Using C++ in Eclipse - "Program file not Specified" problem

Using C++ in Eclipse - "Program file not Specified" problem
遇到的问题 跟这位仁兄的一样  不过我的是在Linux下的, 抄录如下,以滋怀念。
When we are using CDT to write C++ in Eclipse, you may encounter the following error: (I've set up a new C++ Hello World project)

Binary not found

Or Program file not Specified

So how can we solve it?

1. Right click the project, Properties->C/C++ Build->Settings->Binary Parser, Click on "PE Windows Parser" if you are a Windows user.

2. Now in the Run configurations, you can choose your C/C++ Application (At first you may not find the binaries to run because eclipse does not know how to run this binary)

By jimmyzzxhlh@SumiSora


posted @ 2011-06-01 20:38  夏大王  阅读(951)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报