RunAsAdmin in windows 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 | function RunAsAdmin(hWnd: HWND; filename: string ; Parameters: string ): Boolean ; { See Step 3: Redesign for UAC Compatibility (UAC) } var sei: TShellExecuteInfo; begin ZeroMemory(@sei, SizeOf(sei)); sei . cbSize := SizeOf(TShellExecuteInfo); sei . Wnd := hwnd; sei . fMask := SEE_MASK_FLAG_DDEWAIT or SEE_MASK_FLAG_NO_UI; sei . lpVerb := PChar ( 'runas' ); sei . lpFile := PChar (Filename); // PAnsiChar; if parameters <> '' then sei . lpParameters := PChar (parameters); // PAnsiChar; sei . nShow := SW_SHOWNORMAL; //Integer; Result := ShellExecuteEx(@sei); end ; |
See Mask values here:
This article will show you how to create a Delphi Application with a manifest to request elevation (run as admin). Read the article, it has a link to Delphi Manifest creator for doing this - very nice ! it will save you a lot of work. So if the program you need to run is written in Delphi and you have the source code then use this method.
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