P110 III




Il. Paraphrase
Explain the following sentences in your own words, bringing out any implied meanings1. ...with a face that seemed totally unfamiliar with laughter... (Para. 2)
2Sometimes old Jules, or his son Lazarus, would get mixed up in a Saturday-nightbrawl(Para. 2)
...her attendance had always been sporadic and her interest in schoolwork negligible.(Para. 3)
...she existed for me only as a vaguely embarrassing presence... (Para. 3)
5.She dwelt and moved somewhere within my scope of vision... (Para. 3)
6. Ifit came to a choice between Grandmother MacLeod and Piquette, Piquette wouldwin hands down. nits or not. (Para. 14)



1. The phrase "with a face that seemed totally unfamiliar with laughter" suggests that the person described rarely smiled or showed any signs of happiness. Their expression was likely consistently serious or sad, indicating a lack of joy or amusement in their life.

2. "Sometimes old Jules, or his son Lazarus, would get mixed up in a Saturday-night brawl" implies that Jules and Lazarus occasionally engaged in violent public disturbances that occurred on weekends. This suggests a pattern of disruptive and possibly aggressive behavior.

3. "Her attendance had always been sporadic and her interest in schoolwork negligible" indicates that the girl was inconsistent in attending school and showed little to no concern or engagement with her education. This could imply a lack of interest, motivation, or other barriers preventing her from being a regular and active student.

4. "She existed for me only as a vaguely embarrassing presence" means that the speaker perceived the girl as someone who made them feel awkward or uncomfortable, but they did not fully understand why. She was present in their life, but her presence was not significant or impactful enough to warrant much attention or understanding.

5. "She dwelt and moved somewhere within my scope of vision" suggests that the girl was a part of the speaker's environment, but they rarely focused on her or acknowledged her directly. She was there, but she wasn't a central figure in the speaker's life or thoughts.

6. "If it came to a choice between Grandmother MacLeod and Piquette, Piquette would win hands down, nits or not" implies that if the speaker's family had to choose between including Grandmother MacLeod or Piquette in their summer plans, they would prefer Piquette's company, regardless of any potential issues (like having nits in her hair). This indicates a preference for Piquette's presence over that of the grandmother, suggesting a warmer or more favorable relationship with Piquette.



7. My acquaintance with Indians was not extensive. (Para. 22


The speaker admits to having limited knowledge or interaction with Indigenous people. This suggests that their experience with Native Americans is quite narrow and that they may not be well-versed in their customs, history, or contemporary life. The phrase also conveys a sense of self-awareness and modesty on the part of the speaker, acknowledging the gaps in their understanding of Indigenous cultures.

.8 ..she remained both a reproach and a mystery to me. (Para. 47)


She continued to be a source of both self-reproach and enigma for me. This implies that the speaker felt a sense of guilt or regret regarding her, as if they had failed to connect or assist her in some way, while also being puzzled by her, unable to fully comprehend her character or the reasons behind her actions.



11这句话 "My acquaintance with Indians was not extensive" 意味着说话者对印第安人的了解或经验并不广泛或深入。这可能意味着他们与印第安人的接触有限,或者他们对印第安人的生活方式、文化和历史没有太多的认识。这句话表达了一种谦逊的态度,表明说话者意识到自己在这一领域的知识是有限的。

这句话"She remained both a reproach and a mystery to me."(她对我来说既是一个责备又是一团谜)意味着说话者对Piquette持有复杂的感觉。"Reproach"(责备)表明Piquette在某种程度上让说话者感到内疚或羞愧,可能是因为他们未能理解或帮助她,或者因为她的行为或处境让说话者感到失望。"Mystery"(谜)则说明Piquette的存在对说话者来说充满了不解和好奇,他们无法完全理解她的内心世界、动机或经历。





9.Her defiant face, momentarily, became unguarded and unmasked, and in her eyesthere was a territying hope.(Para. 60)
10. ..she looked a mess, to tell you the truth, a real slattern, dressed any old how..(Para. 69)
11. She was up in court a couple of times drunk and disorderly, of course. (Para. 69)



  1. For a brief moment, her face that was usually marked by defiance showed a vulnerable side, revealing a deep-seated hope that was almost frightening to witness. This suggests that beneath her tough exterior, there was a profound longing for something better or a change in her circumstances.

  2. To be honest, she appeared disheveled and unkempt, dressed in a careless and slovenly manner. This description paints a picture of someone who has lost control over her personal appearance, possibly due to neglect or a lack of concern for societal standards.

  3. On multiple occasions, she had been in court due to her state of intoxication and disruptive behavior. The phrase "of course" implies that this was an expected outcome, perhaps due to a pattern of alcohol abuse or a troubled lifestyle.


 12. 原来的一家商店变成了几十家,这个聚居地具备了一个繁荣的度假胜地的所有特征——酒店、舞厅、挂着霓虹灯的咖啡馆,还有令人心醉神迷的薯片和热狗。(Para。72)




IV Practice with Words and ExpressionsA. Look up the dictionary and explain the meaning of the italicized words andphrases


.1. ...a small square cabin made of poplar poles and chinked with mud... (Para. 1)
2. ...was a chaos of lean-tos... (Para. 1)
3. ...working at odd jobs or as section hands... (Para. 2)
4. ... they lived on relief: (Para. 2)
5. The damn bone's flared up again. (Para. 4)
6. ...for my mother brightened visibly... (Para. 14)
7. ...had to get back to his practice... (Para. 16)


2 .……是一片乱糟糟的废墟……(Para。1)
3 .……打零工或者做管工……(Para 2)。
4 .……他们靠救济生活。
5. 那该死的骨头又发炎了。(Para。4)
6 .……因为我母亲明显高兴起来了……(Para。14)


1. **Chinked with mud**: This phrase refers to the gaps or cracks between the logs of the cabin being filled with mud. It's a traditional method of construction used to provide insulation and weatherproofing.

2. **A chaos of lean-tos**: "Chaos" indicates a state of extreme disorder or confusion. "Lean-tos" are makeshift shelters, typically with a single sloped roof supported by a wall and a temporary free-standing side. So, this phrase describes a scene where there are many makeshift shelters in a disorganized and cluttered manner.

3. **Working at odd jobs or as section hands**: "Odd jobs" are miscellaneous tasks or small pieces of work that are not part of a regular job. "Section hands" were railroad workers responsible for maintaining a section of the railway track. This phrase suggests that the men did various types of temporary or manual labor.

4. **Lived on relief**: "Relief" in this context refers to financial assistance or aid given to those in need, typically by the government or charitable organizations. It means that they relied on this support to make ends meet.

5. **The damn bone's flared up again**: "Flared up" is an idiomatic expression meaning that a problem or a health condition has suddenly worsened or become more intense. Here, it suggests that a bone injury or condition has become aggravated again.

6. **Brightened visibly**: To "brighten" means to become happier or more cheerful. "Visibly" means in a way that can be clearly seen. So, this phrase indicates that the person's mood or expression noticeably improved.

7. **Had to get back to his practice**: "Practice" here refers to a professional activity or the exercise of a profession, such as a medical practice. This phrase means that the person needed to return to his work or profession, likely because he is a doctor or a professional in some field.




8. ...exclaiming over how well the place had wintered... (Para. 17)

9. She was sitting on the swing her lame leg held stiffly out... (Para. 18)



9. 她坐在秋千上,瘸腿僵硬地伸出来。(Para 18)。


8. **Exclaiming over how well the place had wintered**: To "exclaim" means to express a feeling or reaction by crying out loud. "Wintered" refers to having survived or endured the winter season. This phrase suggests that the people were expressing surprise and relief that the property or place had come through the winter in good condition, perhaps without significant damage or deterioration.

9. **Her lame leg held stiffly out**: "Lame" describes a leg that is incapacitated or weakened, often due to injury or illness, resulting in a limp or difficulty in walking. "Held stiffly out" implies that the leg was extended straight and not bent, possibly due to pain or inability to move it comfortably. This phrase paints a picture of someone sitting with their non-functioning leg stretched out rigidly, likely indicating discomfort or a physical challenge.



10. ...how the coyote reared her young... (Para. 22)
13. If you walk just around the point there... (Para. 28)
12. ...her hair was cut short and frizzily permed. (Para. 49)


十……土狼是如何抚养幼崽的……(Para 22)。
13. 如果你绕着那个点走……(Para 28)。



11. If you walk just around the point there.. (Para. 28)
12. ...her hair was cut short and frizzily permed. (Para. 49)
13. ...for this was a sore point with me. (Para. 54)
14. The Tonnerres made home-brew all the time... (Para. 69)


11. 如果你绕着那个点走……(Para 28)。
13……因为这是我的痛处。(Para 54)。
14. 唐纳瑞一家一直在自制啤酒。(Para。69)


















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