# 查看是否安装hacmp
lslpp -l | grep cluster

lslpp -l ""

# 查看是否运行hacmp
lssrc -g cluster
lssrc -s clcomdES  // 集群通信守护进程
startsrc -s clcomdES  //启动集群通信守护进程

# 启动 hacmp
smit  hacmp

/usr/es/sbin/cluster/utilities/clshowsrv -v

/usr/es/sbin/cluster/utilities/cltopinfo -i

lssrc -ls topsvcs

ps -ef|grep nim

//共享hacmp添加pv到concurrent vg中
smitty hacmp
-->System Management (C-SPOC)
-->Volume Groups
-->Set Characteristics of a Volume Group
-->Add a Volume to a Volume Group

smit hacmp
--> System Management (C-SPOC)
--> HACMP Services
--> Start Cluster Services

smitty hacmp
-->System Management (C-SPOC)
-->Logical Volumes
-->Add a Logical Volume
# 选择要用的VG
# Auto-select
* Number of LOGICAL PARTITIONS //根据vg剩于空间填写分区数量
# Logical volume TYPE // 此处填写 "raw" 用于裸设备

如果后期要改 Logical volume TYPE 在上层选 " Change a Logical Volume "

posted @ 2020-03-04 17:13  莫让年华付水流  阅读(954)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报