







View Code
  1 using System;
  2 using System.Collections.Generic;
  3 using System.Linq;
  4 using System.Web;
  5 using System.IO;
  6 using System.Drawing;
  7 using System.Drawing.Drawing2D;
  8 using System.Drawing.Imaging;
 10 namespace Common
 11 {
 12     public class PicControl
 13     {
 14         #region 01.图片加水印文字 +void AddWaterText(string oldpath, string text, string newpath, int alpha, int fontSize)
 15         /// <summary>
 16         /// 图片加水印文字
 17         /// </summary>
 18         /// <param name="oldpath">旧图片地址(绝对路径)</param>
 19         /// <param name="text">水印文字</param>
 20         /// <param name="newpath">新图片地址(绝对路径)</param>
 21         /// <param name="Alpha">透明度</param>
 22         /// <param name="fontsize">字体大小</param>
 23         public static void AddWaterText(string oldpath, string text, string newpath, int alpha, int fontSize)
 24         {
 25             text = text + "版权所有";
 26             FileStream fs = new FileStream(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(oldpath), FileMode.Open);
 27             BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(fs);
 28             byte[] bytes = br.ReadBytes((int)fs.Length);
 29             br.Close();
 30             fs.Close();
 31             MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(bytes);
 33             System.Drawing.Image imgPhoto = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(ms);
 34             int imgPhotoWidth = imgPhoto.Width;
 35             int imgPhotoHeight = imgPhoto.Height;
 37             Bitmap bmPhoto = new Bitmap(imgPhotoWidth, imgPhotoHeight, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);
 39             bmPhoto.SetResolution(72, 72);
 40             Graphics gbmPhoto = Graphics.FromImage(bmPhoto);
 42             //gif背景色
 43             gbmPhoto.Clear(Color.FromName("white"));
 44             gbmPhoto.InterpolationMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.InterpolationMode.High;
 45             gbmPhoto.SmoothingMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.HighQuality;
 46             gbmPhoto.DrawImage(imgPhoto, new Rectangle(0, 0, imgPhotoWidth, imgPhotoHeight), 0, 0, imgPhotoWidth, imgPhotoHeight, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
 47             System.Drawing.Font font = null;
 48             System.Drawing.SizeF crSize = new SizeF();
 49             font = new Font("宋体", fontSize, FontStyle.Bold);
 51             //测量指定区域
 52             crSize = gbmPhoto.MeasureString(text, font);
 53             float y = imgPhotoHeight - crSize.Height;
 54             float x = imgPhotoWidth - crSize.Width;
 55             System.Drawing.StringFormat StrFormat = new System.Drawing.StringFormat();
 56             StrFormat.Alignment = System.Drawing.StringAlignment.Center;
 58             //画两次制造透明效果
 59             System.Drawing.SolidBrush semiTransBrush2 = new System.Drawing.SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(alpha, 56, 56, 56));
 60             gbmPhoto.DrawString(text, font, semiTransBrush2, x + 1, y + 1);
 62             System.Drawing.SolidBrush semiTransBrush = new System.Drawing.SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(alpha, 176, 176, 176));
 63             gbmPhoto.DrawString(text, font, semiTransBrush, x, y);
 64             bmPhoto.Save(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(newpath), System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg);
 65             gbmPhoto.Dispose();
 66             imgPhoto.Dispose();
 67             bmPhoto.Dispose();
 68         } 
 69         #endregion
 71 #region 02.对给定的一个图片(Image对象)生成一个指定大小的缩略图 +Image GetThumbNailImage(Image originalImage, int thumMaxWidth, int thumMaxHeight)
 72         ///<summary>
 73         /// 对给定的一个图片(Image对象)生成一个指定大小的缩略图。
 74         ///</summary>
 75         ///<param name="originalImage">原始图片</param>
 76         ///<param name="thumMaxWidth">缩略图的宽度</param>
 77         ///<param name="thumMaxHeight">缩略图的高度</param>
 78         ///<returns>返回缩略图的Image对象</returns>
 79         public static Image GetThumbNailImage(Image originalImage, int thumMaxWidth, int thumMaxHeight)
 80         {
 81             Size thumRealSize = Size.Empty;
 82             Image newImage = originalImage;
 83             Graphics graphics = null; //创建画家对象,在缩略图上作画
 84             try
 85             {
 86                 thumRealSize = GetNewSize(thumMaxWidth, thumMaxHeight, originalImage.Width, originalImage.Height);
 87                 newImage = new Bitmap(thumRealSize.Width, thumRealSize.Height);
 88                 graphics = Graphics.FromImage(newImage);
 89                 graphics.CompositingQuality = CompositingQuality.HighQuality;
 90                 graphics.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic;
 91                 graphics.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.HighQuality;
 92                 graphics.Clear(Color.Transparent);
 93                 graphics.DrawImage(originalImage, new Rectangle(0, 0, thumRealSize.Width, thumRealSize.Height), new Rectangle(0, 0, originalImage.Width, originalImage.Height), GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
 94             }
 95             catch { }
 96             finally
 97             {
 98                 if (graphics != null)
 99                 {
100                     graphics.Dispose();
101                     graphics = null;
102                 }
103             }
104             return newImage;
105         }
106         #endregion
108         #region 03.获取一个图片按等比例缩小后的大小 +Size GetNewSize(int maxWidth, int maxHeight, int imageOriginalWidth, int imageOriginalHeight)
109         ///<summary>
110         /// 获取一个图片按等比例缩小后的大小
111         ///</summary>
112         ///<param name="maxWidth">需要缩小到的宽度</param>
113         ///<param name="maxHeight">需要缩小到的高度</param>
114         ///<param name="imageOriginalWidth">图片的原始宽度</param>
115         ///<param name="imageOriginalHeight">图片的原始高度</param>
116         ///<returns>返回图片按等比例缩小后的实际大小</returns>
117         public static Size GetNewSize(int maxWidth, int maxHeight, int imageOriginalWidth, int imageOriginalHeight)
118         {
119             double w = 0.0;
120             double h = 0.0;
121             double sw = Convert.ToDouble(imageOriginalWidth);
122             double sh = Convert.ToDouble(imageOriginalHeight);
123             double mw = Convert.ToDouble(maxWidth);
124             double mh = Convert.ToDouble(maxHeight);
126             if (sw < mw && sh < mh) //返回原始图片大小
127             {
128                 w = sw;
129                 h = sh;
130             }
131             else if ((sw / sh) > (mw / mh)) //按原始图片的宽度缩放
132             {
133                 w = maxWidth;
134                 h = (w * sh) / sw;
135             }
136             else        //按原始图片的高度缩放
137             {
138                 h = maxHeight;
139                 w = (h * sw) / sh;
140             }
141             return new Size(Convert.ToInt32(w), Convert.ToInt32(h));
142         }
143         #endregion
145         #region 04.对指定路径的图片按位置和大小进行剪裁 +Image CutImage(string path, int x, int y, int width, int height)
146         /// <summary>
147         /// 对指定路径的图片按位置和大小进行剪裁
148         /// </summary>
149         /// <param name="path">图片路径</param>
150         /// <param name="x">图片要剪裁区域的左上角X坐标</param>
151         /// <param name="y">图片要剪裁区域的左上角Y坐标</param>
152         /// <param name="width">剪裁的宽度</param>
153         /// <param name="height">剪裁的高度</param>
154         /// <returns>返回剪裁图的Image对象</returns>
155         public static Image CutImage(string path, int x, int y, int width, int height)
156         {
157             string absolutePath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(path);
158             Bitmap originalImg = null;
159             Bitmap cutImg = null;
160             try
161             {
162                 originalImg = new Bitmap(absolutePath);
163                 PixelFormat format = originalImg.PixelFormat;
164                 Rectangle range = new Rectangle(x, y, width, height);
165                 cutImg = originalImg.Clone(range, format); //复制指定的区域
166             }
167             catch { }
168             finally
169             {
170                 if (originalImg != null)
171                 {
172                     originalImg.Dispose();
173                     originalImg = null;
174                 }
175             }
176             return cutImg;
177         }
179         /// <summary>
180         /// 对指定路径的图片按位置和大小进行剪裁
181         /// </summary>
182         /// <param name="path">图片路径</param>
183         /// <param name="x">图片要剪裁区域的左上角X坐标</param>
184         /// <param name="y">图片要剪裁区域的左上角Y坐标</param>
185         /// <param name="width">剪裁的宽度</param>
186         /// <param name="height">剪裁的高度</param>
187         /// <returns>返回剪裁图的Image对象</returns>
188         public static Image CutImage2(string path, int x, int y, int width, int height)
189         {
190             string absolutePath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(path);
191             Image img = null;
192             Bitmap cutImg = null;
193             Graphics graphics = null;
194             try
195             {
196                 img = Image.FromFile(absolutePath);
197                 cutImg = new Bitmap(width, height);
198                 graphics = Graphics.FromImage(cutImg);
199                 graphics.DrawImage(img, new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height), new Rectangle(x, y, width, height), GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
200             }
201             catch { }
202             finally
203             {
204                 img.Dispose();
205                 graphics.Dispose();
206             }
207             return cutImg;
208         }
210         #endregion
211     }
213 }


View Code
 1  //存放服务器
 2                 FileUpload1.PostedFile.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("~/admin/userManage/WorksPath/" + filePath));
 5                 #region 修改图片大小
 6                 System.Drawing.Image myImage = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(MapPath("~/admin/userManage/WorksPath/" + filePath));
 8                 if (myImage.Width > 500 || myImage.Height > 500)
 9                 {
10                     //定义修改后的长宽
11                     int h=50 ;
12                     int w=50;
13                     //计算长宽比例
14                     float i = myImage.Height / (float)myImage.Width;
15                     //如果长是宽的1.5倍
16                     if (i >= 1)
17                     {
18                         h = 600;
19                         w = Convert.ToInt32(500 / i);
20                     }
21                     else if (i<1)
22                     {
23                         w = 600;
24                         h =Convert.ToInt32( 500 * i);
25                     }
27                 System.Drawing.Image newImage= Common.PicControl.GetThumbNailImage(myImage, w, h);
30                     filePath = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmss") + ran.Next(0, 999);
31                     filePath = filePath + ".jpeg";
32                     ViewState["filePath"] = filePath;
33                     //保存现有图片
34                     newImage.Save(MapPath("~/admin/userManage/WorksPath/" + filePath), ImageFormat.Jpeg);
37                 }
39                 Image1.ImageUrl = ResolveClientUrl("~/admin/userManage/WorksPath/" + filePath);


View Code
 1 //获取点击项的排序
 2             string sequence = e.CommandArgument.ToString();
 4             //得到当前的sort(数据降序排序)
 5             sql = @"select sort from (select ROW_NUMBER()over (order by sort desc)as sequence ,id,title,addtime,imagePath,sort,intro ,[type] from Works where type=1 )as A where sequence =@sequence and type=1";
 6             sql = sql.Replace("@sequence", sequence);
 7             //将当前点击项的sort放在currentSort中
 8             string currentSort = cs.GetOnlyField(sql);
10             //目标排序位.初始为0
11             int destiation = 0;
13             //上移,当前排序位减1,下移,加1(原始数据按降序排序)
14             if (e.CommandName == "up")
15             {
16                 destiation = Convert.ToInt32(sequence) - 1;
17             }
18             else if (e.CommandName == "down")
19             {
20                 destiation = Convert.ToInt32(sequence) + 1;
21             }
22             try
23             {
24                 //得到目标排序
25                 sql = @"select sort from (select ROW_NUMBER()over (order by sort desc)as sequence ,id,title,addtime,imagePath,sort,intro ,[type] from Works where type=1 )as A where sequence =@sequence and type=1";
26                 sql = sql.Replace("@sequence", destiation.ToString());
27                 string destinationSort = cs.GetOnlyField(sql);
29                 //得到点击项的id
30                 sql = " select id from (select ROW_NUMBER()over (order by sort desc)as sequence ,id,title,addtime,imagePath,sort,intro ,[type] from Works where type=1 ) A where sequence =@sequence and type=1";
31                 sql = sql.Replace("@sequence", sequence);
32                 string currentid = cs.GetOnlyField(sql);
34                 //执行换序操作
35                 sql = @"update works set sort=@currentSort where id in (select id from (select ROW_NUMBER()over (order by sort desc)as sequence ,id,title,addtime,imagePath,sort,intro ,[type] from Works where type=1 )as A  where sequence=@destiation) 
36         update works set sort=@destinationSort where id=@currentid  ";
38                 sql = sql.Replace("@currentSort", currentSort);
39                 sql = sql.Replace("@destiation", destiation.ToString());
40                 sql = sql.Replace("@destinationSort", destinationSort);
41                 sql = sql.Replace("@currentid", currentid);
43                 //执行换序
44                 cs.ExecuteUpdate(sql);
45                 //刷新页面
46                 Response.AddHeader("refresh", "0");
48             }
49             catch
50             {
51             }


View Code
 1 <script language="JavaScript"> 
 3 var flag=false; 
 4 function DrawImage(ImgD){ 
 5  var image=new Image(); 
 6  image.src=ImgD.src; 
 7  if(image.width>0 && image.height>0){ 
 8   flag=true; 
 9   if(image.width/image.height>= 178/170){ 
10    if(image.width>178){
11     ImgD.width=178; 
12     ImgD.height=(image.height*178)/image.width; 
13    }else{ 
14     ImgD.width=image.width;
15     ImgD.height=image.height; 
16    } 
17    ImgD.alt=image.width+"x"+image.height; 
18   } 
19   else{ 
20    if(image.height>170){
21     ImgD.height=170; 
22     ImgD.width=(image.width*170)/image.height; 
23    }else{ 
24     ImgD.width=image.width;
25     ImgD.height=image.height; 
26    } 
27    ImgD.alt=image.width+"x"+image.height; 
28   } 
29  }
30 }
32 </script>


View Code
1  <asp:DataList ID="DataList1"  RepeatColumns="3" runat="server"  onitemdatabound="DataList1_ItemDataBound">
2               <ItemTemplate>
3                <li>
4               <a href='<%#ResolveClientUrl("~/admin/userManage/WorksPath/")+Eval("imagePath") %>'  rel="lightbox[1]" title='<%#Eval("title") %>'  runat="server">
6                       <asp:Image ID="image1" Width="177px" Height="134px" ImageUrl='<%# ResolveClientUrl("~/admin/userManage/WorksPath/" + Eval("imagePath")) %>'  runat="server" />  </a>
7                </li>
8               </ItemTemplate>
9               </asp:DataList>


View Code
 1  //datalist事件
 2     protected void DataList1_ItemDataBound(object sender, DataListItemEventArgs e)
 3     {
 4           int j = this.DataList1.Items.Count;
 6           for (int i = 0; i < j; i++)
 7           {
 8               if (i == j)
 9               {
10                   DataListItem items = (DataListItem)this.DataList1.Items[i];
11                   Image image = (Image)items.FindControl("image1");
12                   image.Attributes.Add("onload", "javascript:DrawImage(this);");
13               }
14           }
15     }






posted @ 2012-11-16 16:20  Jackvin  阅读(406)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报