扩展 xp_fixeddrives
if not exists( select * from sys.configurations(nolock) cc where cc.name='xp_cmdshell' and cc.value_in_use=1) begin exec sp_configure 'show advanced options',1 reconfigure exec sp_configure 'xp_cmdshell',1 reconfigure end if OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#fixeddrives_temp') is not null drop table #fixeddrives_temp; Go if OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#totaldrives_temp') is not null drop table #totaldrives_temp; Go create table tempdb..#fixeddrives_temp(drive char(1),freesize bigint) create table tempdb..#totaldrives_temp(size varchar(100)); insert into #totaldrives_temp exec xp_cmdshell 'wmic LogicalDisk get deviceid,size' insert into #fixeddrives_temp exec xp_fixeddrives select f.drive, t.[totalsizeMB] as [总空间MB], (t.[totalsizeMB]-cast(f.freesize as decimal(20,0))) as [已用空间MB], f.freesize as [未用空间MB], cast(((t.[totalsizeMB]-cast(f.freesize as bigint))*100.0/t.[totalsizeMB]) as decimal(5,1)) as [已使用%], cast((cast(f.freesize as bigint)*100.0/t.[totalsizeMB]) as decimal(5,1)) as [未使用%] from ( select rtrim(left(LTRIM(size),1)) as drive, cast(replace(replace(replace(ltrim(RIGHT(rtrim(size),LEN(size)-2)),char(9),''),char(10),''),CHAR(13),'') as bigint)/1024/1024 as [totalsizeMB] from #totaldrives_temp where size not like '%DeviceID Size%' and LEN(size) not IN (0,1) ) AS t inner join #fixeddrives_temp f on t.drive=f.drive