Qt Installer Framework 3.0.1 Released(功能比较强)

We are happy to announce the release of Qt IFW 3.0.1.

3.0.1 is fully compatible with 2.0.5, which means you can update existing online installers with installers built with 3.0.1. Version 3.0.1 includes a lot of bug fixes and also new features.
Here is a list some new features, some to mention:

  • Allow to use the stylesheet to customize UI
  • New –silentUpdate command line option
  • Introduced gui.setTextItems() method
  • Add ApplicationsDirX86 and ApplicationsDirX64 predefined Variables.
  • Add new ‘–sign’ switch to binarycreator for signing OS X app bundles
  • Allow defining non-checkable items – introduces new element ‘Checkable’ for package.
  • Added support for setting descriptions of Windows shortcuts.
  • Add Castilian Spanish translation.

The full list of added features and bug fixed can be found from ChangeLog.

You can download Qt Installer Framework using Qt SDK or from QtAccount. Opensource version can be found also from Qt Downloads.

Thank you for everyone involved!



posted @ 2017-09-25 03:24  findumars  Views(553)  Comments(0Edit  收藏  举报