

升级原因:现有的EMC6510的FOS版本为v7.2.0.d, 只能使用java1.6访问webtools,java1.7+不支持,很不爽。
要从 v7.2.0d --> v7.3.1d  , 升级包是从QQ群里一位专业博科技术那里要的,很感谢这位兄弟。

firmwareshow  //查看fos版本
cfgsave   //保存配置
configupload  //上传配置文件到ftp服务器上


SwitchB:admin> firmwaredownload
Server Name or IP Address:
User Name: web001
File Name: /v7.3.1d
Network Protocol(1-auto-select, 2-FTP, 3-SCP, 4-SFTP) [1]: 2
Password: xxx
Server IP:, Protocol IPv4
Checking system settings for firmwaredownload...
System settings check passed.

You can run firmwaredownloadstatus to get the status
of this command.

This command will cause a warm/non-disruptive boot but will
require that existing telnet, secure telnet or SSH sessions
be restarted.

Do you want to continue (Y/N) [Y]: y
Firmware is being downloaded to the switch. This step may take up to 30 minutes.
Preparing for firmwaredownload...
Start to install packages...
dir ##################################################
ldconfig ##################################################
glibc ##################################################
glibc-linuxthreads ##################################################
bash ##################################################
readline ##################################################
terminfo ##################################################
termcap ##################################################
vixie-cron ##################################################
fileutils ##################################################
textutils ##################################################
warning: /etc/group created as /etc/group.rpmnew
warning: /etc/passwd created as /etc/passwd.rpmnew
setup ##################################################
warning: /etc/hosts created as /etc/hosts.rpmnew
swbd12-setup ##################################################
which ##################################################


fabos-webtools ##################################################
fabos-webtoolsez ##################################################


Please avoid powering off the system during prom update.
ipv6 ##################################################
awk ##################################################
ipsec ##################################################
hss-diag ##################################################
Removing unneeded files, please wait ...
There was a problem cleaning /bin, retrying
There was a problem cleaning /bin, retrying
There was a problem cleaning /bin, retrying
There was a problem cleaning /sbin, retrying
There was a problem cleaning /sbin, retrying
There was a problem cleaning /sbin, retrying
There was a problem cleaning /libexec, retrying
There was a problem cleaning /libexec, retrying
There was a problem cleaning /libexec, retrying
There was a problem cleaning /fabos/bin, retrying
There was a problem cleaning /fabos/bin, retrying
There was a problem cleaning /fabos/bin, retrying
There was a problem cleaning /fabos/sbin, retrying
There was a problem cleaning /fabos/sbin, retrying
There was a problem cleaning /fabos/sbin, retrying
There was a problem cleaning /fabos/libexec, retrying
There was a problem cleaning /fabos/libexec, retrying
There was a problem cleaning /fabos/libexec, retrying
There was a problem cleaning /fabos/modules, retrying
There was a problem cleaning /fabos/modules, retrying
There was a problem cleaning /fabos/modules, retrying
There was a problem cleaning /usr/bin, retrying
There was a problem cleaning /usr/bin, retrying
There was a problem cleaning /usr/bin, retrying
There was a problem cleaning /usr/sbin, retrying
There was a problem cleaning /usr/sbin, retrying
There was a problem cleaning /usr/sbin, retrying
There was a problem cleaning /usr/libexec, retrying
There was a problem cleaning /usr/libexec, retrying
There was a problem cleaning /usr/libexec, retrying
There was a problem cleaning /tftpboot, retrying
There was a problem cleaning /tftpboot, retrying
There was a problem cleaning /tftpboot, retrying
There was a problem cleaning /lib/modules/default, retrying
There was a problem cleaning /lib/modules/default, retrying
There was a problem cleaning /lib/modules/default, retrying
Finished removing unneeded files.

INFO: Ciphersuite change on switch
HTTPS ciphers will be modified to be compatible with new firmware version
All packages have been downloaded successfully.
Firmware has been downloaded to the secondary partition of the switch.
HA Rebooting ...


SwitchB:admin> firmwareshow
Appl Primary/Secondary Versions
FOS v7.3.1d



附: 把配置导到一台新的交换机
switchdisable     //先停用交换机
configdownload   //从ftp上下载config.txt文件到交换机
cfgenable   cfg
switchenable    //启用交换机


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