12.2-2: RECURSIVE-TREE-MINIMUM(X): while(x.left != null): x = x.left; return x; RECURSIVE-TREE-MAXIMUM(X): while(x.right != null): x = x.right; return x;
return x.left;
t = x.parent;
while(x == t.left && t!= null)
x = t; t = t.parent;
return t;
If one BST node has two children, then its predecessor is the maximum of its left
sub-tree, and its successor is the minimum of its right sub-tree. The smallest
element has no left child, and the largest one has no right child.
Think from node x.
If x don't have a right sub-tree, then its successor is the ancestor where the left
sub-tree is the first to contain x. Therefore, this successor is the lowest ancestor
of x, whose left child is also an ancestor of x.