procedure TWinControl.DefaultHandler(var Message); begin if FHandle <> 0 then begin with TMessage(Message) do begin if (Msg = WM_CONTEXTMENU) and (Parent <> nil) then begin Result := Parent.Perform(Msg, WParam, LParam); if Result <> 0 then Exit; end; case Msg of WM_CTLCOLORMSGBOX..WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC: Result := SendMessage(LParam, CN_BASE + Msg, WParam, LParam); CN_CTLCOLORMSGBOX..CN_CTLCOLORSTATIC: begin SetTextColor(WParam, ColorToRGB(FFont.Color)); SetBkColor(WParam, ColorToRGB(FBrush.Color)); Result := FBrush.Handle; end; else if Msg = RM_GetObjectInstance then Result := Integer(Self) else begin if Msg <> WM_PAINT then // 在这里下断点,竟然收到36 129 70 131 71 3 5 127 1 124 125 48 128 24 一大串消息 Result := CallWindowProc(FDefWndProc, FHandle, Msg, WParam, LParam); end; end; if Msg = WM_SETTEXT then SendDockNotification(Msg, WParam, LParam); end; end else inherited DefaultHandler(Message); end;
procedure TWinControl.DefaultHandler(var Message); begin if FHandle <> 0 then begin with TMessage(Message) do begin if (Msg = WM_CONTEXTMENU) and (Parent <> nil) then begin Result := Parent.Perform(Msg, WParam, LParam); if Result <> 0 then Exit; end; case Msg of WM_CTLCOLORMSGBOX..WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC: Result := SendMessage(LParam, CN_BASE + Msg, WParam, LParam); CN_CTLCOLORMSGBOX..CN_CTLCOLORSTATIC: begin SetTextColor(WParam, ColorToRGB(FFont.Color)); SetBkColor(WParam, ColorToRGB(FBrush.Color)); Result := FBrush.Handle; end; else if Msg = RM_GetObjectInstance then Result := Integer(Self) else begin if self.Name='Panel1' then begin tag:=100; // 这里下断点 end; if Msg <> WM_PAINT then Result := CallWindowProc(FDefWndProc, FHandle, Msg, WParam, LParam); end; end; if Msg = WM_SETTEXT then SendDockNotification(Msg, WParam, LParam); end; end else inherited DefaultHandler(Message); end;