Mysql ODBC 5.1 Driver免安装脚本
在使用Mysql 的时候,需要使用ODBC数据源的方式来连接mysql,所以常常需要用到免安装的驱动,自己参考官网的脚本,
安装mysql odbc 5.1 Driver
- SET installdir=none
- IF EXIST %windir%/system/nul SET installdir=%windir%/system
- IF EXIST %windir%/system32/nul SET installdir=%windir%/system32
- IF %installdir%==none GOTO :doError5
- IF EXIST %installdir%/myodbc-installer.exe GOTO :doError4
- REM ****
- REM * Find out the bin/lib directory, or use default
- REM ****
- SET libdir=lib
- SET bindir=bin
- IF EXIST lib/release/myodbc5.lib SET libdir=lib/release
- IF EXIST lib/relwithdebinfo/myodbc5.lib SET libdir=lib/relwithdebinfo
- IF EXIST bin/release/myodbc-installer.exe SET bindir=bin/release
- IF EXIST bin/relwithdebinfo/myodbc-installer.exe SET bindir=bin/relwithdebinfo
- REM ****
- REM * Copying myodbc libraries and executables to install dir...
- REM ****
- ECHO Copying installation files
- IF NOT EXIST %libdir%/myodbc5.lib GOTO :doError2
- IF NOT EXIST %libdir%/myodbc5S.lib GOTO :doError2
- IF NOT EXIST %bindir%/myodbc-installer.exe GOTO :doError2
- copy %libdir%/myodbc5S.dll %installdir%
- copy %libdir%/myodbc5S.lib %installdir%
- copy %libdir%/myodbc5.dll %installdir%
- copy %libdir%/myodbc5.lib %installdir%
- copy %bindir%/myodbc-installer.exe %installdir%
- copy doc/*.hlp %installdir%
- REM ****
- REM * Registering driver...
- REM *
- REM * We can do this with myodbc-installer.exe or the MS Windows ODBCConf.exe. It
- REM * may be safer to use the ODBCConf.exe when we think about such things
- REM * as 64bit windows.
- REM ****
- ECHO Registering driver
- myodbc-installer -d -a -n "MySQL ODBC 5.1 Driver" -t "DRIVER=myodbc5.dll;SETUP=myodbc5S.dll"
- ECHO "+-----------------------------------------------------+"
- ECHO "| DONE |"
- ECHO "+-----------------------------------------------------+"
- ECHO "| |"
- ECHO "| Hopefully things went well; the Connector/ODBC |"
- ECHO "| files have been copied to the system directory |"
- ECHO "| and the driver has been registered. |"
- ECHO "| |"
- ECHO "| Connector/ODBC is ready to use. |"
- ECHO "| |"
- ECHO "| The most common thing to do next is to go to the |"
- ECHO "| Control Panel and find the ODBC Administrator - |"
- ECHO "| then use it to create a Data Source Name (DSN) |"
- ECHO "| so you (and your application) can connect to a |"
- ECHO "| MySQL server. |"
- ECHO "| |"
- ECHO "+-----------------------------------------------------+"
- EXIT /B 0
- :doError2
- ECHO "+-----------------------------------------------------+"
- ECHO "| ERROR |"
- ECHO "+-----------------------------------------------------+"
- ECHO "| |"
- ECHO "| Connector/ODBC not built. |"
- ECHO "| |"
- ECHO "+-----------------------------------------------------+"
- EXIT /B 1
- :doError4
- ECHO "+-----------------------------------------------------+"
- ECHO "| ERROR |"
- ECHO "+-----------------------------------------------------+"
- ECHO "| |"
- ECHO "| Existing Connector/ODBC installed. Request ignored. |"
- ECHO "| |"
- ECHO "+-----------------------------------------------------+"
- EXIT /B 1
- :doError5
- ECHO "+-----------------------------------------------------+"
- ECHO "| ERROR |"
- ECHO "+-----------------------------------------------------+"
- ECHO "| |"
- ECHO "| Can't find the Windows system directory |"
- ECHO "| |"
- ECHO "+-----------------------------------------------------+"
- EXIT /B 1
- REM #########################################################
- REM /brief Uninstall myodbc.
- REM This exists for those working with the Windows source
- REM distribution.
- REM Use this to remove the driver and supporting files
- REM from the system directory and deregister the driver.
- REM /sa
- REM #########################################################
- SET installdir=none
- IF EXIST %windir%/system/nul SET installdir=%windir%/system
- IF EXIST %windir%/system32/nul SET installdir=%windir%/system32
- IF %installdir%==none GOTO :doError4
- IF NOT EXIST %installdir%/myodbc-installer.exe GOTO doError2
- REM ****
- REM * Deregistering driver...
- REM ****
- myodbc-installer -d -r -n "MySQL ODBC 5.1 Driver"
- REM ****
- REM * Removing files...
- REM ****
- del /Q /F %installdir%/myodbc5S.dll
- del /Q /F %installdir%/myodbc5S.lib
- del /Q /F %installdir%/myodbc5.dll
- del /Q /F %installdir%/myodbc5.lib
- del /Q /F %installdir%/myodbc-installer.exe
- del /Q /F %installdir%/myodbc3*.hlp
- ECHO "+-----------------------------------------------------+"
- ECHO "| DONE |"
- ECHO "+-----------------------------------------------------+"
- ECHO "| |"
- ECHO "| Hopefully things went well; the Connector/ODBC |"
- ECHO "| files have been removed from the system directory |"
- ECHO "| and the driver has been deregistered. |"
- ECHO "| |"
- ECHO "+-----------------------------------------------------+"
- EXIT /B 0
- :doError2
- ECHO "+-----------------------------------------------------+"
- ECHO "| ERROR |"
- ECHO "+-----------------------------------------------------+"
- ECHO "| |"
- ECHO "| Connector/ODBC does not appear to be installed. |"
- ECHO "| |"
- ECHO "+-----------------------------------------------------+"
- EXIT /B 1
- :doError4
- ECHO "+-----------------------------------------------------+"
- ECHO "| ERROR |"
- ECHO "+-----------------------------------------------------+"
- ECHO "| |"
- ECHO "| Can't find the Windows system directory |"
- ECHO "| |"
- ECHO "+-----------------------------------------------------+"
- EXIT /B 1
同时附已经做好的mysql odbc 5.1 Driver免安装包