
23 所谓的“美好生活”是否真实,特别是在工作压力和生产力要求的背景下

So, thank you. So what's this good life in sweating your guts out?

I just, because the managers are on the productivity command, our key platform, right? This is a rhetorical question. I, a rhetorical question might be used. I, for emphasis. I doesn't even answer.

So the author is actually saying that this is not good life in a strict sense, if you have to sweat your guts out. I. So where's this good life? I. So what he said, trying to put across is this is not good life in a strict sense if you have to sweat your cats out, right, then guts.

I miss the organs in our body. I, the organs, I intestines in our. To sweat or to walk one's guts out isn't expression on and informal expression to work very hard. I to set ones that's out on to move one's consult.

You have to work very hard just because the managers are on the productivity per man. Our keeper on to set out right swipe. I set up the managers are on the productivity per man hour I so productivity I per man are we this actually refers to the time and motion study we have campus in Paper 5 I for Taylorism by tiny motion studies pioneered by Frederick Taylor. We discussed it last time. So productivity and per man hours simply refers to the productivity of one man in one hour. I flat the activity a person are in one hour.

So it's actually used to measure the productivity deficiency of workers, right? It's another way of saying time and motion studies. I time emotions that is mentioned in No. 5 is actually pioneered by Frederick Taylor. The studies based on the observation of the activity of vouchers I and it will reduce any unnecessary questions of the workers to improve its efficiency. 1 from the enterprise point of view, tiny notion studies or productivity per man hour on how to improve the efficiency of the productivity of the workers, right?

But from the individual workers point of view, it deprives the workers of any fun of the world, pleasure, of all of the creativity of the work. And for example, the assembly line, I, the assembly line, which each, okay, is responsible for only part of the whole working process. So Luke has no idea what he's producing. He's simply a screen. I ordered long.

He has no idea what is producing. Right? So the workers will be driven into are golden are in the end. So that's why they also use K to describe. I keep it's just a deception, I suggest. Yeah, mischievous, right? Deceiving. It's all a racket anyhow.

I, it's all a racket. So a dishonest scheme. I, a dishonest business on or a market. So it's not good life in a strict sense. I saw where's good life?

Notice the question is, it's actually a rhetorical question, which is not meant to be answered. The rhetorical question is used to remind us of the nature of the so called good life.

That's it's not a good life in the street sense. It's not a good life at all. You if you have to work in extremely high, if you have to be involved in the one, that's all a racket. I, if we don't work like the old man used to do, we're not turning out the honest stuff the old man was expected to turn out, right?

So this physics, length, how calm, it's all a racket. Eyes or dishonest eyes or dishonest business. I, if we don't look like the old man, the old man is a clokey expression to call one's father I.

So if we don't work like father used to work, how did the old manual, how did the older generation look? Yeah, they move, Derek, they worked hard. I, they worked honestly. I, they worked very honestly. I, but if we don't work honestly, as our father used to do, we are not, it's impossible for us to produce.

To turn out is to produce to the honest stuff. The old man was expected to turn out. Kids are good, right? So if we don't work honestly, and our father used to do, how can we produce on anything honestly? My father was supposed to reduce this all. Unlucky.

It's a profit now, not the product. I. So the modern enterprises are the admin thing. Enterprises aim at nothing but money. I the aim at nothing but the profit. I instead of the product I notice profit and product I, they used in the same standard because they have the same beginning sound and profit and product, right? So this is actually an example of alliteration, my alliteration.

It's a profit that the MSN enterprises on aimed at rather than the pro. They don't attach any importance to the product. Oh, they care about is a perfect half the time we cheat the format, cheats the management, cheats the customs. This is. Why do you pricey describe the whole business as a racket, a keeper, a racket line? Half the time we refers to the workers cheats the foreman.

Then who are the, for a former is a person really and experienced I worker. I experience worker. This job is to supervise other woman. I. So half the time when we cheat the format, the workers cheat the format so that they could get the same pay for let's walk I and the foreman achieve the management.

I and management in turn, she's the customers. Because the dishonest stuff is produced to be sold to the customers. I and the management aims at the profit, but the products must be sold to make a profit and to earn money. I, so the management cheats the customers, but we have Learned in the previous section, everyone in the adolescent society is a producer and consumer at the time, at the same time. I. So in other words, everyone is producing Sunday too to cheat their customers.

And as customers, they are cheated by other producers, by the products produced by others at the same time. So it's all a racket. Okay, we want shorter hours, more holidays, bigger pay case.

The trade, this is what the trade union is supposed to do. The trade union represent showcase to negotiate with the management. Right. And for better working conditions, better pay and better working conditions. I so we want short hours of workers. I want shorter working hour first more holidays. I bigger pay packets.

I this is the pay packet I so wages enclosed in an envelope. I. So bigger I pay packets is another way of saying higher pay I hire I salary I.

That the good life so that we can afford the good life created by Ms so that we could afford on the the good life offered Ms I the good life of the adverse of the advertisements, right? Or are we kidding ourselves? Right. This again is a rhetorical question that is not meant to be answered. I. So are we kidding ourselves?

What POC is trying to say is that we must be joking. We must be joking. We must be kidding. I, we must be joking. I, oh, it's impossible. And it's impossible.

So the so called good life offered by Ms or promise by Ms is not a good life. You have to work extremely hard. You have to sacrifice your pleasure and you're creating a creativity to earn enough money to afford. That's okay. Say, can anyone.



出汗 sweat one's guts out /swet wʌnz ɡʌts aʊt/ [swet wʌnz ɡʌts aʊt]
生产力 productivity /ˌprɒdʌkˈtɪvɪti/ [ˌprɒdʌkˈtɪvɪti]
指挥官 command /kəˈmɑːnd/ [kəˈmɑːnd]
修辞问题 rhetorical question /rɪˈtorɪkl ˈkwestʃən/ [rɪˈtorɪkl ˈkwestʃən]
强调 emphasis /ˈɛmfəsɪs/ [ˈɛmfəsɪs]
工作效率 productivity per man hour /ˌprɒdʌkˈtɪvɪti pər mæn ˈaʊər/ [ˌprɒdʌkˈtɪvɪti pər mæn ˈaʊər]
流水线 assembly line /əˈsɛmbli laɪn/ [əˈsɛmbli laɪn]
欺骗 deceive /dɪˈsiːv/ [dɪˈsiːv]
不诚实的计划 dishonest scheme /ʌnˈɒnɪst skɪːm/ [ʌnˈɒnɪst skɪːm]
利润 profit /ˈprɒfɪt/ [ˈprɒfɪt]
产品 product /ˈprɒdʌkt/ [ˈprɒdʌkt]
头韵 alliteration /əˌlɪtərəˈeɪʃən/ [əˌlɪtərəˈeɪʃən]
工头 foreman /ˈfɔːrmən/ [ˈfɔːrmən]
工资 pay packet /peɪ ˈpækɪt/ [peɪ ˈpækɪt]
高薪 big pay packet /bɪɡ peɪ ˈpækɪt/ [bɪɡ peɪ ˈpækɪt]
欺骗 cheat /tʃiːt/ [tʃiːt]
格式 format /ˈfɔːrmæt/ [ˈfɔːrmæt]
管理 management /ˈmænɪdʒmənt/ [ˈmænɪdʒmənt]
顾客 customers /ˈkʌstəməz/ [ˈkʌstəməz]
贸易联盟 trade union /treɪd ˈjuːniən/ [treɪd ˈjuːniən]
更好的薪酬 better pay /ˈbɛtər peɪ/ [ˈbɛtər peɪ]
更好的工作条件 better working conditions /ˈbɛtər ˈwɜːkɪŋ kənˈdɪʃənz/ [ˈbɛtər ˈwɜːkɪŋ kənˈdɪʃənz]


  • "sweat one's guts out" 是一个非正式表达,意思是非常努力地工作,付出极大的努力。
  • "productivity" 指的是生产力,通常用来衡量生产效率。
  • "rhetorical question" 是修辞问题,一种不需要回答,只用来强调说话者观点的问题。
  • "productivity per man hour" 指的是每人每小时的生产力,是衡量工作效率的一种方式。
  • "assembly line" 指的是流水线,一种工业生产方式,每个工人只负责整个生产过程中的一部分。
  • "deceive" 表示欺骗。
  • "dishonest scheme" 指的是不诚实的计划或方案。
  • "profit" 和 "product" 都以相同的字母和音节开头,形成了头韵(alliteration)。
  • "foreman" 指的是工头,负责监督其他工人。
  • "pay packet" 指的是工资,通常指装在信封里的工资。
  • "cheat the format" 可能指的是在工作中以不诚实的方式达到某种标准或要求。
  • "management" 指的是管理层。
  • "customers" 指的是顾客。
  • "trade union" 指的是工会,代表工人与管理层进行谈判的组织。
  • "better pay" 和 "better working conditions" 指的是更高的薪酬和更好的工作条件。


24 工业中的欺骗行为、工业行动、以及英国文化(Englishness)与物质主义(Materialism,简称Ms)之间的冲突。

Something like this. It's been set in every branch of each industry. Something like this, something like what? Like vote instead he something melody, something like what? Check. Yes, we're keeping ourselves. Yes, I it refers to our walking. I just considered in the previous profile.

I the deception are the racket I have in at messing at enterprises. I am not pretend that something like this is being studying every branch of English industry. I, so the deception, I, the fact that the workers treat the format and management should the customer smart and certainly not weird. There's a genuine for the old fashioned pride in I. So the deception I is not found in enterprises of the industry are where there's a genuine, real pride in the work they're doing. I if rather old fashioned. I. So. And what do you think this is referring to?

India Englishness still caves in the traditional Asian enterprises are the tradition, those enterprises not affected by admin values and lifestyles, right? The, for example, those small brand reasonable enterprises, I those small I reasonable and crisis on the traditional ancient crisis where workers take pride, take a genuine pride are in the work on hand.

I means present available. So in one's position on one side, I, she wants to finish my. But something like it, it's being said, something like it's being said, thought or felt in the very places where there is the most money, the most boredom, the most trouble and the in and industry action and indeed the most famous I something like it refers to the deception I mentioned in previous paragraph is being said, thought or felt.

I, in the very places in the industry or in the enterprises where there's some money, I, the most profitable are the most profit. The in the enterprises are make the most money.

I make the huge profit. The most important. I the most upon modern. And we're the workers most bold. And the most trouble. And industrial action are the most trouble and the most in one word, in the most ATMOs are in the, and high season in the most MSC enterprises in the enterprises that are most affected by admitting values and lifestyles, I.

And of course these enterprises may huge profit I as we have Learned in pair of 7, they aim at profit rather than the. But at the same time, workers in this enterprises are not fault I. Workers in this enterprises are most for GB Priority has also touch on the point in paragraph five. He has given us some examples on some exam examples found in the United States, the country that supports animals the most, I, the wolf man, suffering from monotony as the most bored kind of animals.

Trouble I. And industrial action is an. What is industrial? What is it? Yeah, sure. Sorry. What is the industry? Yeah, strike industrial action. That is actually an euphemism, an example of euphemism. I is actually refers to strike. I strike that workers. I protest against idea, the management. I do. You protest against the working conditions? I. So in the. And indeed are the most famous. I. And behind constant bickering are the sudden workouts and strikes. So these are the specification of the industrial action. Mentioning previous sentence, right? The constant bickering, the sudden walkouts, and the strikes I forecast and strikes, the blood bloody hardens, he wrote. So many. Yes, I bickering. Bickrain is quarrel, especially a quarrel over unimportant matters. On a quarrel about 20 issues, some very unequal us. To the constant be that might reflect the confrontations between the bookcase and the management.

I so the work is protest for their for better pay and better working conditions. I so the constant bickering, the sudden workouts workout I is a stern apple, a protest. I protest. Oh, strike on strike by workers workout. It's just an, it's a very vivid expression. I, the work is on absent from idea. Oh walk, says Jason, an expression of protest against the management right to book house and strikes, their synonyms on the bloody mind makes I would be wielded so many. Which to do this so many reporters.

So we lies behind all this behind we lies behind are the strikes. Consider tense is what is a con fates. The conflict between elements and the English is the conflict between Ms and E, the useless and Ms, which offers so much, I offering so much, modifies Ms. Ms offering so much. What does Ms offer? What is animals, office saints are material things to enrich our life. I material says need it needed for the good life. I said GB Christy talks about it in paragraph 4, right? Offering Ms of the things I so the company between elements and initiatives, right? And then what is English is like that instinctively requires from the advising values and life side, right? Englishness, I instantly requires from to require from something is to drawback, especially because of fear. All discussed I so just by in the instant English is tries to stay away from advancing values and lifestyle.

I, and if you still remember what Judy Christy talks about pair of 4 are, you can easily understand why ancient requires from MSC values and lifestyle of this seasonal mind, right? So in fact, as a statement, Ashness, he's worried about I must negative influence on people's dismind. I so Ms might give rise to you as it's a mind, right? So that's why English makes instant wearing toys like Imagining Values and Lifestyle advancing life values and lifestyle life might give rise to you.

Slash. She's online right? As and the great I dissatisfaction I so I may I might see lifestyles and values I might investors. So again, our lines are behind the protests. I understand is conflict. Okay, let's take a final break.

欺骗 deception /dɪˈsepʃn/ [dɪˈsepʃn]
行业 industry /ˈɪndʌstri/ [ˈɪndʌstri]
真正的 genuine /ˈdʒenjuɪn/ [ˈdʒenjuɪn]
骄傲 pride /praɪd/ [praɪd]
老式的 old fashioned /ˌoʊld ˈfæʃnd/ [ˌoʊld ˈfæʃnd]
无聊 boredom /ˈbɔːrdəm/ [ˈbɔːrdəm]
麻烦 trouble /ˈtrʌbəl/ [ˈtrʌbəl]
工业行动 industrial action /ɪnˈdʌstriəl ˈækʃn/ [ɪnˈdʌstriəl ˈækʃn]
罢工 strike /straɪk/ [straɪk]
争吵 bickering /ˈbɪkərɪŋ/ [ˈbɪkərɪŋ]
突然的 sudden /ˈsʌdn/ [ˈsʌdn]
散步 walkout /ˈwɔːkaʊt/ [ˈwɔːkaʊt]
物质主义 materialism /məˈtɪəriəlɪzəm/ [məˈtɪəriəlɪzəm]
物质的 material /məˈtɪəriəl/ [məˈtɪəriəl]
英国文化 Englishness /ˈɪŋɡlɪʃnəs/ [ˈɪŋɡlɪʃnəs]
价值观 values /ˈvæljuːz/ [ˈvæljuːz]
生活方式 lifestyle /ˈlaɪfstaɪl/ [ˈlaɪfstaɪl]
冲突 conflict /ˈkɒnflɪkt/ [ˈkɒnflɪkt]
不满足 dissatisfaction /ˌdɪsˌsætɪsˈfækʃən/ [ˌdɪsˌsætɪsˈfækʃən]


  • "deception" 指的是欺骗行为。
  • "industry" 指的是行业。
  • "genuine" 表示真正的、真诚的。
  • "pride" 指的是骄傲或自豪。
  • "old fashioned" 指的是老式的、过时的。
  • "boredom" 指的是无聊。
  • "trouble" 指的是麻烦或问题。
  • "industrial action" 是工业行动,通常指工人为了改善工作条件或争取权益而采取的集体行动,如罢工。
  • "strike" 指的是罢工。
  • "bickering" 指的是争吵,通常是关于不重要的小事。
  • "sudden walkout" 指的是突然的罢工或离职。
  • "materialism" 指的是物质主义。
  • "material" 指的是物质的,与非精神的相对。
  • "Englishness" 指的是英国文化。
  • "values" 指的是价值观。
  • "lifestyle" 指的是生活方式。
  • "conflict" 指的是冲突。
  • "dissatisfaction" 指的是不满足。


25      管理层与工人之间的冲突,以及管理层内部对这种冲突的认识

I think so. People on the management side, the managers are the bosses. I. In contrast to the workers, I, there are, of course, people on the management side, on side I, on someone side who may be aware of this conflict in themselves who may be aware of this conflict won't conflict.

Yeah, this is the company mentioned discussed in the previous section are the conflict between elements and Asians. I they are who may aware of this conflict in themselves, but it is probably nothing like so shy. But it's not so shy. The Ms Sport spoils being greater for them and their instinctive feeling not being so strong. I, and so they don't feel the conflict. So Shopee is a Indian mind. I and the Ms boys being greater for them, right? And so the furry part of the sentence explains why it is not so sharp. Why? Because in Ms spoils, yeah, the Ms wise. Cool. So a property I know more. Yeah, April. So I present, I agree to present I and yet instead of feeding not being so strong incentive refers to their englishness and the incentive feeling that actually facing the Englishness I and spies, notice spies here are refers to the property or goods are seized from your enemy or convicting I especially after military service, military victory, after winning a. So I'm yeah, the goods are property. Are you correct? From your enemy? I explores right. But he is used to mean the benefits and benefits on so he the Ms spoils being great for them. I the benefits of the MSN lifestyle and the instinctive feeling not being so strong. And the instinctive actually refers to the English name. The English ness is not so strong so that they are they're more attracted by the benefits of the m Ms lifestyle.

And in the, in addition to this conflict, for the more worry because it is hardly ever openly discussed. There's something else that must disturb many officials, the members of them more powerful names on.

In addition to this conflict between Adams and Englishness are all the more worrying because then what makes this more worry? It's hardly ever openly discussed the conflict between Ms and Englishness is boring. But people, many people are aware of it as they also has a about in the previous section of the story. In fact, the English are already involved. Are they already in the middle of the battle between I math and English? Is many people are aware of the.

But in addition, apart from the conflict, something else is more worry 1 because it is hardly I will discussed. I, there's something else that must disturb many officials and members I observe more powerful treatments. And what is it? Something that is more, even more worried than the confident itself? What is it? We find out in the next section, right? Can anyone read section AC? Anyone is.



管理层 management /ˈmænɪdʒmənt/ [ˈmænɪdʒmənt]
老板 bosses /ˈbɒsɪz/ [ˈbɒsɪz]
对比 contrast /ˈkɒntrɑːst/ [ˈkɒntrɑːst]
冲突 conflict /ˈkɒnflɪkt/ [ˈkɒnflɪkt]
意识到 be aware of /bɪ əˈweər əv/ [bɪ əˈweər əv]
本能 instinct /ˈɪnstɪŋkt/ [ˈɪnstɪŋkt]
强烈的 strong /strɒŋ/ [strɒŋ]
吸引 attracted /əˈtræktɪd/ [əˈtræktɪd]
好处 benefits /ˈbɛnɪfɪts/ [ˈbɛnɪfɪts]
开诚布公地讨论 openly discussed /ˈoʊpənli dɪˈskʌst/ [ˈoʊpənli dɪˈskʌst]
官员 officials /əˈfɪʃəlz/ [əˈfɪʃəlz]
权力 powerful /ˈpaʊərfl/ [ˈpaʊərfl]
令人担忧的 worrying /ˈwʌrɪɪŋ/ [ˈwʌrɪɪŋ]
涉及 involved /ɪnˈvɒlvd/ [ɪnˈvɒlvd]
战斗 battle /ˈbætəl/ [ˈbætəl]


  • "management" 指的是管理层,通常指公司或组织的决策层。
  • "bosses" 指的是老板,这里指管理层中的高级人员。
  • "contrast" 表示对比,用来描述不同群体或情况之间的差异。
  • "conflict" 指的是冲突,这里指管理层和工人之间的利益冲突。
  • "be aware of" 表示意识到某事。
  • "instinct" 指的是本能,这里指管理层对英国文化(Englishness)的本能反应。
  • "strong" 表示强烈的,用来形容本能或感觉的强度。
  • "attracted" 表示被吸引,这里指管理层被物质主义(Ms)带来的好处所吸引。
  • "benefits" 指的是好处或利益。
  • "openly discussed" 表示开诚布公地讨论。
  • "officials" 指的是官员,这里可能指公司或政府的高级官员。
  • "powerful" 表示有权力的。
  • "worrying" 表示令人担忧的。
  • "involved" 表示涉及或参与。
  • "battle" 指的是战斗或斗争。


26           工会在代表工人与管理层谈判中的作用,同时也提到了工会在某些情况下可能会推动辛迪加主义,

Then conflict itself, there's something else. So what is the something else? What is something else that is even more worrying than the conflict, these huge organizations? This refers to the anonymous position of this huge organization. This huge organization refers to the trade units, the units, so they are not non normalized position of trade unions is something even more worrying than the conflict between Ms and interest I. So this is it refers to something old, more like, or in mentioning a previous sentence, I is an anomalous position.

I anomalous anonymous, I am irregular. Abnormal are incongress, inconsistent are inconsistent. The anomalous position is the trade units on. Now what exactly are they? What exactly are this huge organization, this tree evening one day they describe themselves as existing simply to negotiate rates or pay hours and conditions of work. So they also goes on to explain in detail how anonymous position the true these organizations hold.

I what exactly are they? Sometimes they present themselves as a negotiator, right? They describe themselves as existing simply to negotiate and raise pay, hours, conditions of work. So sometimes they present themselves as negotiators between workers and the management.

I, they negotiate with the management on behalf of the work is for better pay, shorter working hours and bad working conditions. I the, and of course, this is some the role they're supposed to play, right? The trading unions. Yeah, usually we would take for granted that the trade unions are supposed to represent workers, to negotiate with the management. I. But they seems to be rather inconsistent. I with a role they play another day. They talk and behave as if the country was moving towards syndicalism and they were in the hi. Sometimes they describe themselves as negotiators and they speak on behalf of the workers, negotiate on behalf of the workers with the manager, and they're fighting for higher pay and better working conditions. But sometimes, some other times, they talk and behave as if the country was moving towards syndicatism and they were in the acidic reason.

It's an economic system. I, English workers earn and manage. And in industry, I, the workers. I workers, instead of the management, are the workers. I, the industry on the internet prices and the workers run our business. In the end, I see decrease that. And you must have come courses in university.

I positive sign. It's just an economic system. I the workers are own and around industry. So the current system, I will be destroyed. I and the workers will become the owners, I, of the industry. The workers will run and manage. I n s. As head of the workers, the trade unions, I, they are supposed to represent case I and they were in the van in the end. Then city refers to the full front on the vanguard for the leading opposition I, the leading units, I economic. So they were in an advance. That means they all, they were taking the lead. They were leading from the I and they were reading I. They will take in the day.

So the anonymous position of the trade union, but sometimes the trade unions simply describe themself as negotiators, right? And they simply negotiate with the management behalf of the workers, right? But some other times they would present themselves as a leaders of the movement towards syndicism. I they're leading on the workers to disrupt the current system, to overflow the current system, and they will become the, the, the owner of the industry. And a week later, they'll be back in the appeal negotiating world. I then they will change their role again. They will change their position again.

A week later, I will be back in the purely negotiating role that refers to on the first row. I do perceives quite here the purely negotiated role that refers to the role as a negotiator between your workers and management. So they're always changing the role. Hey, I did.

She added, they're being rather inconsistent about the position promoted me. I so they're actually confusing are the rest of us are they confuse the rest of us? I define process and they make the rest of us feel that they either they should be more important since they are their, they are the leaders of a movement. Are they leading a movement? Are they overthrowing the current system? Right? Okay. So they should be more important. I, or if I, if possible, creative. Whether they should be more important or more creative or less include just minding their own business, just doing what they're supposed to do instead of doing anything.

I am constructive. Are they confuse on the public? I will confuse the best address I the last short section on this paragraph. Can anyone read the last section? The last week? Yeah.

匿名的 anonymous /əˈnɒnɪməs/ [əˈnɒnɪməs]
反常的 anomalous /əˈnɒmələs/ [əˈnɒmələs]
工会 trade union /treɪd ˈjuːniən/ [treɪd ˈjuːniən]
谈判 negotiate /nɪˈɡəʊʃieɪt/ [nɪˈɡəʊʃieɪt]
工资 pay /peɪ/ [peɪ]
工作时间 hours /aʊərz/ [aʊərz]
工作条件 conditions of work /kənˈdɪʃənz əv wɜːk/ [kənˈdɪʃənz əv wɜːk]
工业行动 industrial action /ɪnˈdʌstriəl ˈækʃn/ [ɪnˈdʌstriəl ˈækʃn]
辛迪加主义 syndicalism /ˈsɪndɪkəlɪzəm/ [ˈsɪndɪkəlɪzəm]
创造性的 constructive /kənˈstrʌktɪv/ [kənˈstrʌktɪv]
推翻 overthrowing /ˌoʊvərˈθroʊɪŋ/ [ˌoʊvərˈθroʊɪŋ]
当前系统 current system /ˈkɜːrənt ˈsɪstəm/ [ˈkɜːrənt ˈsɪstəm]


  • "anonymous" 指的是匿名的,不具名的。
  • "anomalous" 表示反常的,异常的。
  • "trade union" 指的是工会,代表工人利益的组织。
  • "negotiate" 指的是谈判,通常指工会代表工人与管理层进行的谈判。
  • "pay" 指的是工资或薪酬。
  • "hours" 指的是工作时间。
  • "conditions of work" 指的是工作条件。
  • "industrial action" 是工业行动,如罢工。
  • "syndicalism" 指的是辛迪加主义,一种工人通过工会控制工业的思想。
  • "constructive" 表示建设性的,有益的。
  • "overthrowing" 指的是推翻,颠覆。
  • "current system" 指的是当前系统或现行制度。


27  工会在代表工人与管理层谈判中的作用,同时也提到了工会在某些情况下可能会推动辛迪加主义,

He, on the author. Is he talking about the anonymous position of the trade unions on. He has used an similar. And as it is, they're like an. I will talk about partners. I blundering in and out of teeth pass Tea Party. I said people are they like so this is it's a massive animal of very large built. And he they also has compared on the trade union are the trade unions are cheap are hippo I a whole partners is a messy animal, either animal of a very large field. I. And so what do you think they also is trying to put across with this scenario? They also campaigns on the trade evening.

I to and you. Yeah, I have a partners a massive animal like a hippo blundering in and out of a pestin party. A pesti party, right? London. I suit you to move classic. Yeah, to move on blindly, to move classy. So a pesti artist. And of course, it can be considered as a personification.

The pets, tea party, other pad pets are usually small. Here, small I cute. I don't say kittens. I oh, doggies. I dogs and cats. I Pets Tea Party. And pets are having a tea party.

Well, a hippo from seeing and out of the past Tea Party. So what do you think? What might happen if a hippo belonging in and out of the testing? If a hippo moves in and out of destroy. Yeah, it would spoil the party. I'd would destroy the party. In fact, it will create confusion.

I and his order a chaos. I an this is what the trade union is doing. And they're simply creating fusion. I did. Creating disorder and our chaos. I, they're not doing anything constructive. Hi. They're changing their, the roles they're playing repeat constantly. I sometimes they present themselves as negotiate was another time saying make others believe that they should play more important roles, right? They should be the leaders of the movement on to city. They should be the owner of the industry. They should run the industry or the enterprises.

So this similar or this kind of this analogy helps readers some better understand whether the anonymous position, the trading unions, they simply spoiling other pets, they like their people. Why is it as TikTok, they created nothing but confusion and disorder pills. Moreover, sooner or later, they will have to put an end to this conflict between advise and what remains of the are English nice. Sooner or later, they will have to put an end. They have to accumulate.

I on. They have to stop. Yes, they. On this conflict between Alice and English I and what remains of the Englishness are the remaining Englishness in the notice throughout CSC. Gdpc keeps remind the readers of the fact that issuness is not as strong as it used to be. I, many of them have thrown away their engshness. So what remains of their Englishness, the interest is in the remaining issues in the coming down decisively on either side, on one side or the other.

I, they must decide. They must take a side. Ay they must come down decisively on one side or the other. So what are the two sides? One side or the other? The two sides refers to Adams, either Adams or Englishness. They cannot support both at the same time. I, they must support, they must decide which one to support, which side, right? So they must make makeup defined, right? For it's explained in the following parts and they cannot enjoy both together. I, they cannot enjoy both at the same time. I, they cannot support both engshness and elements simultaneously, right?

And this has actually has some subjected with the beginning sentence of the paragraph I eh have you still remember the beginning sentence of this error? In the first sentence of the paragraph, they also have country. What is any trade unions to the commander of a military force?

I and the commanders, the commander's last minute decision will determine the outcome of a battle, but we will decide whether they will win or lose a better. It's same for the trade units. You must make up their mind. They must support either English ness or Ms I. And their decision is of great importance to the future of the English. May be Shay. I this decision, I this make us understand the importance of the decision, right? The future of the English name achieved by this student decision of the workers. And actually.

匿名的 anonymous /əˈnɒnɪməs/ [əˈnɒnɪməs]
反常的 anomalous /əˈnɒmələs/ [əˈnɒmələs]
工会 trade union /ˈtred ˈjuːnjən/ [ˈtred ˈjuːnjən]
谈判 negotiate /nɪˈɡəʊʃieɪt/ [nɪˈɡəʊʃieɪt]
工资 pay /peɪ/ [peɪ]
工作时间 hours /ˈaʊərz/ [ˈaʊərz]
工作条件 conditions of work /kənˈdɪʃənz əv wɜːk/ [kənˈdɪʃənz əv wɜːk]
工业行动 industrial action /ɪnˈdʌstriəl ˈækʃn/ [ɪnˈdʌstriəl ˈækʃn]
辛迪加主义 syndicalism /ˈsɪndɪkəlɪzəm/ [ˈsɪndɪkəlɪzəm]
创造性的 constructive /kənˈstrʌktɪv/ [kənˈstrʌktɪv]
推翻 overthrow /ˌoʊvərˈθroʊ/ [ˌoʊvərˈθroʊ]
当前系统 current system /ˈkɜːrənt ˈsɪstəm/ [ˈkɜːrənt ˈsɪstəm]
混乱 chaos /ˈkeɪɒs/ [ˈkeɪɒs]


  • "anonymous" 指的是匿名的,不具名的。
  • "anomalous" 表示反常的,异常的。
  • "trade union" 指的是工会,代表工人利益的组织。
  • "negotiate" 指的是谈判,通常指工会代表工人与管理层进行的谈判。
  • "pay" 指的是工资或薪酬。
  • "hours" 指的是工作时间。
  • "conditions of work" 指的是工作条件。
  • "industrial action" 是工业行动,如罢工。
  • "syndicalism" 指的是辛迪加主义,一种工人通过工会控制工业的思想。
  • "constructive" 表示建设性的,有益的。
  • "overthrow" 指的是推翻,颠覆。
  • "current system" 指的是当前系统或现行制度。
  • "chaos" 指的是混乱,无秩序。


28 工会在解决物质主义(Ms)和英国文化(Englishness)之间的冲突中可能扮演的重要角色。它强调了不同阶层的人都可能不愿意被物质主义所吸引和奴役,

So in part of 8, GB, Christy talks about the important role on treat units might play are in resolving the complication Ms and English. Yes, right. It seems that the trick workers and treating is must make us in mind to support either an englishness and their decision will help to to determine the to decide the the outcome the result of the right and apart from the book is in the trading units. Other people might also I help Asian is to swing the batter.

There are of course, people belonging to all classes who do not want to be fascinated and then instead of by Ms and who, if necessary, are ready to make a few sacrifices, a large material to achieve a satisfying cinema. Said people belonging to all classes are. So, such kind of people are found in all classes on. And what's the people who do not want to be fascinated and then enslaved people who refuse are cheating attracted. I people refuse to be nice to buy. Yeah, the good life of the happiness.

I so could not want to be fascinated and then enslave. I, to enslave is to become to a slave of something to make and who, if necessary. So who and who are these two clauses introduced by who are used to modify people? The mention here are people belong to all classes. I who are ready to make a few sacrifices if necessary. I is it if required. And if necessary, I. They are willing to sacrifice. I to make a few sacrifice, large material. So what sort of sacrifices? Material sacrifice twice. And they are willing to sacrifice some material. It's on, for example, to sacrifice a big car. I a big car all awesome. Better leading conditions I for to achieve are to achieve a satisfying state of mind isolated to sacrifice some material things for a better state of mind. I assess firing state of mind and save my mind is what English ness is about. I still don't mind is or English ness is about I. It is some would English in this case. So in other words, they might to achieve a satisfying consumer, they might say no to MSN values I or lifestyle I.

They probably believe as IG that the MSP live is a fraud on forecast I. They believe that ams live is a fraud on OKR as I do I so GB presently also I believe that the MSU life is a fraud on all counts. And he believes that these people are actually in all classes will find people I like nice yours. So the MSQ level is approved. The fault is city deception are deception shake, right? So it's a deception on all kinds, in all aspects. I don't see on all kinds is an expression. I mean in all aspects. So in fact, GB.

Priest cues are reminding the readers of the nature of Ms I. So the epic. Yes. Where's the Good Life? Are inspecting your guts out if you have to work extremely hard, you, if you have to. Suffered from an army, I, if you have to sacrifice your creativity. For the circle of good life, so good life is a fraud and the Ms goodnight is a fraud.

This now take your life in the strict sense. And after this GPS rewrite something, add something in between the brackets or even the stuff it duces is mostly junk. I even the stuff it produces, I. Yeah, we have Learned in the previous section of the opposite se, what he sent you to Adams is the production and consumption of goods I Ms office things I of it's be goods, right? But even the stuff, even the goods, the things it produces, it's mostly junk is, yeah, rubbish. I something of little value.

I something both says I cash I so the the the the products, either the goods I produced in LMS enterprises, I at least mostly trash on rubbish that can be thrown away at any time.

What, in what sense is it a junk man to be replaced as soon as you can afford to keep on buying? I, the. John, which is meant either meant is passed participle I modified John, which is meant to be replaced I. As soon as you can afford to keep on by as soon as you have the money to buy something new, I buy some new or better, that's fine. So the products is not durable. I cannot be used. I prevent wrong. It cannot be used for long period time. I, it can be replaced by, okay, if so fast you have enough money to buy something.

Bye. Could you please touches on this in the previous paragraph, I think when mentioned the deception in the modern enterprises with workers do not work honestly as a fathers used to. I the most of the time they achieve the format. Are they the always want to work short hours for fat pay. I since they are walking dishonestly, it's impossible for them to turn out honest stuff. I. So in this sense, what is produced in the MSN crisis is simply, they can be replaced anytime soon. Such people can that then, yeah, Jeffrey said, mentioned that we can find people. I in all classes I. Such people can be found among workers in smallish well managed and honest enterprises. I so he is specifies this kind of people are in different classes. So in the lower classes, either among the ordinary workers, I such people can be found among workers in smallest, well managed and honest enterprises. And what are these prices? These are the enterprises mentioned in the in the small honest.

I enter more human enterprises. I like the shipyards. I the entry refer to the traditional English enterprises are the traditional English enterprises. I, the enterprises that might be small, I, but well managed by the well run, well managed by and honest. I, the workers are honest and they produce honest stuff. So it simply refer to the traditional English and crisis I. And they're more human I. They're in agreement with human nature in which everybody still cares about the product and does not assume the customs are are. And this refers to what they also discusses in paragraph 7 on the modern enterprises are better to see the LMS enterprises can attach importance to profit rather than the product. I, the LMS enterprises care about the profit instead of the product. But in the traditional, in a more, the more English enterprises are, everyone still cares about the product, but instead of the profit, I instead of, and then I assume the customs are easy. They don't, they don't, I assume they don't take, give granted that the customers are foods I can be easily food I. And because the Ms enterprises tend to believe that the customers are in , right? So that's why the workers cheese, the workman, the foreman, the format is management. And management cheats the customers by selling the junk. I achieve the customers I. So in the well managed small and ancient work is care about the products and they try to turn out the honest stuff.

So since he's mentioned, we can find such kind of people in all classes, right? So in in the lower classes can find them. I in the lower classes are we can find them among the workers are in the traditional by smallish and well managed classes. What about in and no other classes I. You can read on Session 9.



解决 resolve /rɪˈzɒlv/ [rɪˈzɒlv]
并发症 complication /ˌkɒmplɪˈkeɪʃən/ [ˌkɒmplɪˈkeɪʃən]
着迷 fascinated /ˈfæsɪneɪtɪd/ [ˈfæsɪneɪtɪd]
奴隶 enslaved /ɪnˈsleɪvd/ [ɪnˈsleɪvd]
牺牲 sacrifice /ˈsækrɪfaɪs/ [ˈsækrɪfaɪs]
物质的 material /məˈtɪəriəl/ [məˈtɪəriəl]
令人满意的 satisfying /ˈsætɪsfaɪɪŋ/ [ˈsætɪsfaɪɪŋ]
状态 state /steɪt/ [steɪt]
欺骗 fraud /frɔːd/ [frɔːd]
企业 enterprises /ˈɛntərˌpraɪzɪz/ [ˈɛntərˌpraɪzɪz]
诚实的 honest /ˈɒnɪst/ [ˈɒnɪst]
产品 products /ˈprɒdʌkts/ [ˈprɒdʌkts]
垃圾 junk /dʒʌŋk/ [dʒʌŋk]
可替换的 replaceable /rɪˈpleɪsəbl/ [rɪˈpleɪsəbl]
欺骗 deception /dɪˈsepʃən/ [dɪˈsepʃən]
工人 workman /ˈwɜːkmən/ [ˈwɜːkmən]
格式 format /ˈfɔːrmæt/ [ˈfɔːrmæt]
管理 management /ˈmænɪdʒmənt/ [ˈmænɪdʒmənt]
海关 customs /ˈkʌstəmz/ [ˈkʌstəmz]


  • "resolve" 表示解决,决心。
  • "complication" 指的是并发症或复杂情况。
  • "fascinated" 表示着迷的,极感兴趣的。
  • "enslaved" 指的是奴隶,受奴役的。
  • "sacrifice" 指的是牺牲,舍弃。
  • "material" 表示物质的,重要的。
  • "satisfying" 表示令人满意的。
  • "state" 指的是状态,情况。
  • "fraud" 指的是欺骗,欺诈。
  • "enterprises" 指的是企业。
  • "honest" 表示诚实的。
  • "products" 指的是产品。
  • "junk" 表示垃圾,无价值的东西。
  • "replaceable" 表示可替换的。
  • "deception" 指的是欺骗。
  • "workman" 指的是工人。
  • "format" 表示格式,安排。
  • "management" 指的是管理。
  • "customs" 指的是海关,消费者。


29  涵盖了诚实、欺诈、国家和企业等相关概念

Let me find two. Apart from are the workers in the smallish well managed enterprises, I they can be found to so they refers to those people open minds sacrifice something material for a satisfying statement. Yeah, and to pretty simply those who might lend support to Englishness are those who might support English. Then, apart from the workers who still working honestly in the smorish on traditional ancient enterprises, they can also be found too in other classes on we're not in large numbers because the breed is dying among Christie High Tories who avoid the city and directors fees.

I. So they can be found to among crusty high Tories who avoid the city. Just please I. So not in large numbers and do not many of them are because the breed is dying out are because breed are the type kind as a group I it's dying out I it's becoming exchange on. But there's still some I among crusty high Tories. Trust you to describe someone mean. I, the person is you. Very silly. I'm very silly. Okay. It I don't some of the rude in mind is so harsh in hashtag crusty high Tories I high Tories and high Tories I. So it's actually refers to Amanda whose son yearly I aristocrat I conserve conservatism I someone is who's using traditional, I traditional who avoid the city. Notice here are city this his city is different from city your familiar with I and he noted, you might have noted a city. I see it's capitalized I. It particularly refers to the city of London.

I. That said, but it's not the whole city of London are we are familiar with. I, the city actually refers to are the financial center of London. I, the, it's actually, yeah, a small districts are busy and I'm using it particularly refers to the part along with Westminster. So it's used to refer to the commercial center.

I, the commercial center of London. I, the city, do not refer to the whole city of London. I is, refers to a particular area in London on the commercial center of London, on the area close to Westminster, I was mixed. So that's why C is capitalized. I can see is capitalized. But what does it mean? What is the sentence, Nikki? So among crusty high Tories that refers to the. The upper class. Are the upper class who avoid the city and directors fees helpful? Who are they who avoid the city and direct space?

Hi Tories who avoid the city who might say no to hi positions and good pay. I. Of the corporations I so who might so this city refers to the commercial I center, London I, and the director refers to the director of the enterprises, director of the, of the companies.

I, the director's fees, of course, the directors, of course, are well paid. iPhone well paid. So in other words. Which is simply these are crusty high Tories, May, may, they may feels, they may reject the you may rejects the what? Yeah, their MSC values are all lifestyles. I, they may sacrifice the material eyes and material eyes. Yes, I, for me, for a you sit still online. I so they might reject are the good life are the material are good life. So since the try to avoid the good p, the high positions and the good pay, we don't have to know much your son, but they are strongest and I fancy on the rise in the professional.

This is not here. The answer is talking about people who might support Englishness. I so they can be found among the traditional English price enterprises where the worker still care about the product I serve the pro fit on. But they can be found among the, well, the conservative I high Tories, I who might say no are too high positions and good pay. Often the MSN enterprises on but most of them are found upon the professional artifact professional. So they are strongest. And I can see, I believe right, still the number is still growing on the rise of the increase process men and women who may or may not believe in my English ness, but have rejected Ms I. So these professional men and women may not necessarily support Englishness, they may not believe in Englishness.

I. But at least they have rejected AMS I they can turn down either the attraction of MSC values in the lifestyle I so it's possible for them to you to support. Yes, even though they do not believe in English. Ancient. Yes. I. Why then? What are these group of people like and what role might this professional and women play in the battle? They really articulate. This professional man living. They really articulate. If someone is articulate, it's good at expressing himself. I articulate someone who's, yeah, who can express himself easily, clearly and effectively. So they usually articulate these some professional manually. They might be professors, might be those who are in the academic in India, FMCG, I. So their attitude, their Yuli are good at expressing themselves. They can easily express their, put across their ideas, their opinions. I they can easily make us, make others understand what they are putting force on.

Besides, there are many acquaintances. They know a lot of people. Acquaintance is awarding your familiar with our and we have also come across this in the rooms on those are as acquaintance we can squeeze the Indians was not expensive. But this professional man have many acquaintances that they know a large number of people. They have a lot of people inside and outside. The questions on the acquaintance can be their colleagues, I or not I or Ju, just their own. So they know a lot of people on inside and outside. They ready to listen to them. I these people would like to made a year to them. I'm ready to listen to them. In other words, they might influence my influence. Please. 86. I'm at least this acquaintances would like to listen to the, would like to then here too. And none of you of them have a chance to poke on TV and radio. Not a few of them is a lot. Yeah, a lot. Many of them are. A lot of them. I, many of them have a chance to talk on TV. So why is this matter to spread? Yes, yes. So they need to see the market they can make use of mass media. They can, they have access to mass media, right? So not few of the many of them, they help them have a chance to talk TV already. TV, you mass media. And so they can access mass media and they can make use of nice media to make more peace, hear their voice, right? So you can make the use of nice media to reach are a large number p this professional man and women.

I and here they also has some try to make us understand the advantages this professional man. But we need I, they are articulate, they're good at enforce on their views. Besides, they know a lot of people. They have a lot of followers, right? They have a lot of followers both inside and outside good professions. People would like to listen to them, right? And besides, many of them can make use of the mass media. I, they can, yeah. So you can use a TV or radio I to reach a logical and if the battle can be won, it will be, it will probably be this man, women who will swim it.

I, why are these professional men when you mentioned here the risk here and the OC. Still talking about the future of the English or battle between elements and English needs. Since here's a mentioned in the previous section that LMS has a very good chance to win, but we're talking about the future of the English, is there any chance for the English needs to win the battle? Yes, here's already that who might have englishness to win the battle? Not just a professional, a man, women, I, who might play a decisive role? The trade unions, the workers and trade unions.

Final decision. I. But apart from are the workers and trade unions, the professional man, the women, I will also help to swing, help. They will swing that I swing every swing as.

But you might be familiar with swing as a noun. I o, o, a verb, I swing, I. But here in the given context, I swing means to succeed in doing something to bring about to bring a breakout term design result, bring around to the design with to manage.

I successfully, I'm sorry to this professional manually night healthy issuance to win the battle. I they lend us support to anxious right, right say, but the units are the trade units are still fairly decisive. I'm a professional man. Help. We'll see this stop here on some have a 10 minute break.

诚实的 honest /ˈɒnɪst/ [ˈɒnɪst]
垃圾 junk /dʒʌŋk/ [dʒʌŋk]
欺诈 fraud /frɔːd/ [frɔːd]
国家 state /steɪt/ [steɪt]
满足的 satisfying /ˈsætɪsfaɪɪŋ/ [ˈsætɪsfaɪɪŋ]
企业 enterprise /ˈentəpraɪz/ [ˈentəpraɪz]
诚实 honesty /ˈɒnɪsti/ [ˈɒnɪsti]
欺诈行为 fraudulent acts /ˈfrɔːdjʊlət ækts/ [ˈfrɔːdjʊlət ækts]
国家机密 state secret /steɪt ˈsiːkrɪt/ [steɪt ˈsiːkrɪt]
状态机 state machine /steɪt məˈʃiːn/ [steɪt məˈʃiːn]
诚实的人 honest person /ˈɒnɪst ˈpɜːrsən/ [ˈɒnɪst ˈpɜːrsən]
令人满意的变化 satisfying change /ˈsætɪsfaɪɪŋ tʃeɪndʒ/ [ˈsætɪsfaɪɪŋ tʃeɪndʒ]


  • "honest" 表示诚实的,坦诚的。
  • "junk" 指的是垃圾,无价值的东西。
  • "fraud" 指的是欺诈,诈骗。
  • "state" 可以指国家,也可以指状态或情况。
  • "satisfying" 表示令人满意的。
  • "enterprise" 指的是企业或公司,也可以指一项事业或计划。
  • "honesty" 表示诚实,真诚。
  • "fraudulent acts" 指的是欺诈行为。
  • "state secret" 指的是国家机密。
  • "state machine" 指的是状态机,通常用于计算机科学中。
  • "honest person" 指的是诚实的人。
  • "satisfying change" 指的是令人满意的变化。


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