01 2013 档案
摘要:Problem DescriptionYour task is to calculate the sum of some integers.InputInput contains an integer N in the first line, and then N lines follow. Each line starts with a integer M, and then M integers follow in the same line.OutputFor each group of input integers you should output their sum in one
摘要:Problem DescriptionYour task is to Calculate the sum of some integers.InputInput contains multiple test cases. Each test case contains a integer N, and then N integers follow in the same line. A test case starting with 0 terminates the input and this test case is not to be processed.OutputFor each g
摘要:Problem DescriptionYour task is to Calculate a + b.InputInput contains multiple test cases. Each test case contains a pair of integers a and b, one pair of integers per line. A test case containing 0 0 terminates the input and this test case is not to be processed.OutputFor each pair of input intege
摘要:Problem DescriptionYour task is to Calculate a + b.InputInput contains an integer N in the first line, and then N lines follow. Each line consists of a pair of integers a and b, separated by a space, one pair of integers per line.OutputFor each pair of input integers a and b you should output the su
摘要:Problem DescriptionYour task is to Calculate a + b. Too easy?! Of course! I specially designed the problem for acm beginners. You must have found that some problems have the same titles with this one, yes, all these problems were designed for the same aim.InputThe input will consist of a series of p
摘要:Problem DescriptionIgnatius was born in a leap year, so he want to know when he could hold his birthday party. Can you tell him?Given a positive integers Y which indicate the start year, and a positive integer N, your task is to tell the Nth leap year from year Y.Note: if year Y is a leap year, t...
摘要:Problem DescriptionLarry graduated this year and finally has a job. He’s making a lot of money, but somehow never seems to have enough. Larry has decided that he needs to grab hold of his financial portfolio and solve his financing problems. The first step is to figure out what’s been going on with
摘要:Problem DescriptionAn inch worm is at the bottom of a well n inches deep. It has enough energy to climb u inches every minute, but then has to rest a minute before climbing again. During the rest, it slips down d inches. The process of climbing and resting then repeats. How long before the worm clim
摘要:Problem DescriptionThese days, I am thinking about a question, how can I get a problem as easy as A+B? It is fairly difficulty to do such a thing. Of course, I got it after many waking nights.Give you some integers, your task is to sort these number ascending (升序).You should know how easy the proble
摘要:Hey, welcome to HDOJ(Hangzhou Dianzi University Online Judge).In this problem, your task is to calculate SUM(n) = 1 + 2 + 3 + ... + n.InputThe input will consist of a series of integers n, one integer per line.OutputFor each case, output SUM(n) in one line, followed by a blank line. You may assume t
摘要:Problem DescriptionCalculate A + B.InputEach line will contain two integers A and B. Process to end of file.OutputFor each case, output A + B in one line.Sample Input1 1Sample Output2题意:求输入的两个数之和。分析:注意题目暗含循环输入输出。AC源代码(C语言):1 #include<stdio.h>2 int main()3 {4 int a,b;5 while(scanf("%d%d&qu