一个网络使用IP地址和端口来传送数据,在DirectPlay中,使用DirectPlay专用对象IDirectPlay8Address来构造地址。常用的 IDirectPlay8Address方法有三个:
IDirectPlay8Address::Clear | 清除所有地址数据 |
IDirectPlay8Address::SetSP | 设置服务提供者 |
IDirectPlay8Address::AddComponent | 添加地址组件 |
// create DirectPlay Server component
if(FAILED(CoCreateInstance(CLSID_DirectPlay8Server, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC, IID_IDirectPlay8Server, (void**)&g_dp_server)))
return FALSE;
Adds a component to the address. If the component is part of the address, it is replaced by the new value in this call.
Values are specified in native formats when making this call. Therefore, the lpvData parameter should be a recast pointer to a variable that holds the data in the native format. For example, if the component is a GUID, the lpvData parameter should be a recast pointer to a GUID.
This method validates that the predefined component types are the right format.
HRESULT AddComponent(
const WCHAR *const pwszName,
const void *const lpvData,
const DWORD dwDataSize,
const DWORD dwDataType
- pwszName
- [in] NULL-terminated Unicode string that contains the key for the component.
- lpvData
- [in] Pointer to a buffer that contains the value associated with the specified key. Data should be specified in its native format.
- dwDataSize
- [in] Size, in bytes, of the data in the buffer located at lpvData. The size depends on the data type. If the size is not specified correctly, the method returns DPNERR_INVALIDPARAM.
- Size = sizeof( DWORD )
- Size = sizeof( GUID )
- String
- Size = size of the string in bytes, including NULL terminator.
- dwDataType
- [in] Data type of the value associated with this key. The data type can be one of the following:
- Data is a NULL-terminated string.
- Data is a DWORD.
- Data is a GUID.
- Data is in raw binary format.
Return Values
Returns S_OK if successful, or one of the following error values.
See DirectPlay Addressing for a discussion of various address components and their keys.
下一步要做的就是选择服务提供者,调用 IDirectPlay8Address::SetSP函数来设置。
Sets the service provider GUID in the address object. If a service provider is specified for this address, it is overwritten by this call.
const GUID *const pguidSP
- pguidSP
- [in] Pointer to the service provider GUID.
Return Values
Returns S_OK if successful, or one of the following error values.
无论是主持一次会话(作为服务器端或单点)还是使用客户端网络模型连接到一个远程系统,接下来必须要做的就是选择端口,如果要连接到远程系统,就必须知道应用程序所使用的端口,以便能够连接到远程系统以及发送数据到远程系统。端口号可以随意选择,但是不要使用保留端口号(1 - 1024),选择1024以上的端口号会比较安全。可以通过指定端口号0而让DirectPlay来选择一个端口号,但是这样做的弊病在于端口号可能为任意数字,就需要对端口号进行查询,推荐的做法是自己选择一个端口号。
设置端口号使用 IDirectPlay8Address::AddComponent函数。
DWORD port = 21234;
// Set port
if(FAILED(dp_address->AddComponent(DPNA_KEY_PORT, &port, sizeof(DWORD), DPNA_DATATYPE_DWORD)))
return FALSE;
// Callback function that receives all messages from the client, and receives indications
// of session changes from the IDirectPlay8Client interface.
HRESULT WINAPI Net_Msg_Handle(PVOID user_context, DWORD message_id, PVOID msg_buffer)
DPNMSG_CREATE_PLAYER* create_player; // contains information for the DPN_MSGID_CREATE_PLAYER system message
DPNMSG_DESTROY_PLAYER* destroy_player; // contains information for the DPN_MSGID_DESTROY_PLAYER system message
// Microsoft DirectPlay generates the DPN_MSGID_CREATE_PLAYER message when a player is added to a
// peer-to-peer or client/server session.
create_player = (DPNMSG_CREATE_PLAYER*) msg_buffer
// 处理创建玩家
return S_OK;
// Microsoft DirectPlay generates the DPN_MSGID_DESTROY_PLAYER message when a player leaves a peer-to-peer
// or client/server session.
destroy_player = (DPNMSG_DESTROY_PLAYER *) msg_buffer;
// 处理销毁玩家
return S_OK;
return S_FAIL;
Describes the settings for a Microsoft® DirectPlay® application.
typedef struct _DPN_APPLICATION_DESC{
DWORD dwSize;
DWORD dwFlags;
GUID guidInstance;
GUID guidApplication;
DWORD dwMaxPlayers;
DWORD dwCurrentPlayers;
WCHAR* pwszSessionName;
WCHAR* pwszPassword;
PVOID pvReservedData;
DWORD dwReservedDataSize;
PVOID pvApplicationReservedData;
DWORD dwApplicationReservedDataSize;
- dwSize
- Size of the DPN_APPLICATION_DESC structure. The application must set this member before it uses the structure.
- dwFlags
- One of the following flags describing application behavior.
- This type of session is client/server. This flag cannot be combined with DPNSESSION_MIGRATE_HOST.
- Used in peer-to-peer sessions, enables host migration. This flag cannot be combined with DPNSESSION_CLIENT_SERVER.
- Do not forward enumerations to your host from DPNSVR. See Using the DirectPlay DPNSVR Application for details.
- The session is password protected. If this flag is set, pwszPassword must be a valid string.
- guidInstance
- Globally unique identifier (GUID) that is generated by DirectPlay at startup, representing the instance of this application. This member is an [out] parameter when calling the GetApplicationDesc method exposed by the IDirectPlay8Peer, IDirectPlay8Client, and IDirectPlay8Server interfaces. It is an optional [in] parameter when calling the Connect method exposed by the IDirectPlay8Peer and IDirectPlay8Client interfaces. It must be set to GUID NULL when you call the SetApplicationDesc method exposed by the IDirectPlay8Server and IDirectPlay8Peer interfaces. You cannot obtain this GUID by calling the IDirectPlay8Server::Host or IDirectPlay8Peer::Host methods. You must obtain the GUID by calling a GetApplicationDesc method.
- guidApplication
- Application GUID.
- dwMaxPlayers
- Variable of type DWORD, specifying the maximum number of players allowed in the session. Set this member to 0 to specify an unlimited number of players.
- dwCurrentPlayers
- Variable of type DWORD specifying the number of players currently connected to the session. This member is an [out] parameter that is set only by the GetApplicationDescription method exposed by IDirectPlay8Peer, IDirectPlay8Client, and IDirectPlay8Server.
- pwszSessionName
- Pointer to a variable of type WCHAR specifying the Unicode name of the session. This member is set by the host or server only for informational purposes. A client cannot use this name to connect to a host or server.
- pwszPassword
- Pointer to a variable of type WCHAR specifying the Unicode password that is required to connect to the session. This must be NULL if the DPNSESSION_REQUIREPASSWORD is not set in the dwFlags member.
- pvReservedData
- Pointer to DirectPlay reserved data. An application should never modify this value.
- dwReservedDataSize
- Variable of type DWORD specifying the size of data contained in the pvReservedData member. An application should never modify this value.
- pvApplicationReservedData
- Pointer to application-specific reserved data. This value is optional and may be set to NULL.
- dwApplicationReservedDataSize
- Variable of type DWORD specifying the size of the data in the pvApplicationReservedData member. This value is optional and may be set to 0.
Multiple instances of the application can run simultaneously. "Application" refers to a specific instance of an application.
The dwMaxPlayers, pvApplicationReservedData, dwApplicationReservedDataSize, pwszPassword, and pwszSessionName members can be set when calling the Host or SetApplicationDesc methods exposed by the IDirectPlay8Server and IDirectPlay8Peer interfaces.
When connecting to a password protected session, the data in the pwszPassword member is transmitted in clear text to the host.
GUID g_app_guid = { 0xababbe60, 0x1ac0, 0x11d5, { 0x90, 0x89, 0x44, 0x45, 0x53, 0x54, 0x0, 0x1 } };
DPN_APPLICATION_DESC app_desc; // Describes the settings for a Microsoft DirectPlay application
// Setup the application description structure
ZeroMemory(&app_desc, sizeof(DPN_APPLICATION_DESC));
app_desc.dwSize = sizeof(DPN_APPLICATION_DESC);
app_desc.guidApplication = g_app_guid;
app_desc.pwszSessionName = L"SercverSession";
app_desc.dwMaxPlayers = 256;
客户端结构体所需设置的信息包括要加入的会话名称和密码、客户端 / 服务器端会话标志以及应用程序GUID。一定要使用和服务器端相同的应用程序GUID,这样客户端和服务器端才能在网络中找到对方。
Creates a new client/server session, hosted by the local computer.
const DPN_APPLICATION_DESC *const pdnAppDesc,
IDirectPlay8Address **const prgpDeviceInfo,
const DWORD cDeviceInfo,
const DPN_SECURITY_DESC *const pdpSecurity,
const DPN_SECURITY_CREDENTIALS *const pdpCredentials,
VOID *const pvPlayerContext,
const DWORD dwFlags
- pdnAppDesc
- [in] Pointer to a DPN_APPLICATION_DESC structure that describes the application.
- prgpDeviceInfo
- [in] Pointer to an array of IDirectPlay8Address objects containing device addresses that should be used to host the application.
- cDeviceInfo
- [in] Variable of type DWORD that specifies the number of device address objects in the array pointed to by prgpDeviceInfo.
- pdpSecurity
- [in] Reserved. Must be set to NULL.
- pdpCredentials
- [in] Reserved. Must be set to NULL.
- pvPlayerContext
- [in] Pointer to the context value of the player. This value is preset when the local computer handles the DPN_MSGID_CREATE_PLAYER message. This parameter is optional, and may be set to NULL.
- dwFlags
- [in] The following flag can be specified.
- Setting this flag will display a standard Microsoft® DirectPlay® dialog box, which queries the user for more information if not enough information is passed in this method.
Return Values
Returns S_OK if successful, or the following error value.
If you set the DPNHOST_OKTOQUERYFORADDRESSING flag in dwFlags, the service provider may attempt to display a dialog box to ask the user to complete the address information. You must have a visible window present when the service provider tries to display the dialog box, or your application will lock.
The maximum size of the application data that you assign to the pvApplicationReservedData member of the DPN_APPLICATION_DESC structure is limited by the service provider's Maximum Transmission Unit. If your application data is too large, the method will fail and return DPNERR_DATATOOLARGE.
// application GUID
GUID g_app_guid = { 0xababbe60, 0x1ac0, 0x11d5, { 0x90, 0x89, 0x44, 0x45, 0x53, 0x54, 0x0, 0x1 } };
IDirectPlay8Server* g_dp_server; // DirectPlay Server
BOOL g_is_hosting; // flag indicates whether host started or not
// Start hosting a server which GUID specified by adapter_guid.
BOOL Start_Session(GUID* adapter_guid)
// Make sure there's an adapter
if(adapter_guid == NULL)
return FALSE;
// Need to re-assign a network handler as quitting a previous session to clears it.
// Close the connection first before assigning a new network handler.
// Closes the open connnection to a session.
// Initialize DirectPlay Server
if(FAILED(g_dp_server->Initialize(NULL, Net_Msg_Handle, 0)))
return FALSE;
IDirectPlay8Address* dp_address;
// Create an address object and fill it with information
if(FAILED(CoCreateInstance(CLSID_DirectPlay8Address, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC, IID_IDirectPlay8Address, (void**)&dp_address)))
return FALSE;
// Set the protocol to TCP/IP
// Sets the service provider GUID in the address object.
// If a service provider is specified for this address, it is overwrittern by this call.
return FALSE;
// Set the port
DWORD port = 21234;
// Adds a component to the address.
// If the component is part of the address, it is replaced by the new value in this call.
// Set port
if(FAILED(dp_address->AddComponent(DPNA_KEY_PORT, &port, sizeof(DWORD), DPNA_DATATYPE_DWORD)))
return FALSE;
// Set the adapter
if(FAILED(dp_address->AddComponent(DPNA_KEY_DEVICE, adapter_guid, sizeof(GUID), DPNA_DATATYPE_GUID)))
return FALSE;
DPN_APPLICATION_DESC app_desc; // Describes the settings for a Microsoft DirectPlay application
// Setup the application description structure
ZeroMemory(&app_desc, sizeof(DPN_APPLICATION_DESC));
app_desc.dwSize = sizeof(DPN_APPLICATION_DESC);
app_desc.guidApplication = g_app_guid;
app_desc.pwszSessionName = L"SercverSession";
app_desc.dwMaxPlayers = 256;
// Start hosting
// Creates a new client/server session, hosted by the local computer.
if(FAILED(g_dp_server->Host(&app_desc, &dp_address, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0)))
return FALSE;
// Release the address component
// Disables combo-box control.
// Enables or disables mouse and keyboard input to the specified window or control.
// When input is disabled, the window does not receive input such as mouse clicks and key presses.
// When input is enabled, the window receives all input.
EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(g_hwnd, IDC_ADAPTERS), FALSE);
// Setup the dialog information
SetWindowText(GetDlgItem(g_hwnd, IDC_STARTSTOP), "Stop");
g_is_hosting = TRUE;
return TRUE;
服务器端创建好之后,接收到的第一个消息就是创建一个玩家。创建的第一个玩家总是主机玩家,然后其他玩家才开始被创建和释放,但是在整个会话过程中,主机玩家始终都存在。创建玩家消息通过DPN_MSGID_CREATE_PLAYER定义,并且消息缓冲区被类型转换成 DPNMSG_CREATE_PLAYER结构体。
Microsoft® DirectPlay® generates the DPN_MSGID_CREATE_PLAYER message when a player is added to a peer-to-peer or client/server session.
The DPNMSG_CREATE_PLAYER structure contains information for the DPN_MSGID_CREATE_PLAYER system message.
typedef struct _DPNMSG_CREATE_PLAYER{
DWORD dwSize;
DPNID dpnidPlayer;
PVOID pvPlayerContext;
- dwSize
- Size of this structure.
- dpnidPlayer
- DPNID of the player that was added to the session.
- pvPlayerContext
- Player context value.
Return Values
Return DPN_OK.
The only method of setting the player context value is through this system message. You can either set the player context value directly, through this message, or indirectly through DPN_MSGID_INDICATE_CONNECT. Once a player context value has been set, it cannot be changed.
一个玩家有一个与之关联的名称,而且要能够取回玩家名称以便在游戏中使用(因为没有人想使用一个数字作为其名称),这就是IDirectPlay8Server:: GetClientInfo函数所实现的功能。
Retrieves the client information set for the specified client.
HRESULT GetClientInfo(
const DPNID dpnid,
DPN_PLAYER_INFO *const pdpnPlayerInfo,
DWORD *const pdwSize,
const DWORD dwFlags
- dpnid
- [in] Variable of type DPNID that specifies the identifier of the client to retrieve the information for.
- pdpnPlayerInfo
- [out] Pointer to a DPN_PLAYER_INFO structure that is filled with client information. If pdwSize is not set to NULL, you must set pdpnPlayerInfo.dwSize to an appropriate value.
- pdwSize
- [in,out] Pointer to a variable of type DWORD that contains the size of the client data, in bytes, returned in the pdpnPlayerInfo parameter. If the buffer is too small, this method returns DPNERR_BUFFERTOOSMALL and this parameter contains the size of the required buffer.
- dwFlags
- [in] Flags describing the information returned for the client. Currently, both of the following flags are returned.
- The DPN_PLAYER_INFO structure contains the name set for the client.
- The DPN_PLAYER_INFO structure contains the data set for the client.
Return Values
Returns S_OK if successful, or one of the following error values.
Call this method after the server receives a DPN_MSGID_CLIENT_INFO message from the application. This message indicates that a client has updated its information.
Microsoft® DirectPlay® returns the DPN_PLAYER_INFO structure, and the pointers assigned to the structure's pwszName and pvData members in a contiguous buffer. If the two pointers were set, you must have allocated enough memory for the structure, plus the two pointers. The most robust way to use this method is to first call it with pdwSize set to NULL. When the method returns, pdwSize will point to the correct value. Use that value to allocate memory for the structure and call the method a second time to retrieve the information.
When the method returns, the dwInfoFlags member of the DPN_PLAYER_INFO structure will always have the DPNINFO_DATA and DPNINFO_NAME flags set, even if the corresponding pointers are set to NULL. These flags are used when calling IDirectPlay8Client::SetClientInfo, to notify DirectPlay of which values have changed.
Transmission of nonstatic information should be handled with the IDirectPlay8Client::Send method because of the high cost of using the IDirectPlay8Client::SetPeerInfo method.
The player sets the information by calling IDirectPlay8Client::SetClientInfo.
pdpnPlayerInfo指向玩家信息结构体。typedef struct _DPN_PLAYER_INFO{ DWORD dwSize; DWORD dwInfoFlags; PWSTR pwszName; PVOID pvData; DWORD dwDataSize; DWORD dwPlayerFlags; } DPN_PLAYER_INFO, *PDPN_PLAYER_INFO;
Describe static player information.
- dwSize
- Variable of type DWORD describing the size of this structure.
- dwInfoFlags
- Variable of type DWORD containing flags that specify the type of information contained in this structure. When a GetPlayerInfo method returns, the dwInfoFlags member of the DPN_PLAYER_INFO will always have both flags set, even if the corresponding pointers are set to NULL. These flags are used when calling IDirectPlay8Peer::SetPeerInfo, to notify Microsoft® DirectPlay® which values have changed.
- The pwszName member contains valid data.
- The pvData member contains valid data.
- pwszName
- Pointer to a variable of type PWSTR specifying the Unicode name of the player.
- pvData
- Pointer to the data describing the player.
- dwDataSize
- Variable of type DWORD that specifies the size of the data contained in the pvData member.
- dwPlayerFlags
- Variable of type DWORD that may contain one of the following flags.
- This information is for the local player.
- This player is the host for the application.
When using this structure in the IDirectPlay8Peer::GetPeerInfo and IDirectPlay8Server::GetClientInfo methods, dwInfoFlags must be set to 0.
When using this structure in the IDirectPlay8Client::SetClientInfo, IDirectPlay8Peer::SetPeerInfo, or IDirectPlay8Server::SetServerInfo methods, dwPlayerFlags should be set to zero.
// application variables
DPNID player_id; // DirectPlay Player ID
char name[26]; // Player Name
PLAYER_INFO() { player_id = 0; }
// window handles, class.
HWND g_hwnd;
char g_class_name[] = "ServerClass";
// application GUID
GUID g_app_guid = { 0xababbe60, 0x1ac0, 0x11d5, { 0x90, 0x89, 0x44, 0x45, 0x53, 0x54, 0x0, 0x1 } };
IDirectPlay8Server* g_dp_server; // DirectPlay Server
DPN_SERVICE_PROVIDER_INFO* g_adapter_list; // adapters
DWORD g_num_adapters; // number of adapters
PLAYER_INFO g_player_info[256]; // player information
BOOL g_is_hosting; // flag indicates whether host started or not
// Callback function that receives all messages from the client, and receives indications
// of session changes from the IDirectPlay8Client interface.
HRESULT WINAPI Net_Msg_Handle(PVOID user_context, DWORD message_id, PVOID msg_buffer)
DPNMSG_CREATE_PLAYER* create_player; // contains information for the DPN_MSGID_CREATE_PLAYER system message
DPNMSG_DESTROY_PLAYER* destroy_player; // contains information for the DPN_MSGID_DESTROY_PLAYER system message
DPNMSG_RECEIVE* receive_data; // contains information for the DPN_MSGID_RECEIVE system message
DPN_PLAYER_INFO* dpn_player_info;// describes static player informaion
DPN_BUFFER_DESC buffer_desc; // used dy DirectPlay for generic buffer information
DPNHANDLE async_handle;
PLAYER_INFO* player_info;
int index;
DWORD size;
char message[512];
// Microsoft DirectPlay generates the DPN_MSGID_CREATE_PLAYER message when a player is added to a
// peer-to-peer or client/server session.
create_player = (DPNMSG_CREATE_PLAYER*) msg_buffer;
// get player name and save it
size = 0;
dpn_player_info = NULL;
// Retrieves the client information set for the specified client
rv = g_dp_server->GetClientInfo(create_player->dpnidPlayer, dpn_player_info, &size, 0);
// skip this if this is a host player
return E_FAIL;
if((dpn_player_info = (DPN_PLAYER_INFO*) new BYTE[size]) == NULL)
return E_FAIL;
ZeroMemory(dpn_player_info, size);
dpn_player_info->dwSize = sizeof(DPN_PLAYER_INFO);
// retrieves the client information set again
if(FAILED(g_dp_server->GetClientInfo(create_player->dpnidPlayer, dpn_player_info, &size, 0)))
delete[] dpn_player_info;
return E_FAIL;
// Find an empty player structure to use
index = -1;
for(int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
if(g_player_info[i].player_id == 0)
index = i;
if(index == -1)
delete[] dpn_player_info;
return E_FAIL;
// set player context pointer
create_player->pvPlayerContext = (void*) &g_player_info[index];
// save player ID
g_player_info[index].player_id = create_player->dpnidPlayer;
wcstombs(g_player_info[index].name, dpn_player_info->pwszName, 256);
// add player to list
SendMessage(GetDlgItem(g_hwnd, IDC_USERS), LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM) g_player_info[index].name);
// send a message to all players notifying someone joined
sprintf(message, "%s joined!", g_player_info[index].name);
Send_Text_Msg(DPNID_ALL_PLAYERS_GROUP, message);
delete[] dpn_player_info;
// return S_OK to signify the message was handled OK.
return S_OK;