
The following window class names are provided by the common control library:
ANIMATE_CLASS Creates animation controls. These controls silently display an audio video interleaved (AVI) clip.
DATETIMEPICK_CLASS Creates date and time picker controls. These controls provide a simple and intuitive interface to exchange date and time information with a user.
HOTKEY_CLASS Creates hot key controls. These controls make it easy for the user to define hot keys.
MONTHCAL_CLASS Creates month calendar controls. These controls provide a simple and intuitive way for a user to select a date from a familiar interface.
PROGRESS_CLASS Creates progress bars. These controls indicate the progress of a lengthy operation.
REBARCLASSNAME Creates rebar controls. These controls act as a container for child windows.
STATUSCLASSNAME Creates status windows. These controls display status information in a horizontal window.
TOOLBARCLASSNAME Creates toolbars. These controls contain buttons that carry out menu commands.
TOOLTIPS_CLASS Creates ToolTip controls. These controls display a small pop-up window containing a line of text that describes the purpose of a tool in an application.
TRACKBAR_CLASS Creates trackbars. These controls let the user select from a range of values by moving a slider.
UPDOWN_CLASS Creates up-down controls. These controls combine a pair of arrows with an edit control. Clicking the arrows increments or decrements the value in the edit control.
WC_COMBOBOXEX Creates ComboBoxEx controls. These controls provide an extension of the combo box control that provides native support for item images.
WC_HEADER Creates header controls. These controls display headings at the top of columns of information and let the user sort the information by clicking the headings.
WC_IPADDRESS Creates IP address controls. These controls are similar to an edit control, but they enable you to enter a numeric address in Internet protocol (IP) format.
WC_LISTVIEW Creates list-view controls. These controls display a collection of items, each consisting of an icon and a label, and provide several ways to arrange the items.
WC_PAGESCROLLER Creates pager controls. These controls are used to contain and scroll another window.
WC_TABCONTROL Creates tab controls. These controls define multiple pages for the same area of a window or dialog box. Each page consists of a set of information or a group of controls that an application displays when the user selects the corresponding tab.
WC_TREEVIEW Creates tree-view controls. These controls display a hierarchical list of items. Each item consists of a label and an optional bitmap.

posted @ 2016-06-03 17:51  findumars  Views(534)  Comments(0Edit  收藏  举报