- 非常流行的Jackson
- Google的Gson
- 类JSON的MessagePack
- 阿里的FastJSON
- 二进制类
- XML类
- StAX(Streaming API for XML)
- Thoughwork的XStream
- RPC类
- Protobuf:这里“偷了点懒”,因为Protobuf和Thrift都要安装、编译,所以这里使用了Protostuff,可以在运行时自动获取对象的Schema信息,省去了额外安装和手动编写协议格式文件的过程(Protostuff真是太好了!)。
- Thrift、Apache Avro:同上,都需要预编译。
Why does Jackson-JSON call BSON the “smile format” of JSON?
BSON and Smile are two distinct binary formats. They are related in that they are both based on the logical format of JSON (i.e., key-value objects) but they are distinct in that they write incompatible binary formats (you can neither directly read Smile as BSON nor vice-versa). They also have different incompatible features (e.g., BSON defines a date type, while Smile does not as far as I can tell.) BSON is the binary serialization used by MongoDB for network transfer and disk serialization. Smile is the binary JSON format used by the Jackson project.
<!-- JSON BEGIN -->
<!-- JSON END -->
<!-- JSON-like BEGIN -->
<!-- JSON-like END -->
<!-- Binary BEGIN -->
<!-- Binary END -->
<!-- XML BEGIN -->