ABB AC 900F学习笔记132:Freelance_Engineering_System_Configuration-08

3.2 Configuring the project tree



The project tree is used to configure the project objects in a hierarchial tree structure. The menus described here are only valid for the project tree. The project structure is generated by selectively inserting the available project objects.




3.2.1 Project objects


The junction beside the node shows the processing sequence of the project objects on the corresponding level. In the case of Tasks featuring different interval times, the project objects are processed according to their interval time irrespective of their processing number.


General project objects


Name 名字 Content 内容 Description 描述

First line


The assigned project name appears here.





The configuration level groups software and hardware nodes.


(SOFTWARE) 软件 Software 软件

The software level groups all resources and the associated resource objects.


(HARDWARE) 硬件 Hardware 硬件

The hardware object links to the hardware structure


(D-PS or PS,
AC 900F P
AC 900F,
AC 900F L,
AC 800F,
AC 700F)


Process Station (PS)


A PS contains the CPU module which processes the
programs configured under the resource. The type of a
PS is defined in the hardware structure by allocating the
resource to the hardware object.



The short label D-PS indicates that a station has not yet
been assigned in hardware manager to a physical station.
Following resource allocation, the assigned station
type is displayed: PS for a rack system, AC 900F P,
AC 900F or AC 900F L for an AC 900F controller,

AC800F for an AC 800F controller, AC700F for an AC
700F controller.


根据资源分配,分配的站类型显示为:机架系统为PS,AC 900F控制器为AC 900F P,AC 900F或者AC 900F L,AC 800F控制器为AC 800F,AC 700F控制器为AC 700F


(D-PS/RED or
AC 800FR,
AC 900FR,
AC 900FR L,
AC 900FR P



Redundant process



A redundant process station contains redundant CPU modules. The rack system uses two types of DCP 10 CPU modules. A redundant FieldController consists of two AC 800F. The two controllers are connected by a redundant link and appears the same as a PS to the user. When a PS is loaded, one of the two CPU modules becomes the primary CPU and the other becomes the secondary CPU.

冗余过城战包含冗余的CPU模板。机架系统使用两种DCP10 CPU模板。

冗余现场控制器由两个AC 800F组成。这两个控制器通过冗余链路连接,对用户来说就像一个过程站。当一个过程站加载,其中一个CPU模板成为主CPU,另一个成为备用CPU

The short label D-PS/RED indicates that a station has not yet been assigned in hardware manager to a physical station. After it has been assigned, the station type Following resource allocation appears: PSR for a rack system and AC 900FR / AC 900FR L / AC 900FR P or AC 800FR for a redundant AC 900F or AC 800F controller.

短标签D-PS/RED表示一个站还没有在硬件管理器中分配给物理站。当分配之后,根据资源分配,分配的站类型显示为机架系统为PSR,AC 900F冗余控制系统显示为AC 900FR / AC 900FR L / AC 900FR P ,AC 800F冗余控制系统显示为 AC 800FR。

 (D-OS or VIS)操作员站  Operator station操作员站  

An operator station is a resource permitting operation and observation on a Personal Computer (PC) using the Freelance Operations program package.

操作员站是资源,允许在电脑上使用Freelance Operation程序包操作和观察。

The code D-OS indicates that the station has not yet been assigned to a physical station. After it has been assigned,the station type VIS appears.


 (800XA-AS)  800xA Aspect server  

A console of the 800xA system can be used as operator station for a Freelance system. The data of the 800xA system is centrally stored in the database of an Aspect server.


The new project tree element 800xA Aspect server (800XA-AS), representing the configuration database, must be configured to transfer data to the 800xA system.

新项目树元素800xA Aspect 服务器(800XA-AS),代表配置数据库,必须配置为传输数据去800xA系统

 (D-GS or GWY)

 Gateway station (GS)



A gateway station enables data to be transferred to other systems through interfaces such as OPC. A gateway station is also set up to interface to a higher-level process control system such as Maestro.


The code D-GS indicates that the station is not yet assigned to a physical station in the hardware manager. After it is assigned, the station type GWY is displayed



(D-GS/RED or


 Redundant Gatewaystation



The redundant gateway is only available to interface with a Maestro UX system. It must be equipped with two type DCP 10 CPU modules; one of these becomes the primary gateway, the other becomes the secondary gateway.

冗余网关仅用于与Maestro UX系统接口。必须配备2个dcp10型CPU模块,其中一个成为主要网关,另一个成为次要网关。

The code D-GS/RED indicates that the station is not yet assigned to a physical station in the hardware manager.After it is assigned, the station type GWY is displayed.

D-GS/RED 表示该站尚未分配给硬件管理器中的物理站。分配后,站类型GWY显示出来。


 OPC server



An OPC server is used to import data from other systems to the Freelance project through an OPC interface.


 (P-CD) Common display pool共用显示池   

Displays and logs set up under this project object must be available on all operator stations. The objects from the display pool are loaded only on those stations that have access to the process data needed in these displays and logs.


Trend displays which are linked with an acquisition block must be assigned to one specific operator station.



User function block pool



New classes of block are defined below this project object;these can be used in the configuration of the user programs like the function blocks contained in the firmware.


 (P-MAC) Graphic macro pool图形宏池   

Below this element all graphic macros are defined that can be used in the graphic display。


 OPC_FB-LIB Tag library标签库   Library which hosts Tag types.存放标签类型的库
Pool 池     

“Memory” for implausible project objects or project objects no longer required for processing, which can be returned to the process if required.




Project objects of a graphic macro pool (P-MAC)


Name  名字 Content  内容 Description  描述
(MAC) Graphic macro图形宏

Graphic display elements can be combined to form macros and
used freely in graphic displays.


(STRUCT) Structure node 结构节点

Structural element of the operator station. To provide a clearer
overview, the displays and logs from an operator station can be
grouped together with this project element.



Project objects of a D-OS operator station


Name   名字 Content   内容 Description  描述 
Sequential function
chart display
Structured display presenting a program sequence configured in the Sequential Function Chart (SFC).
Overview display
Display for the rapid selection of displays and/or logs. Up
to maximum of 4 x 24 displays or logs can be entered in
an overview display。
Group display
The Group display is a group of several faceplates. It offers the user the possibility of displaying associated tags in a display。
Graphic display
Display of freely grouped static and dynamic display objects generated by the graphics editor
Trend display
The Trend display is for the graphic display of values across a time axis. A total of maximum six trends can be displayed in one trend display
Time scheduler display
The Time scheduler display shows the state of a Time scheduler and permits its operation. The display consists of a trend area for set point and actual value curves, a state field and the associated face plate.
时间计划画面显示时间计划的状态和其操作权限。 画面包括设定点的趋势域和实际值曲线,状态字段和相关面板组成。
WEB display
When calling up a WEB display in Freelance Operations,the local WEB browser is started and the link to the configured WEB page is activated
在Freelance Operation调用web画面时,本地web浏览器启动,激活配置到web页面的链接。
Operation log
Cyclical, manual, or event-related log containing maximum of 200 selected variables which are logged within a
configurable text.
Signal sequence log 1
Logging of system errors, fault messages, switching messages, operator instructions, and operator actions with continuous printout
Signal sequence log N
Logging of system errors, fault messages, switching messages, operator instructions, and operator actions in a log file. Printing is possible at the end of logging or manually
Disturbance course log
Disturbance course log belongs to the state logs. Its purpose is to log temporal sequences of selected analog and binary tags
干扰过程日志属于状态日志。 它的目的是记录选定的模拟和二进制标记的时间序列。
Excel report
Excel 报表 
A report is configured in Freelance Engineering to acquire one or more samples of a set of variables.
一个报表在Freelance Engineering中,报表被配置为获取一组变量的一个或多个样本 



Project objects of a process station D-PS or D-PS/RED
过程站的项目对象 D-PS或者D-PS/RED
Name   名字
Content   内容
Description  描述
Sequential function
chart program
This program is generated by using SFC. The assigned programs are executed using a structure.
Program list
List of Function Block Diagram (FBD), Ladder Diagram (LD), Instruction List (IL), or Structured Text (ST) programs,
which are executed according to their number in the project tree. The execution of the PL can be switched “Off” or “On”.
IL program 指令表编程
Program which is generated using the IL language
FBD program FBD编程
Program which is generated using the Function Block Diagram language (FBD).
LD program 梯形图编程
Program which is generated using the Ladder Diagram (LD) language.
ST program ST程序
Program which is generated using the Structured Text (ST) language.
Task list 任务列表
An object for separating the system tasks and the user tasks
Task 任务
An object which controls the processing of the subordinate program lists and sequential controllers within the resource. A distinction is made between cyclical tasks and those which are processed only once for specific events. In addition, a default task can be configured for
each resource. This task is always executed when none of the other tasks is being executed (cyclically or once only).
Redundant task
All subsidiary program lists and SFCs within this task are executed redundantly. All tasks can be in redundant format. All the variables in a redundant task must be written through the process image mode.
Project objects of a OPC function block library
Name  名字 Content  内容 Description  描述

Tag types from the Standard library and/or
user defined Tag types


Every Tag type contains faceplates


3.2.2 Inserting project objects


Select the insertion position in the project tree


Edit > Insert above inserts a new object before the selected object on the same
level in the hierarchy

编辑 > 插入上一个 在选定对象前面插入一个同层级新的对象。

Edit > Insert below inserts a new object under the selected object on the same
level in the hierarchy

编辑 > 插入下一个  在选定对象后面插入一个同层级的新的对象。

Edit > Insert next level inserts a new object one level lower in the hierarchy
Depending on the object selected in the project tree, the associated “Object
selection” dialog box opens.

编辑 > 插入下一级  在项目树上选定对象后插入一个比其低一个层级的新的对象,打开关联的选择对象对话框。

> Select the required object type and click OK.

> 选择需要的对象类型,点击确定按钮。

3.2.3 Assigning project object names


Object names are assigned in the header of an object. Each object is assigned with a unique name. All uppercase and lowercase letters, figures and the special character “underscore” (_) are permitted. An object name can be up to maximum of 12 characters long, with the exception of the resources for which only four characters are allowed.


The object header can be edited by selecting:


Project > Header...

项目 > 编辑



Use the comment editor to produce a free text of several pages long for each
object. This comment can then be output with the project documentation.




Project > Comment

项目 > 注释


3.2.4 Display of project object states


The following states which are generated by subjecting them to a plausibility check can be detected by displaying the nodes of the individual project objects.

The path is closed; there are no more branches.


The path is open


The path is closed; there are side effects below the displayed level


There are no more branches. 没有更多的分支。

(Pink) Object has been changed; a plausibility check has not yet
been performed or errors were found during the plausibility check


Path with arrow: During the plausibility check, objects modified
compared to the previous configuration state were detected.


(Flooded green) Plausibility check completed correctly.


(Flooded red) Plausibility check completed correctly; modified
objects with side effects on the resource were detected. To load
these objects, you must load the resource.


(Flooded yellow) Plausibility check completed correctly;

modified objects with side effects on the task were detected.

To load these objects, you must load the related task.




Color settings of nodes


The colors of the nodes are preset and you can modify them in the project tree
using: > Options > Color setting...


使用: > 选项 > 颜色设置

Close  关闭

Accepts the modified color settings and exits the dialog.


Select color  选择颜色

Opens a Color dialog box to change the color state. Select Define
custom colors >> to compose Custom colors.

打开颜色对话框来选择颜色状态。选择自定义颜色 >> 来编写自定义颜色

Reset all  复位

Resets all changed color settings to a default setting. The following
colors can be set by default:


green 绿色  Checked and correct objects 检查和纠正对象

magenta 紫红色  Not checked or correct objects 未检查和纠正对象

black 黑色  Connecting lines  连接线路

black 黑色  Expand + and compress - signs 展开 + 压缩 - 标志

red 红色  Mandatory parameter fields  强制参数字段

green 绿色  Drawing footer fields  绘图页脚字段

pink 粉色  Drawing footer parent fields 绘图页脚父字段

yellow 黄色  Task must be stopped for incremental download 为了进行增量下载,必须停止任务

red 红色   Resource must be stopped for incremental download 资源必须停止以进行增量下载

red 红色  Resource/Task running partially  资源/任务运行的部分

yellow  黄色  Current and configured value are different 当前值与配置值不一致

Reset   重置

Resets the currently selected color state to the default setting


 3.2.5 Searching in the project tree




> Edit > Search... > Type a name or a part of a name in the Entry name field >
select Search

> 编辑 > 搜索…… > 在输入名字字段输入名字或者名字的一部分 > 选择搜索按钮

The name to be searched for is entered either in full or in part in a Search dialog box. The names of all objects in the project tree are checked. The first object found is marked in the project tree. If the Search is pressed repeatedly, all objects whose name contains the character string entered will be found. The search is case-sensitive.


3.2.6 Expand, full expand, compress


To enhance the clarity of the project tree, individual project sections can be opened or closed. This is done by selecting the nodes ahead of the objects.


Expand  展开

This is only possible if the node is selected with The node is displayed by one level.



> Select node > Edit > Expand

> 选择节点 > 编辑 > 展开



> Click on selected node

> 点击选中的节点


Full expand


This is only possible if the node is selected with  The node is fully expanded.


> Select node > Edit > Full expand

> 选择节点 > 编辑 > 全部展开



Only possible if the node is selected withThe node is minimized to an object.



> Select node > Edit > Compress

> 选择节点 > 编辑 >压缩



> Click on selected node

> 点击节点



 3.2.7 Moving, deleting objects



Use menus in the project tree to cut, copy, insert or delete single or blocks of objects and specify paths or sub-paths. An exception to this rule is the project name and the system tasks. To move objects without the menus use the mouse.


Individual objects


> Click on the selected project object

> 点击选中的项目对象




Removes the object and saves it in the clipboard to insert later.



> Select project object > Edit > Cut

> 选择项目对象 > 编辑 > 剪切

Copy  赋值

Saves the object in a clipboard to insert later at another position.



> Select project object > Edit > Copy

> 选择项目对象 > 编辑 > 复制

Paste  粘贴

Copy or cut an object, before using the Paste command. If the insertion position is not permitted, the Paste command in the menu is disabled (highlighted in gray).



> Select insertion position > Edit > Paste

> 选择插入位置 > 编辑 > 粘贴


The Paste dialog opens to define the insertion position: Above, Below and, if required, Level.


Specify a unique name for each object that you copy or paste.


Delete  删除


Deletes the selected objects from the project database. Any objects below the selected object are deleted along with it if they have also been selected; otherwise these objects are moved into the pool.



> Select project object > Edit > Delete

> 选择项目对象 > 编辑 > 删除




You are not asked if you really want to delete the objects if the node is displayed



If the node is displayed thus the delete dialog opens and you are asked:

“Delete object? Programs are moved to the pool?”


You can undo the delete operation with > Edit > Undo

你可以通过> 编辑 > 撤销不做删除操作。

You cannot undo a delete operation after you have saved the project.


Cut and insert (Move)



> Click and hold the mouse button to select object a second time.

> 单击并按住鼠标按钮再次选择对象。

> Move mouse to insertion position

> 移动鼠标到插入的位置。

An icon appears, indicating whether insertion is permitted


or not permitted



Release the mouse button at the required position.


The Move dialog box opens to define the insertion position: Above, Below, and if
required, Level.


Several objects (Block)


The selected objects are placed together in a frame and highlighted (in color) for further processing.


Blocks can be handled in the same way as individual objects (see above). However,there is a difference in mouse and keyboard operation.



> Select the object > click and hold the mouse button.

> 选择对象 > 电机和按住鼠标按键

> Move the mouse to the next level (second next level, and so on).

> 移动鼠标到下一级(第二下一个级别,等等)

> Release the mouse button at the required position

> 在需要的位置释放鼠标按键

3.2.8 Undo  撤消


> Edit > Undo

> 编辑 > 撤销

Undo only the last action executed.


3.2.9 Exporting and importing blocks


Reuse project sections in the existing project or in other projects by exporting and importing blocks.


Export block



> Select block in project tree > Edit > Export block...

> 选择项目树上的块 > 编辑 > 导出块

Exports the entire content of the selected block to a PRT file which can reload by using the Import block command. Type the file name in the Export partial project dialog box. Access to the directory is by default. The previously active directory is called. The default directory for Freelance Engineering export files is <FreelanceData>\export.

将所选块的全部内容导出到PRT文件,该文件可以通过使用Import块命令重新加载。在“导出部分项目”对话框中键入文件名。默认情况下,可以访问该目录。调用先前的活动目录。Freelance Engineering 导出文件的默认目录是\export.


When exporting a block, if the node in front of the selected object is compressed,

then while exporting the block all the objects below it are exported or else only the

selected object is exported.


Import block



> Edit > Import block...

> 编辑 > 导入块

Imports the content of the block from a PRT file that previously generated by using Import block to the pool. From there, the entire block can be moved or individual objects to the required position in the project tree. Access to the directory is by default. The previously active directory is called. The default directory for Freelance Engineering import files is <FreelanceData>\export.

将块的内容从先前使用Import块生成的PRT文件导入到池中,可以将整个块或单个对象移动到项目树中所需的位置。默认情况下,可以访问该目录。调用先前的活动目录。Freelance Engineering 导入文件的默认目录是\export


When importing a block, collisions may occur at tag and variable names.Automatic renaming is controlled through two entries in the Windows registry.
Registry changes are only possible if you have administrator rights. Unqualified changes of the Windows registry may cause serious system stability problems.



Under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Hartmann & Braun\Freelance\DigiTool\SETUP you will find the entries “AutoRenameEAM” and
“AutoRenameMSR” with the values 0 or 1. Value 0 means that names are usually not changed when importing. Variable names are always

retained, tag names only if there are no collisions. If an imported tag name already exists in the project, the name of the imported module

is extended by ....00. An additional import would result in ...01, and so on.

在注册表HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Hartmann & Braun\Freelance\DigiTool\SETUP下,你可以找到数值为0或者1的条目“AutoRenameEAM”



If one of the entries AutoRenameEAM or AutoRenameMSR has the value 1, a dialog box is opened during importing, asking you whether the names concerned
must be changed.


If the answer is yes, the names are extended by ...00. An additional import would result in ...01, and so on.


If the answer is no, variable names are retained, tag names are removed if collisions occur in the existing project.


By retaining the names in imported project sections, it is easy to link several project sections.





If 16 character tag names are used in a project but only 12 character tag names
are set in Freelance Engineering, the tag names will be cut at the beginning or

如果在一个项目中使用了16个字符的标签名,而在freelance engineering中只设置了12个字符的标签名,


After an import, the imported variables are not allocated to a process station!


Import block as redundant



> Edit > Import block as redundant...

> 编辑 > 作为冗余导入

This function corresponds to the Import block menu item. In the import, all resources and tasks are converted into redundant resources or tasks. Access to all global variables in the imported programs can optionally be converted to an access through the process image. This menu item is used to make existing projects “redundant”, in that the corresponding resources are exported as a block, deleted, and then imported again.


3.2.10 Pool for unneeded objects


The pool is a “memory” for incorrect project objects or for project objects no longer required in processing and which you may want to return to the process. The individual programs or entire structures can be saved. The processing options in the pool are identical to those in the higher-order process level.



If the objects are imported into the project, they are saved in the pool and must be
moved them from there to the required resource or task.


3.2.11 Access rights and user groups


In the project tree, access rights for editing or modifying can be permitted to the individual or several project objects simultaneously in an Operator station. This determines whether a Freelance Operations user can only view or also operate the specified displays. The same applies to logs or trend displays

在项目树中,一个操作员站中的单个或多个项目对象可以同时拥有编辑或修改的访问权限。这决定了Freelance Operation用户是否只能查看或操作指定的显示.

In the same way as displays and logs, access rights can be permitted to tag names in the tag list.



If User Management is enabled, user can select to manage the user access via
either Security Lock or Extended User Management. Security Lock is installed
automatically during the Freelance installation, user can create the users and
groups in the Security Lock interface. And for Extended User Management, it
includes login Freelance via either Use Local Account or Use Domain Account.


安全锁在FReelance安装过程中自动安装,用户可以在“Security Lock”界面创建用户和组


For more information on User Management, refer to Freelance Engineering Manual User Management.

有关用户管理的更多信息,请参阅《Freelance Engineering Manual User Management》


Access rights to Freelance Engineering

访问FREELANCE Engineering权限

The following access rights are available.


No access  不能访问

The user cannot configure or commission the project.


Configure  配置

The user can configure the project.


Commission  调试

The user can execute all commissioning functions such as load user
program sections or modify parameters





If Security Lock is enabled to manage the user access, up to 16 user groups with
maximum 1000 users for each group are allowed.



This definition applies to each project which is processed on the corresponding Freelance Engineering PC. Refer to Freelance Engineering Manual User Management for detailed information of user rights modification

这个定义适用于在相应的Freelance Engineering 计算机上处理的每个项目。用户权限修改的详细信息请参见《Freelance Engineering Manual User Management 》

Access rights to Freelance Operations via User Management

通过用户管理 设置访问FREELANCE Operations的权限

The following access rights are defined for Freelance Operations for the installed user groups:

对于已安装的用户组,Freelance Operation定义了以下访问权限:


> Edit > Access rights

> 编辑 > 访问权限


No access  无访问权限

The user cannot operate or observe on the operator station


Visualize  显示

The user may open displays and logs but not operate them



 Operate  操作  The user cannot only open displays and logs but also operate

values, states of visualized variables and tags.


Inherit  继承 

 Inherits the access rights setting from the higher-order objects.


 Propagate  传递

 Propagates access rights to all lower-order objects.



 User groups


The user groups on the engineering station (local station) can be assigned to target stations in the project tree. A target station in this case means all operator stations in the project.



> Edit > User groups

> 编辑 > 用户组



Adopts the selected group at the local engineering station for the
operator stations.



Adopts all the groups in the local engineering station for the
operator stations.


Add  添加

Adds a new user group for the operator stations.


Del  删除

Deletes User group from the selected operator station.





User groups assigned to target stations in the project tree must also be made
known to each operator station using User Management


At the operator station (Freelance Operations), only the user’s name of the access
rights in the Status bar is displayed. The user’s actions are logged in the signal
sequence log.

在操作员站(Freelance OPeration),只有用户的访问权限的名称在状态栏显示。用户的操作被记录在信号序列日志中。



3.2.12 Display target stations


In Freelance Engineering, the graphic display in the Common Display Pool (CDP) can be assigned to each operation resource, and be downloaded to the Freelance Operation stations.

在Freelance Engineering,在公共显示池的图形显示可以分配给每一个操作资源,并下载给Freelance Operation站。

Through Display Target Station Setting dialog, user will be able to assign individual displays available in CDP to specific Operation station.



> Right click on graphic display in CDP > Display target station...

> 鼠标右键点击公告显示图形 > 显示目标站


User can assign the FGRs to the OS by ticking the checkbox or unassign the FGR by leaving the checkbox unchecked. Select all means assign all the FGRs to every Operator station, while unselect all means assign no FGR to Operator station.




The Operation Station (OS) which marked with a “*” after OS name is a lite version OS, and it supports up to 5 FGRs, including the FGRs under lite OS node.


At Display Target Station Setting dialog, if user assigns a 6th FGR to the lite OS, a dialog will pop-up as “The amount of assignable Free Graphic Display has been exceeded. Only 5 Free Graphic Displays can be assigned.

在显示目标站设置对话框,如果用户配置第6画面给lite OS,会弹出一个对话框“可分配的自由图形显示的数量已超过。只能分配5个免费图形显示”。

And under OS node, user won’t be able to insert FGR if the total FGR number reaches the limit of 5 for a lite station. Error shows “The limit of Free Graphics (FGR) supported by a Freelance Operations Lite Station has been reached.

在OS节点下面,如果总的图形显示数量达到lite站点的5幅限值,用户不能够插入图形显示。错误显示“Freelance OPeration 精简站支持的免费图像(FGR)已经达到极限”


During the lite station configuration, if user ticks the checkbox of Exclude FGR
from CDP, all the FGR assignation in Display Target Station Setting will not be
counted. As a result, even if the FGR number exceeds the limit of 5 FGRs, no
error shows when carrying out the plausibility check.






After assigning FGRs to the specific Operation Station, user needs to check the configuration under Conf node. For each OS, check if it can access the D-PS resources which have variables and tags allocated to. Plausibility check passes if access is allowed. Otherwise, error will pop up, saying “The Variable xxx allocated to D-PS yyy is not assigned to D-OS zzz” or “The Tag xxx allocated to D-PS yyy is not assigned o D-OS zzz”.

用户将图形显示分配到指定的操作站后,需要检查配置节点下的配置。对于每个操作员站,检查是否可以访问分配了变量和标签的D-PS资源。如果允许访问,则合理性检查通过。否则,会弹出错误提示,提示“分配给过程站D-PS YYY的变量XXX,没有头分配给操作站ZZZ”或者“分配给过程站D-PS YYY的标签XXX没有分配给操作站ZZZ”。


> Right click on CONF Node> Edit...

> 鼠标右键点击配置节点 > 编辑……



The settings of display target station can be exported to csv file via Export to Excel button. After pressing Export to Excel button, a dialog pops up to let users specify the exported file path. In the exported Excel, “1” means FGR is assigned to the OS, “0” means FGR is unassigned.


3.2.13 Area definition


A name with up to 16 characters can be assigned to all plant areas. If no dedicated names are specified, the plant areas will be designated “Area A” to “Area O”. In the tag list, plant areas are always described with their long names, while during filter selection in Freelance Engineering, the abbreviations “A” to “O” are displayed space together with the long names..



 In Freelance Operations with the new user interface, the used plant areas are always displayed with their long names. In the classic user interface, the short designations of the plant areas are still used due to restricted.



> System > Area definition...

> 系统 > 区域定义

No names can be changed in the first two lines.


In Freelance Operations, all messages originating from the system are combined under “System”. Measuring points not assigned to any area are combined under “No area”.

在Freelance Operations中,所有来自系统的消息都被合并到“系统”下。未分配到任何区域的测点合并在“无区域”项下。

The first column of the following lines lists the possible areas from A to O to which new names can be assigned.



> Double-click the area > Edit name in the second column (maximum 16

> 鼠标右键点击区域 > 在第二列编辑名字(最多16个字符)

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