Google Chrome

Google Chrome是由Google开发的免费网页浏览器。Chrome是化学元素“铬”的英文名称,过去也用Chrome称呼浏览器的外框。 Chrome相应的开放源代码计划名为Chromium,而Google Chrome本身是非自由软件,未开放全部源代码。






### 文件 1

1. **Life in fact was much rougher, harder, more superficially insecure, when I was young, but there seemed to be more honesty about, less constant cheating and pilfering and certainly far less vicious criminality.**
- **翻译**:事实上,当我年轻的时候,生活要粗糙得多,艰难得多,表面上也更不安全,但似乎有更多的诚实,更少的持续欺骗和偷窃,当然还有更少的恶毒犯罪。
- **生词**:
- **rougher** [ˈrʌfər]:粗糙的。
- **superficially** [ˌsuːpərˈfɪʃəli]:表面上。
- **insecure** [ˌɪnsɪˈkjʊər]:不安全的。
- **honesty** [ˈɒnɪsti]:诚实。
- **cheating** [ˈtʃiːtɪŋ]:欺骗。
- **pilfering** [ˈpɪlfərɪŋ]:偷窃。
- **vicious** [ˈvɪʃəs]:恶毒的。
- **criminality** [ˌkrɪmɪˈnælɪti]:犯罪。

2. **Other elements apart from boredom of course have been at work here.**
- **翻译**:当然,除了无聊之外,还有其他因素在起作用。
- **生词**:
- **elements** [ˈɛləmənts]:因素。

3. **There is Iago's“Put money in thy purse”; there is the false notion that the world owes you something while you owe it nothing; the other idea that so long as you are not found out, then all will be well-no final damnation threatening you any longer, and no understanding yet that there can be plenty of Hells on a do-it-yourself basis.**
- **翻译**:有伊阿古的“把钱放进你的钱包”;有一种错误的观念,即世界欠你一些东西,而你却不欠它任何东西;另一种想法是,只要你没被发现,一切都会好起来——不再有最后的诅咒威胁你,还没有意识到,基于自助原则,可以有很多地狱。
- **生词**:
- **Iago** [ˈaɪəɡoʊ]:伊阿古(莎士比亚剧作《奥赛罗》中的角色)。
- **notion** [ˈnoʊʃən]:观念,想法。
- **owes** [oʊz]:欠。
- **damnation** [dæmˈneɪʃn]:诅咒。

4. **Behind it all, whether people are sunk into almost mindless apathy or scream out of their frustration for violence, there is a feeling that everything is different now, that life has been“found out” to be without meaning, without purpose, equally negative for all mankind or for your own nation.**
- **翻译**:在这一切背后,无论人们是陷入几乎无意识的冷漠,还是因挫败而尖叫着要求暴力,都有一种感觉,即现在一切都不同了,生活被“发现”是没有意义的,没有目的的,对全人类或你自己的国家都是同样消极的。
- **生词**:
- **apathy** [ˈæpəθi]:冷漠。
- **frustration** [frʌˈstreɪʃn]:挫败。
- **violence** [ˈvaɪələns]:暴力。

5. **Naturally I am not saying all the English are down on this level.**
- **翻译**:当然,我并不是说所有的英国人都处于这个水平。
- **生词**:
- **Naturally** [ˈnætʃrəli]:自然地。

6. **We still have some Englishness left, keeping our minds open to the past and retaining some faith in our future, rejecting the logic-chopping rational for the widely if hazily reasonable, refusing to be cut off from instinct and intuition.**
- **翻译**:我们仍然保留着一些英国性,保持对过去的开放思维,对未来保持一些信仰,拒绝逻辑上的理性,而选择广泛地(即使模糊地)合理的,拒绝与本能和直觉断绝联系。
- **生词**:
- **Englishness** [ˈɪŋɡlɪʃnəs]:英国性。
- **retaining** [rɪˈteɪnɪŋ]:保留。
- **rejecting** [rɪˈdʒɛktɪŋ]:拒绝。
- **logic-chopping**:逻辑上的。
- **rational** [ˈræʃənl]:理性的。
- **hazily** [ˈheɪzɪli]:模糊地。
- **reasonable** [ˈriːzənəbl]:合理的。
- **instinct** [ˈɪnstɪŋkt]:本能。
- **intuition** [ˌɪntjuˈɪʃn]:直觉。






### 文件 1

1. **Yes, Englishness is still with us.**
- **翻译**:是的,英国性仍然与我们同在。
- **生词**:
- **Englishness** [ˈɪŋɡlɪʃnəs]:英国性。

2. **But it needs reinforcement, extra nourishment, especially now when our public life seems ready to starve it.**
- **翻译**:但它需要加强,额外的滋养,特别是现在,当我们的公共生活似乎准备剥夺它的时候。
- **生词**:
- **reinforcement** [ˌriːɪnˈfɔːrsmənt]:加强。
- **nourishment** [ˈnʌrɪʃmənt]:滋养。
- **starve** [stɑːrv]:剥夺。

3. **There are English people of all ages, though far more under thirty than over sixty, who seem to regard politics as a game but not one of their games-polo, let us say.**
- **翻译**:各个年龄段都有英国人,尽管30岁以下的人远多于60岁以上的人,他们似乎把政治看作是一场游戏,但不是他们的游戏——比如说马球。
- **生词**:
- **regard** [rɪˈɡɑːrd]:看待。
- **politics** [ˈpɒlɪtɪks]:政治。

4. **To them the House of Commons is a remote squabbling shop.**
- **翻译**:对他们来说,下议院是一个遥远的争吵场所。
- **生词**:
- **remote** [rɪˈmoʊt]:遥远的。
- **squabbling** [ˈskwɒblɪŋ]:争吵。

5. **Recognized political parties are repertory companies staging ghostly campaigns, and all that is real between them is the arrangement by which one set of chaps take their turn at ministerial jobs while the other set pretend to be astounded and shocked and bring in talk of ruin.**
- **翻译**:公认的政党是上演幽灵般竞选的剧目公司,他们之间唯一真实的事情就是安排一组人轮流担任部长职务,而另一组人假装惊讶和震惊,并谈论毁灭。
- **生词**:
- **repertory** [ˈrɛpərtəri]:剧目。
- **campaigns** [kæmˈpeɪnz]:竞选。
- **arrangement** [əˈreɪndʒmənt]:安排。
- **ministerial** [ˌmɪnɪˈstɪəriəl]:部长的。
- **astounded** [əˈstaʊndɪd]:惊讶的。
- **shocked** [ʃɒkt]:震惊的。
- **ruin** [ruːɪn]:毁灭。

6. **The whole thing, in the eyes of these people, is an expensive and tedious farce.**
- **翻译**:在这些人看来,整件事情是一场昂贵而乏味的闹剧。
- **生词**:
- **tedious** [ˈtiːdiəs]:乏味的。
- **farce** [fɑːrs]:闹剧。

7. **In my view they are mistaken, indeed quite dangerously wrong, and I can only hope that no young demagogue of genius and his friends are listening to them.**
- **翻译**:在我看来,他们错了,确实非常危险地错了,我只能希望没有年轻的天才煽动者和他的朋友们在听他们的话。
- **生词**:
- **mistaken** [mɪˈsteɪkən]:错误的。
- **dangerously** [ˈdeɪndʒərəsli]:危险地。
- **demagogue** [ˈdɛməɡɒɡ]:煽动者。

8. **Otherwise they could soon learn, in the worst way, that heavy hands can fall on the shoulders that have been shrugging away politics.**
- **翻译**:否则他们很快就会以最糟糕的方式学到,沉重的手可以落在那些一直在回避政治的肩膀上。
- **生词**:
- **shrugging** [ˈʃrʌɡɪŋ]:耸肩。

9. **You can ignore politics, taking what has been gained for granted, only to discover your cousins have vanished and you are being knocked up at three in the morning.**
- **翻译**:你可以忽视政治,认为已经获得的东西是理所当然的,只能发现你的表亲们已经消失了,而你在凌晨三点被敲门。
- **生词**:
- **vanished** [ˈvænɪʃt]:消失。

10. **Dictatorships have thrived on majorities that are apathetic and then frightened, and on minorities that are fanatically divided, brutally quarrelsome and stupid.**
- **翻译**:独裁政权在大多数冷漠然后害怕的人以及少数狂热分裂、残酷争吵和愚蠢的人身上蓬勃发展。
- **生词**:
- **Dictatorships** [ˈdɪktətərʃɪps]:独裁政权。
- **apathetic** [əˈpæθətɪk]:冷漠的。
- **frightened** [ˈfraɪtnd]:害怕的。
- **fanatically** [fəˈnætɪkli]:狂热地。
- **divided** [dɪˈvaɪdɪd]:分裂的。
- **brutally** [ˈbruːtli]:残酷地。
- **quarrelsome** [ˈkwɒrəlsəm]:争吵的。








### 文件 1

1. **At this time of writing, both the cynical or frivolous majority, which imagines itself to be outside politics, and the stubbornly divided minority, only agreeing in being myopic and entirely self-interested, exist in England.**
- **翻译**:在撰写本文的时候,既包括自认为置身政治之外的愤世嫉俗或轻率的多数派,也包括固执己见的少数派,他们只在目光短浅和完全自私自利上达成一致,这些现象都存在于英格兰。
- **生词**:
- **cynical** [ˈsɪnɪkəl]:愤世嫉俗的。
- **frivolous** [ˈfrɪvələs]:轻率的。
- **myopic** [maɪˈɒpɪk]:目光短浅的。

2. **But I believe there must also still exist, if only on a hidden level, what remains of a characteristically English sense of community, decent fellow feeling, fairness.**
- **翻译**:但我相信,即使只是在一个隐藏的层面上,仍然必须存在着典型的英国社区意识、体面的同伴情谊和公平感。
- **生词**:
- **characteristically** [ˌkærəktəˈrɪstɪkli]:典型地。

3. **(“It isn’t fair”, children still cry.)**
- **翻译**:(“这不公平”,孩子们仍在哭泣。)

4. **In spite of the Admass atmosphere, inflation, the all-round grab, all this must yet exist even now, for there are deep roots here.**
- **翻译**:尽管有大众媒体的气氛、通货膨胀、全面的争夺,这一切现在肯定仍然存在,因为这里有深厚的根基。
- **生词**:
- **inflation** [ɪnˈfleɪʃn]:通货膨胀。

5. **But those roots must be needing nourishment.**
- **翻译**:但这些根基必须需要养分。

### 文件 2

1. **Englishness cannot be fed with the east wind of a narrow rationality, the latest figures of profit and loss, a constant appeal to self-interest.**
- **翻译**:英国性不能靠狭隘理性的东风、最新的盈亏数字、不断的自我利益诉求来滋养。
- **生词**:
- **rationality** [ˌræʃəˈnælɪti]:理性。

2. **Politicians are always making such appeals, whereas statesmen, when they can be found, prefer to take themselves and their hearers out of the stock exchanges, shareholders' meetings, counting-houses.**
- **翻译**:政客们总是在进行这样的诉求,而在能找到政治家的时候,他们更愿意让自己和听众走出股票交易所、股东会议、会计室。
- **生词**:
- **whereas** [ˌwerˈæz]:而。

3. **They offer men the chance of behaving better and not as usual.**
- **翻译**:他们为人们提供了表现得更好而不是像往常一样的机会。

4. **They create an atmosphere in which the familiar greed and envy and resentment begin to seem small and contemptible.**
- **翻译**:他们创造了一种氛围,在这种氛围中,熟悉的贪婪、嫉妒和怨恨开始显得渺小和可鄙。
- **生词**:
- **contemptible** [kənˈtɛmp tə bəl]:可鄙的。

5. **They restore to people their idea of themselves as a family.**
- **翻译**:他们让人们恢复了把自己看作一个家庭的观念。

6. **It has been done in England over and over again.**
- **翻译**:在英格兰,这种事情一再发生。

7. **But not lately.**
- **翻译**:但最近没有。

8. **There has been little or no appeal from deep feeling to deep feeling, from imagination to imagination.**
- **翻译**:几乎没有从深层感情到深层感情,从想象到想象的诉求。

9. **Recent years have “robbed us of immortal things”.**
- **翻译**:近年来“剥夺了我们的不朽之物”。

10. **But we do not have to go on like that, to enter a Common Market of national character.**
- **翻译**:但我们不必那样继续下去,进入一个民族性格的共同市场。

11. **It is now many years since I first declared in public my belief that the English, despite so many appearances to the contrary, are at heart and at root an imaginative people immediately responsive to any suggestion of drama in their lives.**
- **翻译**:多年前,我首次公开宣布我的信仰,即英国人,尽管有许多相反的表象,但内心和根本上是一个富有想象力的民族,对他们生活中任何戏剧性的暗示都会立即做出反应。
- **生词**:
- **imaginative** [ɪˈmædʒɪnətɪv]:富有想象力的。

12. **Deprived of it, they drift towards boredom, sulks and foolish short-sighted quarrels.**
- **翻译**:被剥夺了它,他们就会向无聊、生气和愚蠢的短视争吵漂移。
- **生词**:
- **sulks** [sʌŋks]:生气。

13. **And this is true, whether they are wearing bowler hats or ungovernable mops of hair.**
- **翻译**:无论他们是戴着圆顶礼帽还是无法控制的乱发,这都是真的。
- **生词**:
- **bowler hats** [ˈboʊlər hæts]:圆顶礼帽。

14. **To face the future properly they need both a direction and a great lift of the heart.**
- **翻译**:要正确面对未来,他们需要一个方向和心灵的极大提升。

15. **A rather poorer and harder way of life will not defeat them so long as it is not harder and poorer in spirit, so long as it still refuses to reject Englishness-for so many centuries the secret of the islanders oddity and irrationality, their many weaknesses, their creative strength.**
- **翻译**:一种稍微贫穷和艰难的生活方式不会打败他们,只要它在精神上不是更艰难和贫穷,只要它仍然拒绝拒绝英国性——几个世纪以来,这是岛民古怪和非理性、许多弱点、创造性力量的秘密。
- **生词**:
- **irrationality** [ɪˌræʃəˈnælɪti]:非理性。


posted @ 2024-09-25 22:50  freedragon  阅读(12)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报