Memory elements
This header defines general utilities to manage dynamic memory:
- allocator
- Default allocator (class template )
- allocator_arg
- Allocator arg (object )
- allocator_arg_t
- Allocator arg type (class )
- allocator_traits
- Allocator traits (class template )
Managed pointers
- auto_ptr
- Automatic Pointer [deprecated] (class template )
- auto_ptr_ref
- Reference to automatic pointer (class template )
- shared_ptr
- Shared pointer (class template )
- weak_ptr
- Weak shared pointer (class template )
- unique_ptr
- Unique pointer (class template )
- default_delete
- Default deleter (class template )
Functions and classes related to shared_ptr:
- make_shared
- Make shared_ptr (function template )
- allocate_shared
- Allocate shared_ptr (function template )
- static_pointer_cast
- Static cast of shared_ptr (function template )
- dynamic_pointer_cast
- Dynamic cast of shared_ptr (function template )
- const_pointer_cast
- Const cast of shared_ptr (function template )
- get_deleter
- Get deleter from shared_ptr (function template )
- owner_less
- Owner-based less-than operation (class template )
- enable_shared_from_this
- Enable shared_from_this (class template )
Uninitialized memory
Raw storage iterator:
- raw_storage_iterator
- Raw storage iterator (class template )
Temporary buffers:
- get_temporary_buffer
- Get block of temporary memory (function template )
- return_temporary_buffer
- Return block of temporary memory (function template )
Specialized algorithms:
- uninitialized_copy
- Copy block of memory (function template )
- uninitialized_copy_n
- Copy block of memory (function template )
- uninitialized_fill
- Fill block of memory (function template )
- uninitialized_fill_n
- Fill block of memory (function template )
Memory model
- pointer_traits
- Pointer traits (class template )
- pointer_safety
- Pointer safety enum (enum class )
- declare_reachable
- Declare pointer as reachable (function )
- undeclare_reachable
- Undeclare pointer as reachable (function template )
- declare_no_pointers
- Declare memory block as containing no pointers (function )
- undeclare_no_pointers
- Undeclare memory block as containing no pointers (function )
- get_pointer_safety
- Get pointer safety (function )
- align
- Align in range (function )
- addressof
- Address of object or function (function template )