ABB AC 900F学习笔记73:Freelance_Mounting_and_Installation_AC_900F_Controller-33


6.12.2 RS-485 Bus


If the RS-485-bus is used, each connected bus line (each bus segment) must be electrically terminated. This includes:


  • one 120 Ohm bus terminating resistor on both wire ends, to avoid signal reflections.
  • 在导线两端各有一个120欧姆的母线端子电阻,以避免信号反射。
  • one additional 470 Ohm pull-up resistor on RxD/TxD-P and one 470 Ohm pull-down resistor on RxD/TxD-N per bus. These two resistors are designed to ensure a defined high level on the bus when no data are transmitted
  • 每根总线上RxD/TxD-P上一个额外的470欧姆上拉电阻和RxD/TxD-N上一个470欧姆下拉电阻。这两个电阻的设计是为了确保在没有数据传输时总线上的定义高电平
  • shielded twisted-pair cables with the characteristic impedance of 100 to 120 Ohm.
  • 特性阻抗为100 ~ 120 ω的屏蔽双绞线。

Single controller


The two 470 Ohm resistors are integrated into the CPU module and can be activated by a short wire link between the terminals 1-2 and 3-4. The following drawing shows an RS485 bus with a bus master at the line end.


If the master is located within the bus line, a terminating resistor is not provided. The pull-up resistor and the pull-down resistor, however, need to be activated (see drawing below). The cable shields of the bus line must be earthed.



The external 120 ohm resistor (line termination) must be protected against electrostatic discharge. It is recommended to provide the complete resistor (except for the wire ends) with a heat shrink tube for this purpose.



Redundant controller


The RS-485 bus lines of a redundant controller should first be connected to terminal strips and then be guided to the field. The terminal strips must be arranged as close as possible to the controller. In this configuration, the pull up/down resistors of the CPU module are not required. The bus is terminated exclusively by external resistors.


A regulated power supply with output voltage 5 V DC +/- 10% is needed to provide for a defined quiescent level on the RS-485 bus

需要一个输出电压范围5V DC±10%的电源为RS-485总线上的静态电平提供电压。

The 5 V DC power supply unit must have a safe electrical isolation. For external
resistors the same requirements apply as for those of a single controller.

5v DC电源单元必须具有安全的电气隔离。对于外部电阻的要求与单控制器的要求相同。





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