Python : 检查MySQL服务主从同步状态

# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-     
# created by : caiweicheng
import sys
from os import popen as get 

# login-path 配置方式详情 :*Rt5znamIiMt-1eJ7K7**-ugTcPz7bNRsI0ND0r3q1rBwR299sxvD5gA8chHGLKF9ZtPZcA0rcVxFptc9Yzzf1N5nrb*JE4EgEntznwUf34hc=
# 对比如下信息 是否符合规定
# Master_Log_File     == Relay_Master_Log_File
# Read_Master_Log_Pos == Exec_Master_Log_Pos
# Slave_IO_Running    == Yes
# Slave_SQL_Running   == Yes
# 状态码描述 status : { 0:OK , 1 : WARN  , 2 :CRITICAL  , 3: UNKOWN }

def main(login_path) :
    result=get("mysql --login-path=%s -e 'show slave status \G'"%(login_path)).read().split("\n")

    slave_status = {}
    for row in result :
        # print row
        # row = row.strip()
        if ":" not in row :
        k , v = row.split(":" ,1)
        k = k.strip()
        v = v.strip()
        # print( "key is " , k , "value is " , v)

    status = 3
    try :
        if slave_status["Master_Log_File"] == slave_status["Relay_Master_Log_File"] and slave_status["Read_Master_Log_Pos"] == slave_status["Exec_Master_Log_Pos"] and slave_status["Slave_IO_Running"] == "Yes" and slave_status["Slave_SQL_Running"] == "Yes" :
            # OK
            status = 0

        elif slave_status["Slave_IO_Running"] != "Yes" and slave_status["Slave_SQL_Running"] != "Yes" :
            # replace slave Error
            status = 2

        elif slave_status["Master_Log_File"] == slave_status["Relay_Master_Log_File"] and slave_status["Read_Master_Log_Pos"] != slave_status["Exec_Master_Log_Pos"] and slave_status["Slave_IO_Running"] == "Yes" and slave_status["Slave_SQL_Running"] == "Yes" :
            if int(slave_status["Read_Master_Log_Pos"]) < int(slave_status["Exec_Master_Log_Pos"])+10000 :
                # OK
                status = 0
            else :
                status = 1

        elif slave_status["Master_Log_File"] != slave_status["Relay_Master_Log_File"] :
            status = 2
    except :
    return status

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print main( sys.argv[1] )




1:  命令  python   \  mysql   \ mysql_config_editor  

2. 运行方式   python  login_path    

login_path 为必填项目  

posted @ 2018-03-02 15:05  伟成  阅读(1175)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报