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MySql Scaffolding an Existing Database in EF Core

Posted on 2018-11-10 23:57  火冰·瓶  阅读(113)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报


Scaffolding a Database Using Package Manager Console in Visual Studio

  1. Open Visual Studio and create a new Console App (.NET Core) for C#.

  2. Add the MySQL NuGet package for EF Core using the Package Manager Console. For example, use the following command to add theMySql.Data.EntityFrameworkCore v8.0.13 package:

    Install-Package MySql.Data.EntityFrameworkCore -Version 8.0.13

    The version (for example, -v 8.0.13) must match the actual Connector/NET version you are using. For current version information, seeTable 9.2, “Supported versions of Entity Framework Core”.

  3. Install the following NuGet packages by selecting either Package Manager Console or Manage NuGet Packages for Solution from the Tools and then NuGet Package Manager menu:

    • Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Design

      EF Core 1.1 only: Also add the MySql.Data.EntityFrameworkCore.Design package.

    • Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Tools version 1.1.6 (for EF Core 1.1) and Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Tools version 2.0.3 (for EF Core 2.0)


      The .NET tools are included in the .NET Core 2.1 SDK and not required or supported for EF Core 2.1. If this is an upgrade, remove the reference to that package from the .csproj file (version 2.0.3 in this example) :

      <DotNetCliToolReference Include="Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Tools.DotNet" Version="2.0.3" />
  4. Open Package Manager Console and enter the following command at the prompt to create the entities and DbContext for the sakila database (adjust the connection-string values to match your settings for the user= and password= options):

    Scaffold-DbContext "server=localhost;port=3306;user=root;password=mypass;database=sakila" MySql.Data.EntityFrameworkCore -OutputDir sakila -f

    Visual Studio creates a new sakila folder inside the project, which contains all the tables mapped to entities and the sakilaContext.cs file.



.net core 6.0版本略有不同,6.0版本参考如下:


Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Tools Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Design




Scaffold-DbContext -Force -UseDatabaseNames "server=localhost;port=3306;user=root;password=password;database=db_name" MySql.EntityFrameworkCore -OutputDir ProjectName -Context NameMySqlDbContext
//-Force 强制覆盖之前的文件
//-UseDatabaseNames 保留数据库表的名称格式,不填则表名全部自动转化为首字母大写格式
//-OutputDir 输出文件的文件夹,不填则位根目录
//-Context 指定生成的DbContext类的名称,不填则位系统根据数据库名称自动创建


