What are your list of must know programming proverbs ?
本文是从 What are your list of must know programming proverbs ? 这篇文章翻译而来。
我读了Kevin Pang 的一篇可能非常老但非常好的有趣文章:每个程序员都该知道的10大编程格言。
- 保持简单直白(Keep It Simple Stupid)
- 不要做重复的事情(Don’t Repeat Yourself)
- 能干的人解决问题。智慧的人绕开问题(A clever person solves a problem. A wise person avoids it) – Einstein
- 沉默会被理解为赞同(Silence is construed as approval)( Picked from Kevin blog )
- 没有火就不会有烟(There is no smoke without fire)
- 先想好,后编程(Think first, Program later)
- 永远不要假设计算机为你假设了任何前提(Never assume the computer assumes anything)
What are your list of must know programming proverbs ?
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I was reading through this interesting post by Kevin Pang probably very old but good on 10 Programming Proverbs Every Developer Should Know .
Kevin gives his insight on 10 programming proverns that are must to be known for developers .
It is infact a good list of proverbs and here i list my favourites of the programming proverbs.
- Keep It Simple Stupid
- Don’t Repeat Yourself
- A clever person solves a problem. A wise person avoids it – Einstein
- Silence is construed as approval ( Picked from Kevin blog )
- There is no smoke without fire
- Think first, Program later
- Never assume the computer assumes anything
Do you have any favourites of the programming proverbs ? what are they ?
You might find the below book interesting if you want to know more programming quotes .
The Book titled “Programming Proverbs: Principles of Good Programming with Numerous Examples to Improve Programming Style and Proficiency” is written by Henry F. Ledgard .