ABB AC900F学习笔记44:Freelance_Mounting_and_Installation_AC_900F_Controller-4


2 Configuration



This section provides information on the AC 900F controller configuration for single and redundant operation.


The AC 900F controller features a modular design. The basic components are a PM CPU module, communication interfaces CI/CM for PROFIBUS and CAN Bus and S700 I/O modules. The communication interface CM 772F is not supported by PM 904F.

AC900F采用模块化设计。基本组件为PM CPU模块、为profibus和CAN总线以及S700 IO模块通讯使用的CI/CM接口。PM904F不再支持CM 772F通讯接口。

The external 24 VDC voltage required to operate the controller can be provided by an ABB power supply unit such as SD or CP, for example

操作控制器所需的外部 24 VDC 电压可由 ABB 电源单元(如 SD 或 CP)提供。

2.1 Configuration levels



      The AC 900 F controller in basic configuration comprises the PM CPU module and TA dummy couplers designed to protect the unused communication slots. The onboard Ethernet interfaces and serial interfaces of the CPU module are available for
field communication

     AC 900F控制器基本配置包括PM CPU模板和TA虚拟耦合器,旨在保护未使用的通信插槽。CPU模板上的以太网接口和串口用于现场通讯。

     The controller of the medium configuration level is composed of a PM CPU module and up to four CI(CM) modules for PROFIBUS communication. Alternatively, a CAN Bus module can be plugged into one of the two slots C1/C2. 


       中等配置级别的控制器由 PM CPU 模块和最多四个用于 PROFIBUS 通信的 CI (CM) 模块组成。或者,CAN 总线模块可以插入两个插槽之一 C1/C2

The high configuration level controller is composed of a PM CPU module and up to four CI(CM) modules for PROFIBUS communication. Alternatively, a CAN Bus module can be plugged into one of thee two slots C1/C2. S700 I/O modules are used as “direct I/O”.

高等配置的控制器由PM CPU模块和最多4个用于PROFIBUS 通信的 CI (CM) 模块组成。或者,CAN 总线模块可以插入两个插槽之一 C1/C2。S700 IO作为直接IO

The S700 I/O modules are connected on the right side of the I/O bus, i.e. they are simply plugged to the TU terminal blocks that were previously added to the CPU modules. Up to ten I/O modules can be connected to the I/O bus of the CPU module

S700 IO模块放在IO总线右边连接。也即是说,它们只需要插入之前添加到CPU模板的TU插槽上即可。CPU模板上最多可以插入10个S7 IO模块。

     The configuration in the Freelance Engineering hardware structure should correspond to the actual controller configuration (local DIN rail). Make sure that there are no blank TU terminal blocks between the individual I/O modules. I/O modules connected on the right side of a gap (i.e. of a blank terminal block) are not controlled by the CPU module.

freelance工程硬件结构中的配置应与实际控制器配置相对应(本地DIN导轨)。确认单个IO模板之间没有空的TU插槽。连接在缝隙右侧(即空白终端块)的 I/O 模块不受 CPU 模块控制。


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