Writing a ServiceMain Function(使用RegisterServiceCtrlHandler函数)
The following global definitions are used in this sample.
#define SVCNAME TEXT("SvcName") SERVICE_STATUS gSvcStatus; SERVICE_STATUS_HANDLE gSvcStatusHandle; HANDLE ghSvcStopEvent = NULL;
The following sample fragment is taken from the complete service sample.
// // Purpose: // Entry point for the service // // Parameters: // dwArgc - Number of arguments in the lpszArgv array // lpszArgv - Array of strings. The first string is the name of // the service and subsequent strings are passed by the process // that called the StartService function to start the service. // // Return value: // None. // VOID WINAPI SvcMain( DWORD dwArgc, LPTSTR *lpszArgv ) { // Register the handler function for the service gSvcStatusHandle = RegisterServiceCtrlHandler( SVCNAME, SvcCtrlHandler); if( !gSvcStatusHandle ) { SvcReportEvent(TEXT("RegisterServiceCtrlHandler")); return; } // These SERVICE_STATUS members remain as set here gSvcStatus.dwServiceType = SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS; gSvcStatus.dwServiceSpecificExitCode = 0; // Report initial status to the SCM ReportSvcStatus( SERVICE_START_PENDING, NO_ERROR, 3000 ); // Perform service-specific initialization and work. SvcInit( dwArgc, lpszArgv ); } // // Purpose: // The service code // // Parameters: // dwArgc - Number of arguments in the lpszArgv array // lpszArgv - Array of strings. The first string is the name of // the service and subsequent strings are passed by the process // that called the StartService function to start the service. // // Return value: // None // VOID SvcInit( DWORD dwArgc, LPTSTR *lpszArgv) { // TO_DO: Declare and set any required variables. // Be sure to periodically call ReportSvcStatus() with // SERVICE_START_PENDING. If initialization fails, call // ReportSvcStatus with SERVICE_STOPPED. // Create an event. The control handler function, SvcCtrlHandler, // signals this event when it receives the stop control code. ghSvcStopEvent = CreateEvent( NULL, // default security attributes TRUE, // manual reset event FALSE, // not signaled NULL); // no name if ( ghSvcStopEvent == NULL) { ReportSvcStatus( SERVICE_STOPPED, NO_ERROR, 0 ); return; } // Report running status when initialization is complete. ReportSvcStatus( SERVICE_RUNNING, NO_ERROR, 0 ); // TO_DO: Perform work until service stops. while(1) { // Check whether to stop the service. WaitForSingleObject(ghSvcStopEvent, INFINITE); ReportSvcStatus( SERVICE_STOPPED, NO_ERROR, 0 ); return; } } // // Purpose: // Sets the current service status and reports it to the SCM. // // Parameters: // dwCurrentState - The current state (see SERVICE_STATUS) // dwWin32ExitCode - The system error code // dwWaitHint - Estimated time for pending operation, // in milliseconds // // Return value: // None // VOID ReportSvcStatus( DWORD dwCurrentState, DWORD dwWin32ExitCode, DWORD dwWaitHint) { static DWORD dwCheckPoint = 1; // Fill in the SERVICE_STATUS structure. gSvcStatus.dwCurrentState = dwCurrentState; gSvcStatus.dwWin32ExitCode = dwWin32ExitCode; gSvcStatus.dwWaitHint = dwWaitHint; if (dwCurrentState == SERVICE_START_PENDING) gSvcStatus.dwControlsAccepted = 0; else gSvcStatus.dwControlsAccepted = SERVICE_ACCEPT_STOP; if ( (dwCurrentState == SERVICE_RUNNING) || (dwCurrentState == SERVICE_STOPPED) ) gSvcStatus.dwCheckPoint = 0; else gSvcStatus.dwCheckPoint = dwCheckPoint++; // Report the status of the service to the SCM. SetServiceStatus( gSvcStatusHandle, &gSvcStatus ); }
In the following example, the SvcCtrlHandler function is an example of a Handler function. Note that the ghSvcStopEvent variable is a global variable that should be initialized and used as demonstrated in Writing a ServiceMain function.
// // Purpose: // Called by SCM whenever a control code is sent to the service // using the ControlService function. // // Parameters: // dwCtrl - control code // // Return value: // None // VOID WINAPI SvcCtrlHandler( DWORD dwCtrl ) { // Handle the requested control code. switch(dwCtrl) { case SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP: ReportSvcStatus(SERVICE_STOP_PENDING, NO_ERROR, 0); // Signal the service to stop. SetEvent(ghSvcStopEvent); ReportSvcStatus(gSvcStatus.dwCurrentState, NO_ERROR, 0); return; case SERVICE_CONTROL_INTERROGATE: break; default: break; } }