Download the CHM files from…
…and unpack the files anywhere. The code below registers all CHM files. Just create a small vcl application, drop a button and paste the code.
uses System.Win.Registry, System.IOUtils, System.Types; function RegisterHelpFiles(const Path: string; const DeleteKey: Boolean): Integer; const CHtmlHelpRoot = 'SOFTWARE\Embarcadero\BDS\17.0\Help\HtmlHelp1Files'; var Files: TStringDynArray; FileName: string; Reg: TRegistry; Name: string; begin Files := TDirectory.GetFiles(Path, '*.chm'); if (Length(Files) = 0) then Exit(0); Reg := TRegistry.Create(); try Result := 0; Reg.RootKey := HKEY_CURRENT_USER; if (Reg.OpenKey(CHtmlHelpRoot, False)) then begin for FileName in Files do begin Name := Concat(TPath.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(FileName), ' Help'); if (DeleteKey) then begin if (Reg.DeleteValue(Name)) then Inc(Result); end else begin Reg.WriteString(Name, FileName); Inc(Result); end; end; end; finally Reg.Free(); end; end; procedure TMainForm.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var Path: string; DeleteKey: Boolean; Count: Integer; begin Path := '[Insert the Path of the DevExpress Help Files]'; DeleteKey := False; Count := RegisterHelpFiles(Path, DeleteKey); //Setting to unregister the CHM files //DeleteKey := True; //Count := RegisterHelpFiles(Path, DeleteKey); ShowMessage(Format('Entries changed: %d', [Count])); end;
Replace the placeholder "[Insert the Path of the DevExpress Help Files]" with the path where the CHM files was unpacked. Compile and run the method "RegisterHelpFiles(…)". All CHM from the path will be registered. Please don't forget to restart Delphi, before you use the DevExpress Help Files.
This procedure should also work for Delphi XE8, but the Registry key must be adapted in this case.