
安装IIS的时候总会有狠多的问题,重装的问题更多,大多数在重装的时候都会出现安装程序无法复制文件 convlog.exe。下面就这类问题解决办法做解决。。。
命令行下输入esentutl /p C:\Windows\security\database\secedit.sdb

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>esentutl /p %windir%/security/database/s

Microsoft(R) Windows(R) Database Utilities
Version 5.2
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
Initiating REPAIR mode…
Database: C:\WINDOWS/security/database/secedit.sdb
Temp. Database: TEMPREPAIR896.EDB
Checking database integrity.
The database is not up-to-date. This operation may find that
this database is corrupt because data from the log files has
yet to be placed in the database.
To ensure the database is up-to-date please use the ‘Recovery’ operation.
Scanning Status (% complete)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Integrity check successful.
It is recommended that you immediately perform a full backup
of this database. If you restore a backup made before the
repair, the database will be rolled back to the state
it was in at the time of that backup.
Operation completed successfully in 1.719 seconds.

posted @ 2012-05-18 10:45  爱喝可乐  阅读(1416)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报