L5-21 - 22

In elements and English base. As we have Learned in the, for this session, I'll say obviously and Ms offers good night. Thanks. I thanks to create a so called good night. So this song central to analyze the production and consumption of goods.

But GBP, Christy has all also pointed out that dissatisfaction is built into Ms as a so called good life. I can never be and we realize because people will never be satisfied with all. And even in the United States, we will find the country that supports Ms. We can find a lot of examples that you help us understand what Ms is really about. So what examples has Gina Christy given us to help us to better understand the nation of.

Can anyone answer the question?

For example, the. Yeah, the exactly is talking to early grades and the salesman in the bars and the workmen suffer from the working. Yes. The executives are those who hold high positions are in the surprises. I die young are talking to early great science, dignity and like too many salesman, I taking refugee in other agency to try change. Yeah, get drunk so that you don't have to face the over the troubles by ends of the enzyme.

Okay. And also the ordinary workers we suffer from, I'm not sure and but English is different from Adams English as some GB pric has some capture highlighting. I'm in the industry I I English is has a close connection or link with some the intuition times the instant and intuition I or the unconscious. So it has some, but it cannot break it's link. Makes all connection with the tradition. And we have Learned in half of 4 when it when GBPC campaigns englishness of his elements englishness is about the secret mind. In fact, in English, ness itself is a Steven mind.

I, so as a state of mind, interest is worried about why is some English is against Ms. So English list is so at the same line, what is engshness? Why cannot engshness afford to ignore ms? Because ms might be responsible for bests, might give rise to bests of mind. I, Ms, even though ms works in the physical world are in the outer world, it might affect people's stays on mind negatively, right? Bec it might give rise to such best designs as dissatisfaction, greed, and envy, right? And these are on the statements Ms cannot live without Anna.

If I must have has to take advantage of people's read and envy and disaster for its own benefits, I. But Leo says, pointed out that ancient is not against change, but it's against change for teaching sake. And they also had also given us an example. English needs support, people's demand for house. Yeah, housing, houses are larger and better houses, but it's against people's demand for large and better cars. Right. And enjoy Christy's eyes to attach more importance to cars rather than houses seems to English needs. Can you know, sympathy, public stupidity.

Now we're talking about the future of the English. GBP state has pointed out in the previous section that the future of the English has, upon the result of the between analyze and eh English and elements. It seems that Emma could be winning. Emma says a very good chance to win.

Why? What are some reasons? Not all the English hold fast to Englishness. Not all English. All the English fast to you richness, right? Some in English people have abandoned their initiatives and has thrown away their inheritance, especially some important and influential. I. What else? Englishness is not as strong it is, it was 30 years ago. It needs to be nourished. What else?

The spirit of the time is the right guys, I end the message I design guys. And as media are also working for right, the spirit of time seems to be working. And so does most of all we read and if we hear similar goes to the mass meeting on the books we read on and the programs we watch, all the news we hear over the radio and television. I haven't even met me seems to. That's fine. But anyway, that's where we stopped last time. Now let's move on to No. 7. Herbal said, would anyone read the process?

  1. 物质主义(Ms):物质主义是一种生活方式,强调物质财富和消费。在讨论中,提到了物质主义如何影响人们的生活,以及它如何成为所谓的“美好生活”的一部分。物质主义被认为内置了不满足感,因为人们永远不会对所拥有的感到满足。

  2. 英国文化(Englishness):讨论中提到了英国文化的一些元素,以及它们如何与物质主义相互作用。英国文化被描述为与直觉和传统紧密相连,并且有一种秘密的心智。

  3. 不满足感:讨论中提到了不满足感是物质主义的一部分,这种不满足感可能会导致贪婪、嫉妒等负面情绪。

  4. 英国文化与物质主义的冲突:讨论中提到英国文化可能反对物质主义,因为它可能导致负面的心理影响。物质主义虽然在物理世界中运作,但可能会对人的心理产生负面影响。

  5. 变化:讨论中提到英国文化并不反对变化,而是反对无目的的变化。例如,英国文化支持人们对更大更好房子的需求,但反对对更大更好汽车的需求。

  6. 英国文化的未来:讨论中提到了英国文化的未来取决于它与物质主义之间的斗争。一些英国人已经放弃了他们的传统价值观,特别是一些有影响力的人。英国文化需要被滋养,而不是被削弱。

  7. 时代精神:讨论中提到了时代精神和媒体如何影响人们的观念,这似乎对物质主义有利。

  8. 结束语:最后,讨论似乎转向了对未来的展望,以及英国文化如何在物质主义的影响下生存和发展。


物质主义 Materialism /məˈtɪəriəlɪzəm/ [ma-ter-ee-al-izm] 
物质主义价值观量表 Material Values Scale /məˈtɪəriəlɪzəm væljuːz skeɪl/ [ma-ter-ee-al-izm val-yooz scale] 
人格特质 Personality trait /ˌpɜːrsəˈnælɪti treɪt/ [per-so-na-li-tee trayt] 
价值观 Values /ˈvæljuːz/ [val-yooz] 
问卷 Questionnaire /ˌkwestʃəˈneər/ [kwest-chuh-ner] 
社会赞许性 Social desirability /ˈsoʊʃəl ˌdɛzərəˈbɪlɪti/ [soh-shuhl dez-uh-ruh-bil-i-tee] 
家庭因素 Family factors /ˈfæməli ˈfæktərz/ [fam-uh-lee factorz] 
社会因素 Social factors /ˈsoʊʃəl ˈfæktərz/ [soh-shuhl factorz] 
不满足感 Dissatisfaction /ˌdɪsˌsætɪsˈfækʃən/ [dis-sat-is-fak-shon] 


 L5-22 2024年9月25日07:43:45

Who will decide the outcome of a battle? Oh, who will decide the outcome? Owned by. Okay, yes. So some battles have been won, a loss and a of course here RGB Priest is talking about battles in general. I battles I in general one, some may have been won or lost because of many a large force arriving late decided almost at the last moment to change sites.

I, win or lose, I so these are the the outcomes are the results of the battle. I so the and we're talking about the future of the English and as GDP say has pointed out in the previous section, the future of the English hands upon the result of a battle. I result battle between Englishness and elements, right? So as a typical English, they also post this in support of Englishness.

But it seems as we have Learned in the previous paragraph, it seems that Adam has had a very good chance today. Now, who might help English needs to swing the battle. I'm so some batches have been win or won a lost because the decision, the final decision of the commander, I can commander of a large force. And here the force of course, refers to the military force. And arriving late, decided almost at the last moment to change sides, right? So the result of some battles on decided by the. Yeah, but achieve might be changed by the final decision of the.

I feel that a powerful section of ancient workers, together with their union bosses, is in the same situation at that commander just before he could make up his mind. I. So this explains why the commander of the nature both attention in the in previous sentence, right and he the author is making an analogy. It's comparing the unions are the workers and the union budget. And here the union refers to the trade union. I have a trade union. They are in the same position as a command in chief are. They're in the same position as a commander of the large military force. So what should be Christmas trying to say here is the workers and their union masses. I also have to decide the result or the outcome of the battle.

I, and here, the better in question is the better between Ms and English list for englishness and Ms I. So a powerful section of initial case I and their universes.

Susie in the same position at the commander just before he could make us his mind, just before he could make will find his decision. And this may believe, this may refers to the workers and their union bosses, either workers and the universes, this might believe that if there's a good life going on, and the good life offered by Ms, the Ms, think good night. If there is a good life available, then it's high time they had their share of it. It's time to do, some days time the people might did something like time or high time. So it's a the right time are the appropriate time someday. I notice inside this is often followed by a sun subjective, right? So it is high time did something. The past tense is used in the cross. Wonderful. So if there's some good life, of course he so popular.

I know the other message, give life available. That's high time. They have nation of they should have this should be be they should have the my image and have once she we have come across the expression in the second paragraph, right although the English seems, I wouldn't share. For some remaining English names in them, whispers that they may be a catching it or some remaining interest in them. This again reminds us what they also discusses in the previous part.

The English name is not as strong as it used to be. Not everyone holds fast to its English name. I. So the remaining English is I. The ancient left in them are whiskers that there may be a catching it. To whisper is to say something in the low voice. I. So the English is I reminds that there may be a catch in it. A catch isn't used as a Nou. I see this. Yeah, trick on any cheeky I drawback. Who is the object? I hidden I problem or just so there may be a passionate iPhone. It into the remaining the interest left in the reminds. Then opposite possible catch or trick. That's so cool. Then what's the catch in it? Can anyone read the next section? Cannot read the message. Okay. Yeah. Eh? Yes, sorry. Don't came up quickly.


战斗的结果 outcome of a battle /ˈaʊtkʌm əv ə ˈbætəl/ [out-kʌm əv ə ˈbætəl]
赢得 won /wʌn/ [wʌn]
输掉 lost /lɒst/ [lɒst]
力量 force /fɔːrs/ [fɔːrs]
指挥官 commander /kəˈmɑːndə(r)/ [kəˈmɑːndə(r)]
改变立场 change sides /tʃeɪndʒ saɪdz/ [tʃeɪndʒ saɪdz]
英国文化 Englishness /ˈɪŋɡlɪʃnəs/ [ˈɪŋɡlɪʃnəs]
物质主义 Materialism /məˈtɪəriəlɪzəm/ [məˈtɪəriəlɪzəm]
工人 workers /ˈwɜːrkərz/ [ˈwɜːrkərz]
工会领袖 union bosses /ˈjuːniən ˈbɒsɪz/ [ˈjuːniən ˈbɒsɪz]
贸易联盟 trade union /treɪd ˈjuːniən/ [treɪd ˈjuːniən]
决定 decide /dɪˈsaɪd/ [dɪˈsaɪd]
好生活 good life /ɡʊd laɪf/ [ɡʊd laɪf]
时候 time /taɪm/ [taɪm]
有福同享 have their share of it /hæv ðɛr ʃeər əv ɪt/ [hæv ðɛr ʃeər əv ɪt]
剩余的 remaining /rɪˈmeɪnɪŋ/ [rɪˈmeɪnɪŋ]
兴趣 interest /ˈɪntərɛst/ [ˈɪntərɛst]
陷阱 catch /kætʃ/ [kætʃ]


  • 文本讨论了英国文化与物质主义之间的斗争,以及哪一方可能在这场斗争中获胜。
  • "outcome of a battle" 指的是战斗的结果,这里比喻为文化斗争的胜负。
  • "won" 和 "lost" 分别是赢和输的过去式,用于描述战斗的结果。
  • "force" 在这里是力量的意思,比喻为在文化斗争中起决定性作用的力量。
  • "commander" 指的是指挥官,比喻为在斗争中起决定性作用的人或团体。
  • "change sides" 指的是改变立场,这里比喻为在斗争中改变支持的一方。
  • "Englishness" 是英国文化的意思,是这场斗争的一方。
  • "Materialism" 是物质主义的意思,是与英国文化对立的另一方。
  • "workers" 和 "union bosses" 指的是工人和工会领袖,他们在这场斗争中可能起到决定性作用。
  • "trade union" 指的是贸易联盟或工会,是代表工人利益的组织。
  • "decide" 指的是决定,这里用来描述工人和工会领袖在斗争中的选择。
  • "good life" 指的是好生活,这里指的是物质主义所承诺的美好生活。
  • "time" 指的是时候,用于表达采取行动的适当时机。
  • "have their share of it" 指的是享有他们应得的份额,这里用来表达工人和工会领袖应该享有物质主义承诺的美好生活。
  • "remaining" 指的是剩余的,用来描述那些仍然坚持英国文化的人或兴趣。
  • "interest" 指的是兴趣,这里用来描述对英国文化的兴趣。
  • "catch" 指的是陷阱或隐藏的问题,用来表达对物质主义承诺的美好生活可能存在的怀疑。


  1. 战斗的比喻:作者将英国文化与物质主义之间的冲突比喻为一场战斗,讨论了战斗结果可能如何被决定。

  2. 决定性力量:在历史上,有些战斗的输赢是因为有一支大部队在最后时刻决定改变立场。这里暗示,在文化斗争中,也可能存在类似的决定性力量。

  3. 英国文化的坚持者:文中提到,一些坚持英国文化的人可能会对物质主义产生兴趣,但同时也可能意识到物质主义背后可能存在的陷阱或问题。

  4. 工人和工会的角色:作者将工人和工会领袖比作战斗中的指挥官,他们的态度和决策可能对斗争的结果产生重大影响。

  5. 物质主义的诱惑:物质主义承诺了一个所谓的“美好生活”,这对工人和工会领袖来说是一个吸引人的前景。他们可能认为现在是时候享受这种生活了。

  6. 英国文化的衰退:文中提到英国文化可能不如过去那么强大,不是所有人都坚持英国文化的价值观。

  7. 潜在的陷阱:尽管物质主义提供了吸引人的承诺,但作者暗示这背后可能存在一些不为人知的问题或陷阱。

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