JavaScript in HTML

 The introduction of JavaScript into web pages immediately ran into the Web  ’ s  predominant
language, HTML. As part of its original work on JavaScript, Netscape tried to figure out how to
make JavaScript coexist in HTML pages without breaking those pages ’  rendering in other
browsers. Through trial, error, and controversy, several decisions were finally made and agreed
upon to bring universal scripting support to the Web. Much of the work done in these early days
of the Web has survived and become formalized in the HTML specification. 
   The  < script >   Element
 The primary method of inserting JavaScript into an HTML page is via the    < script >    element. This
element was created by Netscape and first implemented in Netscape Navigator 2. It was later
added to the formal HTML specification. HTML 4.01 defines the following five attributes for the
   < script >     element:
❑    charset   —  Optional. The character set of the code specified using the   src  attribute. This
attribute is rarely used, because most browsers don ’ t honor its value. 
❑    defer   —  Optional. Indicates that the execution of the script can safely be deferred until
after the document ’ s content has been completely parsed and displayed. 
❑    language   —  Deprecated. Originally indicated the scripting language being used by the
code block (such as   “ JavaScript ” ,    “ JavaScript1.2 ” , or   “ VBScript “ ). Most browsers
ignore this attribute; it should not be used. 
❑    src   —  Optional. Indicates an external file that contains code to be executed. 
❑    type   —  Required. Seen as a replacement for   language ; indicates the content type (also
called MIME type) of the scripting language being used by the code block. Traditionally,
this value has always been   “text/javascript” , though both   “text/javascript”   and
  “text/ecmascript”  are deprecated. JavaScript files are typically served with the
  “application/x - javascript”  MIME type even though setting this in the   type 
attribute may cause the script to be ignored. Other values that work in non  – Internet  Explorer
(IE) browsers are   “application/javascript”  and   “application/ecmascript” . The   type 
attribute is still typically set to   “text/javascript”  by convention and for maximum browser
 There are two ways to use the    < script >    element: embed JavaScript code directly into the page or
include JavaScript from an external file.
 To include inline JavaScript code, the    < script >    element needs only the   type  attribute. The JavaScript
code is then placed inside the element directly, as follows:
 < script type=”text/javascript” >
    function sayHi(){
 < /script >  
 The JavaScript code contained inside a    < script >    element is interpreted from top to bottom. In the case
of this example, a function definition is interpreted and stored inside the interpreter environment. The
rest of the page content is not loaded and/or displayed until after all of the code inside the    < script >   
element has been evaluated.
 When using inline JavaScript code, keep in mind that you cannot have the string   “ < /script > ” 
anywhere in your code. For example, the following code causes an error when loaded into a browser:
 < script type=”text/javascript” >
    function sayScript(){
        alert(“ < /script > ”);
 < /script >  
 Due to the way that inline scripts are parsed, the browser sees the string   “ < /script > ”  as if it were the
closing    < /script >    tag. This problem can be avoided easily by splitting the string into two parts, as in
this example:
 < script type=”text/javascript” >
    function sayScript(){
        alert(“ < /scr” + “ipt > ”);
 < /script >  
 The changes to this code make it acceptable to browsers and won ’ t cause any errors.
 To include JavaScript from an external file, the   src  attribute is required. The value of   src  is a URL
linked to a file containing JavaScript code, like this:
 < script type=”text/javascript” src=”example.js” >  < /script >   
 In this example, an external file named   example.js  is loaded into the page. The file itself need only
contain the JavaScript code that would occur between the opening    < script >    and closing    < /script >   
tags. As with inline JavaScript code, processing of the page is halted while the external file is interpreted
(there is also some time taken to download the file). In XHTML documents, you can omit the closing tag,
as in this example:
 < script type=”text/javascript” src=”example.js” / >  
 This syntax should not be used in HTML documents, because it is invalid HTML and won ’ t be handled
properly by some browsers, most notably IE.     
 By convention, external JavaScript files have a   .js  extension. This is not a requirement, because
browsers do not check the file extension of included JavaScript files. This leaves open the possibility of
dynamically generating JavaScript code using JSP, PHP, or another server - side scripting language.   
 It ’ s important to note that a    < script >    element using the   src  attribute should not include additional
JavaScript code between the    < script >    and    < /script >     tags.
 One of the most powerful and most controversial parts of the    < script >    element is its ability to include
JavaScript files from outside domains. Much like an    < img >    element, the    < script >     element ’ s    src 
attribute may be set to a full URL that exists outside the domain on which the HTML page exists, as in
this example:
  <  script type=”text/javascript” src=””  >  < /script >  
 Code from an external domain will be loaded and interpreted as if it were part of the page that is loading
it. This capability allows you to serve up JavaScript from various domains if necessary. Be careful,
however, if you are accessing JavaScript files located on a server that you don ’ t control. A malicious
programmer could, at any time, replace the file. When including JavaScript files from a different domain,
make sure you are the domain owner or the domain is owned by a trusted source.
 Regardless of how the code is included, the     < script >    elements are interpreted in the order in which they
appear in the page. The first     < script >    element ’ s code must be completely interpreted before the second
    < script >    element begins interpretation, the second must be completed before the third, and so on.
  Tag Placement
 Traditionally, all    < script >    elements were placed within the    < head >    element on a page, such as in this
 < html >
   < head >
     < title >  Example HTML Page  < /title >
     <  script type=”text/javascript” src=”example1.js”  >  < /script >
     <  script type=”text/javascript” src=”example2.js”  >  < /script >
   < /head >
   < body >
     < !-- content here -- >
   < /body >
 < /html >   
 The main purpose of this format was to keep external file references, both CSS files and JavaScript files,
in the same area. However, including all JavaScript files in the    < head >    of a document means that all of
the JavaScript code must be downloaded, parsed, and interpreted before the page begins rendering
(rendering begins when the browser receives the opening    < body >    tag). For pages that require a lot of
JavaScript code, this can cause a noticeable delay in page rendering, during which time the browser will
be completely blank. For this reason, modern web applications typically include all JavaScript references
in the    < body >    element, after the page content, as shown in this example:
 < html >
   < head >
     < title >  Example HTML Page  < /title >
   < /head >
   < body >
     < !-- content here -- >
     <  script type=”text/javascript” src=”example1.js”  >  < /script >
     <  script type=”text/javascript” src=”example2.js”  >  < /script >
   < /body >
 < /html >  
 Using this approach, the page is completely rendered in the browser before the JavaScript code is
processed. The resulting user experience is perceived as faster, because the amount of time spent on a
blank browser window is reduced. 
  Deferred Scripts
 HTML 4.01 defines an attribute named   defer  for the    < script >    element. The purpose of   defer  is to
indicate that a script won ’ t be changing the structure of the page as it executes. As such, the script can be
run safely after the entire page has been parsed. Setting the   defer  attribute on a    < script >     element
effectively, as shown in the following example, is the same as putting the    < script >    element at the very
bottom of the page (as described in the previous section):
 < html >
   < head >
     < title >  Example HTML Page  < /title >
     < script type=”text/javascript” defer=”defer” src=”example1.js” >  < /script >
     < script type=”text/javascript” defer=”defer” src=”example2.js” >  < /script >
   < /head >
   < body >
     < !-- content here -- >
   < /body >
 < /html >  
 Even though the    < script >    elements in this example are included in the document    < head >   , they will not
be executed until after the browser has received the closing    < /html >     tag.
 The one downside of   defer  is that it is not commonly supported across all browsers. IE and Firefox 3.1
are the only major browsers that support the   defer  attribute. All other browsers simply ignore this
attribute and treat the script as it normally would.      
 For information on more ways to achieve functionality similar to that of the   defer  attribute, see
Chapter   12 .   
  Changes in  XHTML 
 Extensible HyperText Markup Language, or XHTML, is a reformulation of HTML as an application
of XML. The rules for writing code in XHTML are stricter than those for HTML, which affects the
   < script/ >    element when using embedded JavaScript code. Although valid in HTML, the following
code block is invalid in XHTML:
 < script type=”text/javascript” >
    function compare(a, b) {
        if (a  <  b) {
            alert(“A is less than B”);
        } else if (a  >   b) {
            alert(“A is greater than B”);
        } else {
            alert(“A is equal to B”);
 < /script >     
 In HTML, the    < script >    element has special rules governing how its contents should be parsed; in
XHTML, these special rules don ’ t apply. This means that the less - than symbol (   <   ) in the statement   a  <   b 
is interpreted as the beginning of a tag, which causes a syntax error because a less - than symbol must not
be followed by a space.
 There are two options for fixing the XHTML syntax error. The first is to replace all occurrences of the
less - than  symbol  (   <   ) with its HTML entity (   &  lt; ). The resulting code looks like this:
 < script type=”text/javascript” >
    function compare(a, b) {
        if (a  &lt;  b) {
            alert(“A is less than B”);
        } else if (a  >   b) {
            alert(}A is greater than B”);
        } else {
            alert(“A is equal to B”);
 < /script >  
 This code will now run in an XHTML page; however, the code is slightly less readable. Fortunately, there
is another approach. 
 The second option for turning this code into a valid XHTML version is to wrap the JavaScript code in a
CData section. In XHTML (and XML), CData sections are used to indicate areas of the document that
contain free - form text not intended to be parsed. This enables you to use any character, including the
less - than symbol, without incurring a syntax error. The format is as follows:
 < script type=”text/javascript” >  < ![CDATA[
    function compare(a, b) {
        if (a  <  b) {
            alert(“A is less than B”);
        } else if (a  >   b) {
            alert(“A is greater than B”);
        } else {
            alert(“A is equal to B”);
]] >  < /script >     
 In  XHTML  - compliant web browsers, this solves the problem. However, many browsers are still not
XHTML - compliant  and  don  ’ t support the CData section. To work around this, the CData markup must
be offset by JavaScript comments:
 < script type=”text/javascript” >
// < ![CDATA[
    function compare(a, b) {
        if (a  <  b) {
            alert(“A is less than B”);
        } else if (a  >   b) {
            alert(“A is greater than B”);
        } else {
            alert(“A is equal to B”);
//]] >
 < /script >     
 This format works in all modern browsers. Though a little bit of a hack, it validates as XHTML and
degrades gracefully for pre - XHTML browsers. 
  Deprecated Syntax
 When the    < script >    element was originally introduced, it marked a departure from traditional HTML
parsing. Special rules needed to be applied within this element, and that caused problems for browsers
that didn ’ t support JavaScript (the most notable being Mosaic). Nonsupporting browsers would output
the contents of the    < script >    element onto the page, effectively ruining the page  ’ s  appearance. 
 Netscape worked with Mosaic to come up with a solution that would hide embedded JavaScript code
from browsers that didn ’ t support it. The final solution was to enclose the script code in an HTML
comment, like this:
 < script >  < !--
    function sayHi(){
//-- >  < /script >  
 Using this format, browsers like Mosaic would safely ignore the content inside of the    < script >    tag, and
browsers that supported JavaScript had to look for this pattern to recognize that there was indeed
JavaScript content to be parsed.
 Although this format is still recognized and interpreted correctly by all web browsers, it is no longer
necessary and should not be used. 
  Inline Code versus External Files
 Although  it  ’ s possible to embed JavaScript in HTML files directly, it ’ s generally considered a best
practice to include as much JavaScript as possible using external files. Keeping in mind that there are no
hard and fast rules regarding this practice, the arguments for using external files are as follows:
    Maintainability   —  JavaScript code that is sprinkled throughout various HTML pages turns code
maintenance into a problem. It is much easier to have a directory for all JavaScript files so that
developers can edit JavaScript code independent of the markup in which it ’ s used. 
    Caching   —  Browsers cache all externally linked JavaScript files according to specific settings,
meaning that if two pages are using the same file, the file is downloaded only once. This ultimately
means faster page  - load  times. 
    Future  - proof   —  By including JavaScript using external files, there ’ s no need to use the XHTML or
comment hacks mentioned previously. The syntax to include external files is the same for both
HTML  and  XHTML.     
   Document Modes
 Internet Explorer 5.5 introduced the concept of document modes through the use of doctype switching.
The first two document modes were   quirks mode , which made IE behave as if it were version 5 (with
several nonstandard features), and   standards mode , which made IE behave in a more standards  - compliant
way. Though the primary difference between these two modes is related to the rendering of content with
regard to CSS, there are also several side effects related to JavaScript. These side effects are discussed
throughout the book.
 Since Internet Explorer first introduced the concept of document modes, other browsers have followed
suit. As this adoption happened, a third mode called   almost standards mode  arose. That mode has a lot of
the features of standards mode but isn ’ t as strict. The main difference is in the treatment of spacing
around images (most noticeable when images are used in tables). 
 Quirks mode is achieved in all browsers by omitting the doctype at the beginning of the document. This
is considered poor practice, because quirks mode is very different across all browsers and no level of true
browser consistency can be achieved without hacks.
 Standards mode is turned on when one of the following doctypes is used:
 < !-- HTML 4.01 Strict -- >
“” >
 < !-- XHTML 1.0 Strict -- >
“-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN”
“” >  
 Almost standards mode is triggered by transitional and frameset doctypes, as follows:
 < !-- HTML 4.01 Transitional -- >
“-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN”
“” >
 < !-- HTML 4.01 Frameset -- >
“-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Frameset//EN”
“” >
 < !-- XHTML 1.0 Transitional -- >
“-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN”
“” >
 < !-- XHTML 1.0 Frameset -- >
“-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Frameset//EN”
“” >  
 Because almost standards mode is so close to standards mode, the distinction is rarely made. People
talking about  “ standards mode ”  may be talking about either, and detection for the document mode
(discussed later in this book) also doesn ’ t make the distinction.
 Internet Explorer 8 introduced a new document mode originally called   super standards mode .  Super
standards mode puts IE into the most standards - compliant version of the browser available. Quirks
mode renders as if the browser is IE 5, whereas standards mode uses the IE 7 rendering engine. Super
standards mode is the default document mode in IE 8, though it can be turned off using a special
    < meta >    value as shown here:
 < meta http-equiv=”X-UA-Compatible” content=”IE=7” / >   
 The value of   IE  in the   content  attribute specifies what version ’ s rendering engine should be used to
render the page. This is intended to allow backwards compatibility for sites and pages that have been
designed specifically for older versions of IE.
 As with almost standards mode, super standards mode is typically not called out as separate from
standards mode. Throughout this book, the term   standards mode  should be taken to mean any mode other
than quirks. 
   The  < noscript >   Element
 Of particular concern to early browsers was the graceful degradation of pages when the browser didn ’ t
support JavaScript. To that end, the    < noscript >    element was created to provide alternate content for
browsers without JavaScript. This element can contain any HTML elements, aside from    < script >   ,  that
can be included in the document    < body >   . Any content contained in a    < noscript >    element will be
displayed under only the following two circumstances:
❑  The  browser  doesn  ’ t support scripting. 
❑  The  browser ’ s  scripting  support  is  turned  off.   
 If either of these conditions is met, then the content inside the    < noscript >    element is rendered. In all
other cases, the browser does not render the content of    < noscript >   .
 Here is a simple example:
 < html >
   < head >
     < title >  Example HTML Page  < /title >
     < script type=”text/javascript” defer=”defer” src=”example1.js” >  < /script >
     < script type=”text/javascript” defer=”defer” src=”example2.js” >  < /script >
   < /head >
   < body >
     < noscript >
       < p > This page requires a JavaScript-enabled browser. < /p >
     < /noscript >
   < /body >
 < /html >  
 In this example, a message is displayed to the user when the scripting is not available. For scripting -
 enabled browsers, this message will never be seen even though it is still a part of the page.  

 JavaScript is inserted into HTML pages by using the    < script >    element. This element can be used to
embed JavaScript into an HTML page, leaving it inline with the rest of the markup, or to include
JavaScript that exists in an external file. The following are key points:
  Both uses require the   type  attribute to be set to   “text/javascript  " ,  indicating  the  scripting
language is JavaScript. 
  To include external JavaScript files, the   src  attribute must be set to the URL of the file to
include, which may be a file on the same server as the containing page or one that exists on a
completely different domain. 
  All     < script >    elements are interpreted in the order in which they occur on the page. The code
contained within a    < script >    element must be completely interpreted before code in the next
   < script >    element can begin. 
  The browser must complete interpretation of the code inside a    < script >    element before it can
continue rendering the rest of the page. For this reason,    < script >    elements are usually included
toward the end of the page, after the main content and just before the closing    < /body >     tag. 
  In Internet Explorer (IE), you can defer a script ’ s execution until after the document has
rendered by using the   defer  attribute. Though this attribute is part of the HTML 4.01
specification, IE is the only browser that has implemented support for it.    
 By using the    < noscript >    element, you can specify that content is to be shown only if scripting support
isn ’ t available on the browser. Any content contained in the    < noscript >    element will not be rendered if
scripting is enabled on the browser.

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