TstringBuilder Delphi2007版
- unit DxStringBuilder;
- interface
- uses RTLConsts,Classes,SysUtils;
- type
- EExternal = class(Exception)
- public
- ExceptionRecord: PExceptionRecord platform;
- {$ENDIF}
- {$IF defined(LINUX) or defined(MACOSX)}
- ExceptionAddress: LongWord platform;
- AccessAddress: LongWord platform;
- SignalNumber: Integer platform;
- end;
- EIntError = class(EExternal);
- ERangeError = class(EIntError);
- TCharArray = array of Char;
- TStringBuilder = class
- private
- const DefaultCapacity = $10;
- function GetCapacity: Integer;
- procedure SetCapacity(const Value: Integer);
- function GetLength: Integer;
- procedure Set_Length(const Value: Integer);
- function GetMaxCapacity: Integer;
- procedure ReduceCapacity;
- procedure ExpandCapacity;
- procedure CheckBounds(Index: Integer);
- function _Replace(Index: Integer; const Old, New: string): Boolean;
- function GetChars(index: Integer): Char;
- procedure SetChars(index: Integer; const Value: Char);
- protected
- FData: TCharArray;
- FLength: Integer;
- FMaxCapacity: Integer;
- public
- constructor Create; overload;
- constructor Create(aCapacity: Integer); overload;
- constructor Create(const Value: string); overload;
- function Append(const Value: Boolean): TStringBuilder; overload;
- function Append(const Value: Byte): TStringBuilder; overload;
- function Append(const Value: Char): TStringBuilder; overload;
- function Append(const Value: Currency): TStringBuilder; overload;
- function Append(const Value: Double): TStringBuilder; overload;
- function Append(const Value: Smallint): TStringBuilder; overload;
- function Append(const Value: Integer): TStringBuilder; overload;
- function Append(const Value: Int64): TStringBuilder; overload;
- function Append(const Value: TObject): TStringBuilder; overload;
- function Append(const Value: Shortint): TStringBuilder; overload;
- function Append(const Value: Single): TStringBuilder; overload;
- function Append(const Value: string): TStringBuilder; overload;
- function Append(const Value: UInt64): TStringBuilder; overload;
- function Append(const Value: TCharArray): TStringBuilder; overload;
- function Append(const Value: Word): TStringBuilder; overload;
- function Append(const Value: Cardinal): TStringBuilder; overload;
- function Append(const Value: Char; RepeatCount: Integer): TStringBuilder; overload;
- function Append(const Value: TCharArray; StartIndex: Integer; CharCount: Integer): TStringBuilder; overload;
- function Append(const Value: string; StartIndex: Integer; Count: Integer): TStringBuilder; overload;
- function AppendFormat(const Format: string; const Args: array of const): TStringBuilder; overload;
- function AppendLine: TStringBuilder; overload;
- function AppendLine(const Value: string): TStringBuilder; overload;
- procedure Clear;
- procedure CopyTo(SourceIndex: Integer; const Destination: TCharArray; DestinationIndex: Integer; Count: Integer);
- function EnsureCapacity(aCapacity: Integer): Integer;
- function Equals(StringBuilder: TStringBuilder): Boolean; reintroduce;
- function Insert(Index: Integer; const Value: Boolean): TStringBuilder; overload;
- function Insert(Index: Integer; const Value: Byte): TStringBuilder; overload;
- function Insert(Index: Integer; const Value: Char): TStringBuilder; overload;
- function Insert(Index: Integer; const Value: Currency): TStringBuilder; overload;
- function Insert(Index: Integer; const Value: Double): TStringBuilder; overload;
- function Insert(Index: Integer; const Value: Smallint): TStringBuilder; overload;
- function Insert(Index: Integer; const Value: Integer): TStringBuilder; overload;
- function Insert(Index: Integer; const Value: TCharArray): TStringBuilder; overload;
- function Insert(Index: Integer; const Value: Int64): TStringBuilder; overload;
- function Insert(Index: Integer; const Value: TObject): TStringBuilder; overload;
- function Insert(Index: Integer; const Value: Shortint): TStringBuilder; overload;
- function Insert(Index: Integer; const Value: Single): TStringBuilder; overload;
- function Insert(Index: Integer; const Value: string): TStringBuilder; overload;
- function Insert(Index: Integer; const Value: Word): TStringBuilder; overload;
- function Insert(Index: Integer; const Value: Cardinal): TStringBuilder; overload;
- function Insert(Index: Integer; const Value: UInt64): TStringBuilder; overload;
- function Insert(Index: Integer; const Value: string; count: Integer): TStringBuilder; overload;
- function Insert(Index: Integer; const Value: TCharArray; startIndex: Integer; charCount: Integer): TStringBuilder; overload;
- function Remove(StartIndex: Integer; RemLength: Integer): TStringBuilder;
- function Replace(const OldChar: Char; const NewChar: Char): TStringBuilder; overload;
- function Replace(const OldValue: string; const NewValue: string): TStringBuilder; overload;
- function Replace(const OldChar: Char; const NewChar: Char; StartIndex: Integer; Count: Integer): TStringBuilder; overload;
- function Replace(const OldValue: string; const NewValue: string; StartIndex: Integer; Count: Integer): TStringBuilder; overload;
- function ToString: string; overload;
- function ToString(StartIndex: Integer; StrLength: Integer): string; reintroduce; overload;
- procedure SaveToStream(Stream: TStream);
- procedure SaveToFile(FileName: string);
- procedure LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream);
- procedure LoadFromFile(FileName: string);
- property Capacity: Integer read GetCapacity write SetCapacity;
- property Chars[index: Integer]: Char read GetChars write SetChars; default;
- property Length: Integer read GetLength write Set_Length;
- property MaxCapacity: Integer read GetMaxCapacity;
- end;
- function UIntToStr(Value: Cardinal): string; overload;
- function UIntToStr(Value: UInt64): string; overload;
- resourcestring
- SParamIsNegative = 'Parameter %s cannot be a negative value';
- SInputBufferExceed = 'Input buffer exceeded for %s = %d, %s = %d';
- implementation
- function UIntToStr(Value: Cardinal): string;
- begin
- FmtStr(Result, '%u', [Value]);
- end;
- function UIntToStr(Value: UInt64): string;
- begin
- FmtStr(Result, '%u', [Value]);
- end;
- { TStringBuilder }
- constructor TStringBuilder.Create;
- begin
- inherited Create;
- FMaxCapacity := MaxInt;
- Capacity := DefaultCapacity;
- FLength := 0;
- end;
- constructor TStringBuilder.Create(aCapacity: Integer);
- begin
- inherited Create;
- FMaxCapacity := MaxInt;
- Capacity := aCapacity;
- FLength := 0;
- end;
- function TStringBuilder.Append(const Value: string): TStringBuilder;
- begin
- Length := Length + System.Length(Value);
- Move(PChar(Value)^, FData[Length - System.Length(Value)], System.Length(Value) * SizeOf(Char));
- Result := self;
- end;
- function TStringBuilder.Append(const Value: Currency): TStringBuilder;
- begin
- Append(CurrToStr(Value));
- Result := Self;
- end;
- function TStringBuilder.Append(const Value: Double): TStringBuilder;
- begin
- Append(FloatToStr(Value));
- Result := Self;
- end;
- function TStringBuilder.Append(const Value: Char): TStringBuilder;
- begin
- Length := Length + 1;
- FData[Length - 1] := Value;
- Result := Self;
- end;
- function TStringBuilder.Append(const Value: Boolean): TStringBuilder;
- begin
- Append(BoolToStr(Value, True));
- Result := Self;
- end;
- function TStringBuilder.Append(const Value: Byte): TStringBuilder;
- begin
- Append(IntToStr(Value));
- Result := Self;
- end;
- function TStringBuilder.Append(const Value: Smallint): TStringBuilder;
- begin
- Append(IntToStr(Value));
- Result := Self;
- end;
- function TStringBuilder.Append(const Value: Shortint): TStringBuilder;
- begin
- Append(IntToStr(Value));
- Result := Self;
- end;
- function TStringBuilder.Append(const Value: Single): TStringBuilder;
- begin
- Append(FloatToStr(Value));
- Result := self;
- end;
- function TStringBuilder.Append(const Value: TObject): TStringBuilder;
- begin
- {$if CompilerVersion >= 19}
- Append(Value.ToString());
- {$else}
- if Value.InheritsFrom(TComponent) then
- Append(TComponent(Value).Name+': '+Value.ClassName)
- else Append(Value.ClassName);
- {$ifend}
- Result := Self;
- end;
- function TStringBuilder.Append(const Value: Integer): TStringBuilder;
- begin
- Append(IntToStr(Value));
- Result := Self;
- end;
- function TStringBuilder.Append(const Value: Int64): TStringBuilder;
- begin
- Append(IntToStr(Value));
- Result := Self;
- end;
- procedure TStringBuilder.CheckBounds(Index: Integer);
- begin
- if Cardinal(Index) >= Cardinal(Length) then
- raise ERangeError.CreateResFmt(@SListIndexError, [Index]);
- end;
- procedure TStringBuilder.Clear;
- begin
- Length := 0;
- Capacity := DefaultCapacity;
- end;
- procedure TStringBuilder.CopyTo(SourceIndex: Integer;
- const Destination: TCharArray; DestinationIndex, Count: Integer);
- begin
- if Count < 0 then
- raise ERangeError.CreateResFmt(@SParamIsNegative, ['Count']); // DO NOT LOCALIZE
- if DestinationIndex < 0 then
- raise ERangeError.CreateResFmt(@SParamIsNegative, ['DestinationIndex']); // DO NOT LOCALIZE
- if DestinationIndex + Count > System.Length(Destination) then
- raise ERangeError.CreateResFmt(@SInputBufferExceed,
- ['DestinationIndex', DestinationIndex, 'Count', Count]);
- if Count > 0 then
- begin
- CheckBounds(SourceIndex);
- CheckBounds(SourceIndex + Count - 1);
- Move(FData[SourceIndex], Destination[DestinationIndex], Count * SizeOf(Char));
- end;
- end;
- constructor TStringBuilder.Create(const Value: string);
- begin
- Create;
- Append(Value);
- end;
- function TStringBuilder.EnsureCapacity(aCapacity: Integer): Integer;
- begin
- if Cardinal(aCapacity) > Cardinal(MaxCapacity) then
- raise ERangeError.CreateResFmt(@SListIndexError, [aCapacity]);
- if Capacity < aCapacity then
- Capacity := aCapacity;
- Result := Capacity;
- end;
- function TStringBuilder.Equals(StringBuilder: TStringBuilder): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := (StringBuilder <> nil) and (Length = StringBuilder.Length) and
- (MaxCapacity = StringBuilder.MaxCapacity) and
- CompareMem(@FData[0], @StringBuilder.FData[0], Length * SizeOf(Char));
- end;
- procedure TStringBuilder.ExpandCapacity;
- var
- NewCapacity: Integer;
- begin
- NewCapacity := Capacity * 2;
- if Length > NewCapacity then
- NewCapacity := Length * 2; // this line may overflow NewCapacity to a negative value
- if NewCapacity > MaxCapacity then
- NewCapacity := MaxCapacity;
- if NewCapacity < 0 then // if NewCapacity has been overflowed
- NewCapacity := Length;
- Capacity := NewCapacity;
- end;
- function TStringBuilder.GetCapacity: Integer;
- begin
- Result := System.Length(FData);
- end;
- function TStringBuilder.GetChars(index: Integer): Char;
- begin
- if Index < 0 then
- raise ERangeError.CreateResFmt(@SParamIsNegative, ['Index']); // DO NOT LOCALIZE
- CheckBounds(Index);
- Result := FData[Index];
- end;
- function TStringBuilder.GetLength: Integer;
- begin
- Result := FLength;
- end;
- function TStringBuilder.GetMaxCapacity: Integer;
- begin
- Result := FMaxCapacity;
- end;
- function TStringBuilder.Insert(Index: Integer;
- const Value: Integer): TStringBuilder;
- begin
- Insert(Index, IntToStr(Value));
- Result := Self;
- end;
- function TStringBuilder.Insert(Index: Integer;
- const Value: Smallint): TStringBuilder;
- begin
- Insert(Index, IntToStr(Value));
- Result := Self;
- end;
- function TStringBuilder.Insert(Index: Integer;
- const Value: Int64): TStringBuilder;
- begin
- Insert(Index, IntToStr(Value));
- Result := Self;
- end;
- function TStringBuilder.Insert(Index: Integer;
- const Value: TCharArray): TStringBuilder;
- begin
- if Index < 0 then
- raise ERangeError.CreateResFmt(@SParamIsNegative, ['Index']); // DO NOT LOCALIZE
- if Index > Length then
- raise ERangeError.CreateResFmt(@SListIndexError, [Index]);
- Length := Length + System.Length(Value);
- Move(FData[Index], FData[Index + System.Length(Value)], System.Length(Value) * SizeOf(Char));
- Move(Value[0], FData[Index], System.Length(Value) * SizeOf(Char));
- Result := Self;
- end;
- function TStringBuilder.Insert(Index: Integer;
- const Value: Double): TStringBuilder;
- begin
- Insert(Index, FloatToStr(Value));
- Result := Self;
- end;
- function TStringBuilder.Insert(Index: Integer;
- const Value: Byte): TStringBuilder;
- begin
- Insert(Index, IntToStr(Value));
- Result := Self;
- end;
- function TStringBuilder.Insert(Index: Integer;
- const Value: Boolean): TStringBuilder;
- begin
- Insert(Index, BoolToStr(Value, True));
- Result := Self;
- end;
- function TStringBuilder.Insert(Index: Integer;
- const Value: Currency): TStringBuilder;
- begin
- Insert(Index, CurrToStr(Value));
- Result := Self;
- end;
- function TStringBuilder.Insert(Index: Integer;
- const Value: Char): TStringBuilder;
- begin
- if Index < 0 then
- raise ERangeError.CreateResFmt(@SParamIsNegative, ['Index']); // DO NOT LOCALIZE
- if Index > Length then
- raise ERangeError.CreateResFmt(@SListIndexError, [Index]);
- Length := Length + 1;
- Move(FData[Index], FData[Index + 1], (Length - Index - 1) * SizeOf(Char));
- FData[Index] := Value;
- Result := Self;
- end;
- function TStringBuilder.Insert(Index: Integer;
- const Value: UInt64): TStringBuilder;
- begin
- Insert(Index, IntToStr(Value));
- Result := self;
- end;
- function TStringBuilder.Insert(Index: Integer;
- const Value: Cardinal): TStringBuilder;
- begin
- Insert(Index, IntToStr(Value));
- Result := self;
- end;
- function TStringBuilder.Insert(Index: Integer; const Value: TCharArray;
- startIndex, charCount: Integer): TStringBuilder;
- begin
- if Index - 1 >= Length then
- raise ERangeError.CreateResFmt(@SListIndexError, [Index])
- else if Index < 0 then
- raise ERangeError.CreateResFmt(@SListIndexError, [Index]);
- if StartIndex < 0 then
- raise ERangeError.CreateResFmt(@SParamIsNegative, ['StartIndex']); // DO NOT LOCALIZE
- if CharCount < 0 then
- raise ERangeError.CreateResFmt(@SParamIsNegative, ['CharCount']); // DO NOT LOCALIZE
- if StartIndex + CharCount > System.Length(Value) then
- raise ERangeError.CreateResFmt(@SInputBufferExceed,
- ['StartIndex', StartIndex, 'CharCount', CharCount]);
- Length := Length + CharCount;
- if Length - Index > 0 then
- Move(FData[Index], FData[Index + CharCount], (Length - Index) * SizeOf(Char));
- Move(Value[StartIndex], FData[Index], CharCount * SizeOf(Char));
- Result := Self;
- end;
- procedure TStringBuilder.LoadFromFile(FileName: string);
- var
- F: TFileStream;
- begin
- F := TFileStream.Create(FileName,fmOpenRead);
- LoadFromStream(F);
- F.Free;
- end;
- procedure TStringBuilder.LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream);
- begin
- Capacity := Stream.Size;
- Stream.Position := 0;
- Stream.ReadBuffer(FData[0],Stream.Size);
- Length := Stream.Size;
- end;
- procedure TStringBuilder.ReduceCapacity;
- var
- NewCapacity: Integer;
- begin
- if Length > Capacity div 4 then
- Exit;
- NewCapacity := Capacity div 2;
- if NewCapacity < Length then
- NewCapacity := Length;
- Capacity := NewCapacity;
- end;
- function TStringBuilder.Remove(StartIndex, RemLength: Integer): TStringBuilder;
- begin
- if RemLength <> 0 then
- begin
- if StartIndex < 0 then
- raise ERangeError.CreateResFmt(@SParamIsNegative, ['StartIndex']); // DO NOT LOCALIZE
- if RemLength < 0 then
- raise ERangeError.CreateResFmt(@SParamIsNegative, ['RemLength']); // DO NOT LOCALIZE
- CheckBounds(StartIndex);
- CheckBounds(StartIndex + RemLength - 1);
- if (Length - (StartIndex + RemLength)) > 0 then
- Move(FData[StartIndex + RemLength], FData[StartIndex], (Length - (StartIndex + RemLength)) * SizeOf(Char));
- Length := Length - RemLength;
- ReduceCapacity;
- end;
- Result := Self;
- end;
- function TStringBuilder.Replace(const OldValue,
- NewValue: string): TStringBuilder;
- begin
- Result := self;
- Replace(OldValue, NewValue, 0, Length);
- end;
- function TStringBuilder.Replace(const OldChar, NewChar: Char): TStringBuilder;
- var
- Ptr: PChar;
- EndPtr: PChar;
- begin
- EndPtr := @FData[Length - 1];
- Ptr := @FData[0];
- while Ptr <= EndPtr do
- begin
- if Ptr^ = OldChar then
- Ptr^ := NewChar;
- Inc(Ptr);
- end;
- Result := Self;
- end;
- function TStringBuilder.Replace(const OldValue, NewValue: string; StartIndex,
- Count: Integer): TStringBuilder;
- var
- CurPtr: PChar;
- EndPtr: PChar;
- Index: Integer;
- EndIndex: Integer;
- oldLen, newLen: Integer;
- begin
- Result := Self;
- if Count <> 0 then
- begin
- if StartIndex < 0 then
- raise ERangeError.CreateResFmt(@SParamIsNegative, ['StartIndex']); // DO NOT LOCALIZE
- if Count < 0 then
- raise ERangeError.CreateResFmt(@SParamIsNegative, ['Count']); // DO NOT LOCALIZE
- if StartIndex + Count > Length then
- raise ERangeError.CreateResFmt(@SInputBufferExceed,
- ['StartIndex', StartIndex, 'Count', Count]);
- oldLen := System.Length(OldValue);
- newLen := System.Length(NewValue);
- Index := StartIndex;
- CurPtr := @FData[StartIndex];
- EndIndex := StartIndex + Count - oldLen;
- EndPtr := @FData[EndIndex];
- while CurPtr <= EndPtr do
- begin
- if CurPtr^ = OldValue[1] then
- begin
- if StrLComp(CurPtr, PChar(OldValue), oldLen) = 0 then
- begin
- if _Replace(Index, OldValue, NewValue) then
- begin
- CurPtr := @FData[Index];
- EndPtr := @FData[EndIndex];
- end;
- Inc(CurPtr, newLen - 1);
- Inc(Index, newLen - 1);
- Inc(EndPtr, newLen - oldLen);
- Inc(EndIndex, newLen - oldLen);
- end;
- end;
- Inc(CurPtr);
- Inc(Index);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- function TStringBuilder.Replace(const OldChar, NewChar: Char; StartIndex,
- Count: Integer): TStringBuilder;
- var
- Ptr: PChar;
- EndPtr: PChar;
- begin
- if Count <> 0 then
- begin
- if StartIndex < 0 then
- raise ERangeError.CreateResFmt(@SParamIsNegative, ['StartIndex']); // DO NOT LOCALIZE
- if Count < 0 then
- raise ERangeError.CreateResFmt(@SParamIsNegative, ['Count']); // DO NOT LOCALIZE
- CheckBounds(StartIndex);
- CheckBounds(StartIndex + Count - 1);
- EndPtr := @FData[StartIndex + Count - 1];
- Ptr := @FData[StartIndex];
- while Ptr <= EndPtr do
- begin
- if Ptr^ = OldChar then
- Ptr^ := NewChar;
- Inc(Ptr);
- end;
- end;
- Result := Self;
- end;
- function TStringBuilder.Insert(Index: Integer; const Value: string;
- count: Integer): TStringBuilder;
- var
- I: Integer;
- begin
- for I := 0 to Count - 1 do
- Insert(Index, Value);
- Result := Self;
- end;
- function TStringBuilder.Insert(Index: Integer;
- const Value: Word): TStringBuilder;
- begin
- Insert(Index, IntToStr(Value));
- Result := Self;
- end;
- function TStringBuilder.Insert(Index: Integer;
- const Value: Shortint): TStringBuilder;
- begin
- Insert(Index, IntToStr(Value));
- Result := Self;
- end;
- function TStringBuilder.Insert(Index: Integer;
- const Value: TObject): TStringBuilder;
- begin
- {$if CompilerVersion >= 19}
- Insert(Index, Value.ToString());
- {$else}
- Insert(Index, IntToStr(Integer(Value)));
- {$ifend}
- Result := Self;
- end;
- function TStringBuilder.Insert(Index: Integer;
- const Value: string): TStringBuilder;
- begin
- if Index < 0 then
- raise ERangeError.CreateResFmt(@SParamIsNegative, ['Index']); // DO NOT LOCALIZE
- if Index > Length then
- raise ERangeError.CreateResFmt(@SListIndexError, [Index]);
- Length := Length + System.Length(Value);
- Move(FData[Index], FData[Index + System.Length(Value)], (Length - System.Length(Value) - Index) * SizeOf(Char));
- Move(Value[1], FData[Index], System.Length(Value) * SizeOf(Char));
- Result := Self;
- end;
- function TStringBuilder.Insert(Index: Integer;
- const Value: Single): TStringBuilder;
- begin
- Insert(Index, FloatToStr(Value));
- Result := Self;
- end;
- procedure TStringBuilder.SaveToFile(FileName: string);
- var
- FileStream: TFileStream;
- begin
- FileStream := TFileStream.Create(FileName,fmOpenWrite);
- SaveToStream(FileStream);
- FileStream.Free;
- end;
- procedure TStringBuilder.SaveToStream(Stream: TStream);
- begin
- Stream.WriteBuffer(FData[0],Length * SizeOf(Char));
- end;
- procedure TStringBuilder.SetCapacity(const Value: Integer);
- begin
- if Value < Length then
- raise ERangeError.CreateResFmt(@SListCapacityError, [Value]);
- if Value > FMaxCapacity then
- raise ERangeError.CreateResFmt(@SListCapacityError, [Value]);
- SetLength(FData, Value);
- end;
- procedure TStringBuilder.SetChars(index: Integer; const Value: Char);
- begin
- if Index < 0 then
- raise ERangeError.CreateResFmt(@SParamIsNegative, ['Index']); // DO NOT LOCALIZE
- CheckBounds(Index);
- FData[Index] := Value;
- end;
- procedure TStringBuilder.Set_Length(const Value: Integer);
- var
- LOldLength: Integer;
- begin
- if Value < 0 then
- raise ERangeError.CreateResFmt(@SParamIsNegative, ['Value']); // DO NOT LOCALIZE
- if Value > MaxCapacity then
- raise ERangeError.CreateResFmt(@SListCapacityError, [Value]);
- LOldLength := FLength;
- try
- FLength := Value;
- if FLength > Capacity then
- ExpandCapacity;
- except
- on E: EOutOfMemory do
- FLength := LOldLength;
- end;
- end;
- function TStringBuilder.ToString: string;
- begin
- SetLength(Result, Length);
- Move(FData[0], Result[1], Length * SizeOf(Char));
- end;
- function TStringBuilder.ToString(StartIndex, StrLength: Integer): string;
- begin
- if StrLength <> 0 then
- begin
- if StartIndex < 0 then
- raise ERangeError.CreateResFmt(@SParamIsNegative, ['StartIndex']); // DO NOT LOCALIZE
- if StrLength < 0 then
- raise ERangeError.CreateResFmt(@SParamIsNegative, ['StrLength']); // DO NOT LOCALIZE
- CheckBounds(StartIndex);
- CheckBounds(StartIndex + StrLength - 1);
- SetLength(Result, StrLength);
- Move(FData[StartIndex], Result[1], StrLength * SizeOf(Char));
- end
- else Result := '';
- end;
- function TStringBuilder._Replace(Index: Integer; const Old,
- New: string): Boolean;
- var
- OldCapacity: Integer;
- SizeChange: Integer;
- begin
- Result := False;
- SizeChange := System.Length(New) - System.Length(Old);
- if SizeChange = 0 then
- begin
- Move(New[1], FData[Index], System.Length(New) * SizeOf(Char));
- end
- else
- begin
- if SizeChange > 0 then
- begin
- OldCapacity := Capacity;
- Length := Length + SizeChange;
- if OldCapacity <> Capacity then
- Result := True;
- end;
- Move(FData[Index + System.Length(Old)], FData[Index + System.Length(New)], (Length - (System.Length(Old) + Index)) * SizeOf(Char));
- Move(New[1], FData[Index], System.Length(New) * SizeOf(Char));
- if SizeChange < 0 then
- Length := Length + SizeChange;
- end;
- end;
- function TStringBuilder.Append(const Value: Word): TStringBuilder;
- begin
- Append(IntToStr(Value));
- Result := self;
- end;
- function TStringBuilder.Append(const Value: TCharArray): TStringBuilder;
- var
- I: Integer;
- begin
- Result := self;
- for I := 0 to System.Length(Value) - 1 do
- if Value[I] = #0 then
- Break;
- Append(Value, 0, I);
- end;
- function TStringBuilder.Append(const Value: UInt64): TStringBuilder;
- begin
- Append(UIntToStr(Value));
- Result := self;
- end;
- function TStringBuilder.Append(const Value: Cardinal): TStringBuilder;
- begin
- Append(UIntToStr(Value));
- Result := self;
- end;
- function TStringBuilder.Append(const Value: string; StartIndex,
- Count: Integer): TStringBuilder;
- begin
- if StartIndex + Count > System.Length(Value) then
- raise ERangeError.CreateResFmt(@SListIndexError, [StartIndex]);
- if StartIndex < 0 then
- raise ERangeError.CreateResFmt(@SListIndexError, [StartIndex]);
- Length := Length + Count;
- Move(Value[StartIndex + 1], FData[Length - Count], Count * SizeOf(Char));
- Result := Self;
- end;
- function TStringBuilder.AppendFormat(const Format: string;
- const Args: array of const): TStringBuilder;
- begin
- Append(SysUtils.Format(Format, Args));
- Result := Self;
- end;
- function TStringBuilder.AppendLine: TStringBuilder;
- begin
- Append(sLineBreak);
- Result := Self;
- end;
- function TStringBuilder.AppendLine(const Value: string): TStringBuilder;
- begin
- Append(Value);
- AppendLine;
- Result := Self;
- end;
- function TStringBuilder.Append(const Value: TCharArray; StartIndex,
- CharCount: Integer): TStringBuilder;
- begin
- if StartIndex + CharCount > System.Length(Value) then
- raise ERangeError.CreateResFmt(@SListIndexError, [StartIndex]);
- if StartIndex < 0 then
- raise ERangeError.CreateResFmt(@SListIndexError, [StartIndex]);
- Length := Length + CharCount;
- Move(Value[StartIndex], FData[Length - CharCount], CharCount * SizeOf(Char));
- Result := self;
- end;
- function TStringBuilder.Append(const Value: Char;
- RepeatCount: Integer): TStringBuilder;
- begin
- Append(System.StringOfChar(Value, RepeatCount));
- Result := Self;
- end;
- end.