
  Web 2.0 can be thought of as the Internet economy.2 Think about something as typical as
an encyclopedia, and you will start to think about salespeople who carry extremely heavy
books and knock on doors. In a Web 2.0 context, an encyclopedia means Wikipedia (http://
www.wikipedia.org). The Wikipedia project is an open effort by humanity to record itself.
Whereas for a traditional encyclopedia a set of writers and editors write about certain topics,
Wikipedia is created by people who write about what they know. Get enough people together
and you get an encyclopedia that is on the Internet. What is thought-provoking about the Wikipedia
project is that anybody can edit it, and therefore it usually contains more current and
unusual information than a traditional encyclopedia. In some instances Wikipedia’s selfcorrecting
capabilities have proven to be problematic, but considering the scale and depth of
the project, those instances have been exceptions.
posted @ 2007-03-22 20:00  fishert  阅读(192)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报