the southern mainland of Greece. The Odyssey describes Odysseus' return home after the Trojan War and his adventures and reunion with his wife.(《伊利亚特》讲述希腊南部大陆联盟的故事。《奥德赛》描述奥德修斯战后回家的冒险及与妻子团聚)
Lyric poetry is different from epics.(抒情诗与史诗不同)
Greek drama developed in the 5th century B.C. in open-air theatres with actors wearing masks.(希腊戏剧于公元前5世纪在露天剧院发展,演员戴面具)
Famous playwrights include Aeschylus (Prometheus Bound), Sophocles (Oedipus the king), Euripides (realistic, writing about women and problem plays), and Aristophanes (the best representative of Greek comedy, writing about nature with coarse language).(著名剧作家有埃斯库洛斯(《被缚的普罗米修斯》)、索夫克里斯(《俄狄浦斯王》)、欧里庇得斯(现实主义,写女性、社会问题剧)、阿里斯托芬(希腊喜剧代表,写自然,语言粗糙))
希罗多德:Often called “father of history”. Wrote about the wars between Greeks and Persians, with his history full of anecdotes, digressions, and lively dialogue.(常被称为“历史之父”。写希波战争,作品充满轶事、琐事和生动对话)
修昔底德:More accurate than Herodotus, tracing events to their causes and bringing out their effects, regarded as “the greatest that ever lived” by the English historian Macaulay.(比希罗多德更准确,追根溯源,被英国历史学家麦考利认为是“有史以来最伟大的”)
起源与发展:Originated with three founders (Pythagoras, Heracleitus, Democritus) and developed by three thinkers (Socrates, Plato, Aristotle), leading to five contending schools.(由毕达哥拉斯、赫拉克利特、德谟克利特三位创始人开启,经苏格拉底、柏拉图、亚里士多德三位思想家发展,形成五大哲学流派)
Pythagoras: All things were numbers. He founded scientific mathematics and proposed the theory of point, line, and surface.(毕达哥拉斯:万物皆数。他创立了科学数学,提出点线面理论)
Heracleitus: Fire is the primary element of the universe, holding the theory of the mingling of the opposites.(赫拉克利特:火是万物之源,提出矛盾对立统一原则)
Democritus: Speculated about the atomic structure of the matter, an early philosophical materialist.(德谟克利特:提出原子学说,是朴素唯物主义者)
Socrates: We know him through Plato's Dialogues. His method of argument by questions and answers is the dialectical method. He was put on trial in 399 B.C. and the trial was recorded in Plato's “The Apology of Socrates”.(苏格拉底:我们通过柏拉图的《对话录》了解他。他通过问答进行论证的方法是辩证法。公元前399年受审,审判记录在柏拉图的《苏格拉底之致歉篇》中)
Plato: Founded the Academy, the first school in the world. His works include Dialogues, Republic, The Apology, and Symposium. His philosophy is Idealism, which has deeply influenced religious thought and Christianity.(柏拉图:创办世界第一所学校学园。作品有《对话录》《共和论》《致歉篇》《美学概论》。他的哲学是唯心主义,对宗教思想和基督教有深远影响)
Aristotle: Became the tutor of Alexander the Macedonia king. Founded the Lyceum, the second school in the world. His works include Ethics, Politics, Poetics, and Rhetoric. He emphasized direct observation of nature and his deductive method influenced European thought for 1000 years.(亚里士多德:是亚历山大大帝的导师。创办世界第二所学校吕克昂。作品有《伦理学》《政治学》《诗学》《修辞学》。他强调对自然的直接观察,其演绎方法论影响欧洲思想千年)
Sophists: Led by Protagoras, with the work On the Gods and the idea “man is the measure of all things”.(诡辩派:普罗塔哥拉领导,作品《神论》,观点“人是万物的尺度”)
The Cynics: Led by Diogenes, rejecting all conventions, advocating self-sufficiency and simplicity, proclaiming brotherhood with all beings, and having no patience with the rich and powerful.(犬儒学派:第欧根尼领导,抛弃世俗,倡导自给自足、简朴生活,主张众生平等,无心名利)
The Sceptics: Led by Pyrrhon, believing not all knowledge was attainable.(质疑学派:皮浪领导,认为并非所有知识都可获得)
The Epicureans: Led by Epicurus, believing pleasure to be the highest good in life, which means freedom from pain and emotional upheaval, and attainable through virtue. Epicurus was a materialist following Democritus, believing the world consisted of atoms.(享乐派:伊壁鸠鲁领导,认为快乐是人生最高善,指摆脱痛苦和情绪波动,可通过美德实践获得。伊壁鸠鲁是唯物主义者,追随德谟克利特,相信世界由原子构成)
The Stoics: Led by Zeno, believing the most important thing in life was “duty”, one should endure hardship, and that the course of nature is determined by natural laws. Zeno was also a materialist.(斯多葛派:芝诺领导,认为人生最重要的是“责任”,应忍受艰难困苦,自然进程由自然法则决定。芝诺也是唯物主义者)
发展步调:A. theory; B. application; C. experimentation(理论、应用、实验)
Euclid: Well-known for his Elements, a textbook of geometry, which was in use in English schools until the early years of the 20th century.(欧几里得:以《几何原本》闻名,该书在20世纪初仍用于英国学校)
Archimedes: Made important contributions in geometry, arithmetic, mechanics, and hydrostatics. Invented machines to help his city against the Romans and said, “Give me a place to stand, and I will move the world.”(阿基米德:在几何学、算术、机械学、水力学有重要贡献。发明机器帮助城市对抗罗马,名言“给我一个支点,我将撬动地球”)
The Doric style, also called the masculine style, is sturdy, powerful, severe-looking, showing good proportions and numbers, but monotonous and unadorned.(多立克风格,又称男性风格,宏伟、庄严肃穆,体现点线面比例和数字感,但单调无装饰)
The Ionic style, also called the feminine style, is graceful, elegant, and shows a wealth of ornament.(爱奥尼亚风格,又称女性风格,优雅、极具装饰性)
The Corinthian style is known for its ornamental luxury.(科林斯风格以装饰奢华著称)
代表建筑:The Acropolis at Athens (437 - 432 B.C.) and the Parthenon (447 - 432 B.C.), with the Parthenon being an outstanding example of the Doric style.(雅典卫城(公元前437 - 432年)、帕台农神庙(公元前447 - 432年),帕台农神庙是多立克式建筑杰出代表)
创新精神:“They invented mathematics and science and philosophy; they first wrote history as opposed to mere annals; they speculated freely about the nature of the world and the ends of life, without being bound in the fetters of any inherited orthodoxy.” (他们发明了数学、科学和哲学;他们首次撰写历史而非仅仅编年史;他们自由地思考世界的本质和生命的意义,不受任何传统正统观念的束缚。) - Bertand Russell: History of Western Philosophy(伯特兰·罗素:《西方哲学史》)
至高成就:The Greeks achieved supreme achievements in nearly all fields of human endeavor: philosophy, science, epic poetry, tragedy, comedy, lyric poetry, historical writing, architecture, sculpture, etc.(希腊人在人类几乎所有努力的领域都取得了至高无上的成就:哲学、科学、史诗、悲剧、喜剧、抒情诗、历史写作、建筑、雕塑等)
Countless writers have quoted, adapted, borrowed from, and otherwise used Homer's epics, Sappho's lyrics, the tragedies of Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides, Aristophanes' comedies, Plato's Dialogues, etc.(无数作家引用、改编、借鉴了荷马史诗、萨福抒情诗、埃斯库洛斯、索夫克里斯和欧里庇得斯的悲剧、阿里斯托芬的喜剧、柏拉图的对话录等)
In the early part of the 19th century, in England alone, three young Romantic poets expressed their admiration of Greek culture in works which have themselves become classics: Byron's Isles of Greece; Shelley's Hellas and Prometheus Unbound; Keats' Ode on a Grecian Urn.(19世纪早期,仅在英国,三位年轻的浪漫主义诗人在作品中表达了对希腊文化的钦佩,这些作品本身已成为经典:拜伦的《哀希腊》;雪莱的《希腊》和《解放了的普罗米修斯》;济慈的《希腊古瓮颂》)
In the 20th century, there are Homeric parallels in the Irishman James Joyce's modernist masterpiece Ulysses.(20世纪,爱尔兰人詹姆斯·乔伊斯的现代主义杰作《尤利西斯》与荷马史诗有相似之处)