Community Server 2008.5 SP2发布啦

今天Community Server 2008.5 SP2发布了,居然不是叫CS2009!

    * Evolution now always uses the querystring value.
    * The comment form requires a name only when it does not allow anonymous comments.
    * Posts made by the owners of the Section will no longer be process by the SPAM blocker.


    * Reporting Author link is fixed in Report Abuse functionality.
    * Uploading media/image to forum post no longer causes server errors.
    * Forum Permissions are checked when retrieving forums.
    * Email generated by "Suggest Answer" now has correct URL.


    * Metablog API now saves files in post-specific folders.
    * The accessdenied.aspx page is no longer missing from the Web root.
    * The cry emoticon now renders.
    * System administrators can delete announcements and profile comments as an anonymous user.
    * The user interface was simplified to support single file uploads.
    * LiveWriter no longer overwrites images.
    * Common.css has been modified to fix typos and blank areas.
    * The URL HTML has properly encoded so overrides are not malformed.
    * CommunityServer.Components/Components/Globals.cs has been modified to support relative URLs below the root.
    * HttpHandler has been modified to support  ~/ in Chameleon.
    * Usernames can be used as Email addresses.
    * Problems with broken URLs have been fixed.
    * Admin links now display on the Dashboard drop-down menu.
    * Changed enum parse on application type to be case-insensitive.
    * Now allow non-US media URLs
    * Use absolute path instead of relative path in mass emails.


    * Users are given permission to create all of the necessary default applications inside of a Group before the applications are created so the exception is not thrown.
    * A pager is inserted when group lists exceed 20.
    * An error is no longer generated when a user clicks the Contact Group Owners link.
    * Groups now require a media gallery for uploading files.

Media Galleries

    * Files are now stored in a specific folder and are stored with a unique filename so uploaded files are not overwritten.
    * Media Gallery comment notification emails now contain the correct post URL.
    * The Multiple File Upload control no longer appears if Flash 10 or greater is installed.
    * The media gallery share e-mail URLs have been fixed.
    * ConditionalActions control  has been added so media upload can be disabled.


    * New patches for core and the REST service have been created to eliminate REST API Timeouts for ThreadQuery.
    * REST API no longer causes a deserialization exception when hex characters in forum post are serialized on Evolution and then deserialized on the client application.

Users/User Profiles

    * The friend list is no longer truncated.
    * The status area is now labeled Private Area in conversation mode.
    * The link in e-mail generated by Change Password no longer results in a "Access Denied" error.


    * Users who create wiki pages can now delete them rather than receiving a foreign key restraint error.
    * Wiki spam emails are now sent only to those with wiki admin or moderator permissions for that wiki.
    * The maximum RSS for Wiki pages is now 25.

posted @ 2009-04-08 23:24  canbeing  阅读(992)  评论(8编辑  收藏  举报