Only applicable when Themes are enabled in applications on Windows XP. Causes the parent to draw its background into the control's background. This is useful for controls that need to show their parent's theme elements, such as aTPanel or TFrame that appears on a TPageControl. TWinControl introduces a protected ParentBackground property that includes/excludes the csParentBackground control style.
procedure TWinControl.WMEraseBkgnd(var Message: TWMEraseBkgnd); begin with ThemeServices do if ThemesEnabled and Assigned(Parent) and (csParentBackground in FControlStyle) then begin { Get the parent to draw its background into the control's background. } DrawParentBackground(Handle, Message.DC, nil, False); end else begin { Only erase background if we're not doublebuffering or painting to memory. } if not FDoubleBuffered or (TMessage(Message).wParam = TMessage(Message).lParam) then FillRect(Message.DC, ClientRect, FBrush.Handle); end; Message.Result := 1; end; procedure TWinControl.CMInvalidate(var Message: TMessage); var I: Integer; begin if HandleAllocated then begin if Parent <> nil then Parent.Perform(CM_INVALIDATE, 1, 0); if Message.WParam = 0 then begin InvalidateRect(FHandle, nil, not (csOpaque in ControlStyle)); { Invalidate child windows which use the parentbackground when themed } if ThemeServices.ThemesEnabled then for I := 0 to ControlCount - 1 do if csParentBackground in Controls[I].ControlStyle then Controls[I].Invalidate; end; end; end; function TWinControl.GetParentBackground: Boolean; begin Result := csParentBackground in ControlStyle; end; procedure TWinControl.SetParentBackground(Value: Boolean); begin if ParentBackground <> Value then begin if Value then ControlStyle := ControlStyle + [csParentBackground] else ControlStyle := ControlStyle - [csParentBackground]; Invalidate; end; end;