摘要: 从字节码和JVM的角度解析Java核心类String的不可变特性
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1. 前言
- String类是如何实现其不可变的特性的,设计成不可变的好处在哪里。
- 为什么不推荐使用+号的方式去形成新的字符串,推荐使用StringBuilder或者StringBuffer呢。
2. String类是如何实现不可变的
A class can be declared final if its definition is complete and no subclasses are desired or required.
Because a final class never has any subclasses, the methods of a final class are never overridden .
Java SE 7 官方手册中的定义如上,如果你认为这个类已经定义完全并且不需要任何子类的话,可以将这个类声明为Final,Final类中的方法将永远不会被重写。
private final char value[]; // 一旦初始化后,引用不能被修改
public String substring(int beginIndex, int endIndex) {
if (beginIndex < 0) {
throw new StringIndexOutOfBoundsException(beginIndex);
if (endIndex > value.length) {
throw new StringIndexOutOfBoundsException(endIndex);
int subLen = endIndex - beginIndex;
if (subLen < 0) {
throw new StringIndexOutOfBoundsException(subLen);
return ((beginIndex == 0) && (endIndex == value.length)) ? this
: new String(value, beginIndex, subLen);
2.1 String类设计成不可变的好处
- 可以实现多个变量引用JVM内存中的同一个字符串实例。见后文String Pool的介绍。
- 安全性,String类的用途实在太广了,如果可以随意修改的,是不是很恐怖。
- 性能,String大量运用在哈希的处理中,由于String的不可变性,可以只计算一次哈希值,然后缓存在内部,后续直接取就好了。如果String类是可变的话,在进行哈希处理的时候,需要进行大量的哈希值的重新计算。
这是结合个人理解和stackoverflow上看的汇总,我们来看看Java语言的爸爸James Gosling是怎么说的。
From a strategic point of view, they tend to more often be trouble free. And there are usually things you can do with immutables that you can't do with mutable things, such as cache the result. If you pass a string to a file open method, or if you pass a string to a constructor for a label in a user interface, in some APIs (like in lots of the Windows APIs) you pass in an array of characters. The receiver of that object really has to copy it, because they don't know anything about the storage lifetime of it. And they don't know what's happening to the object, whether it is being changed under their feet.
You end up getting almost forced to replicate the object because you don't know whether or not you get to own it. And one of the nice things about immutable objects is that the answer is, "Yeah, of course you do." Because the question of ownership, who has the right to change it, doesn't exist.
One of the things that forced Strings to be immutable was security. You have a file open method. You pass a String to it. And then it's doing all kind of authentication checks before it gets around to doing the OS call. If you manage to do something that effectively mutated the String, after the security check and before the OS call, then boom, you're in. But Strings are immutable, so that kind of attack doesn't work. That precise example is what really demanded that Strings be immutable.
这是James Gosling在2001年5月的一次访谈中,谈到了不可变类和String,大意就是 他会更倾向于使用不可变类,它能够缓存结果,当你在传参的时候,使用不可变类不需要去考虑谁可能会修改其内部的值,这个问题不存在的。如果使用可变类的话,可能需要每次记得重新拷贝出里面的值,性能会有一定的损失。
2.2 String Pool
String test1 = "abc";
String test2 = "abc";

两个变量同时引用了String Pool中的abc,如果String类是可变的话,也就不能存在String Pool这样的设计了。 在平时我们还会通过new关键字来生成String,那么新创建的String是否也会和上文中的示例一样共享同一个字符串地址呢。
String test1 = "abc";
String test2 = "abc";
String test3 = new String("abc");

2.3 不推荐使用+来拼装字符串的原因。
String test1 = "abc";
String test2 = "abc";
String test3 = test1 + test2;

String test2 = "abc";
String test3 = "abc";
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
test3 += test2;
String test2 = "abc";
// 使用StringBuilder进行拼接
StringBuilder test4 = new StringBuilder("abc");
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {

至于StringBuilder 的内部实现,诸位有兴趣可以自己再去看一下,本质上也是一个char数组上的操作,和StringBuffer的区别在于,StringBuffer是有做同步处理的,而StringBuilder没有。
3. 总结