
 使用数据标签验证属性,control不用劳什子一一手工指定验证,在model binding期间,所有标记属性会自动启用验证,并把不合法信息登记进ModelState。View不需要任何变化。默认, mvc注册使用DataAnnotationsModelValidationFactory,

它能识别的标签包括: [Range],[RegularExpression],[Required],[StringLength]。


public class Appointment


    [Required(ErrorMessage = "Please enter your name")]


    public string ClientName { get; set; }


   [Required(ErrorMessage = "Please choose a date")]

    public DateTime AppointmentDate { get; set; }

        [RegularExpression(@"(\w+([-+.]\w+)*@\w+([-.]\w+)*\.\w+([-.]\w+)*\w\w)", ErrorMessage = "输入的邮箱地址不合法")]
        public string email { set; get; }


可以创建自己的Data Annotations Validation Attribute

public class ValidEmailAddressAttribute : ValidationAttribute


    public ValidEmailAddressAttribute()


        // Default message unless declared on the attribute

        ErrorMessage = "{0} must be a valid email address.";


    public override bool IsValid(object value)


        // You might want to enhance this logic...

        string stringValue = value as string;

        if (stringValue != null)

            return stringValue.Contains("@");

        return true;



public class Appointment


    [Required(ErrorMessage = "Please enter your name")] [StringLength(50)]

    public string ClientName { get; set; }

    [DataType(DataType.Date)] [Required(ErrorMessage = "Please choose a date")]

    public DateTime AppointmentDate { get; set; }


    public String Email { get; set; }


posted @ 2013-01-21 14:33  Jackvin  阅读(215)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报