


    mfc.bsc是可以查看MFC源代码的文件,其位置在MFC源代码文件夹下,Visual Studio版本不一样的话,位置也不一样。
vc6.0位置:C:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio/VC98/MFC/SRC/
vc2008sp1位置:D:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0/VC/atlmfc/src/mfc


To open the .bsc file

    * On the File menu, click Open and open the .bsc file.

      The .bsc file will be available to all projects in the solution until you either reload the solution or delete the .bsc file from Solution Explorer or the Object Browser.

To attach the .bsc file to your project

   1.In Solution Explorer, right-click the project node and click Add Existing Item on the shortcut menu.
   2.Browse to the .bsc file and add it to your project.

      The .bsc file will only be available in the project to which it is added. You can save the project so that the .bsc file will be available the next time that you open the project. You can delete the .bsc file from Solution Explorer

To add the .bsc file to the Object Browser

    *In the Object Browser, click the Customize button and browse to the desired .bsc file.

      When you add .bsc files to the Object Browser with the Customize button, the files are available to all projects in any solution that you open. This setting will persist across Visual Studio sessions.

The .bsc file that is referenced in each method will then appear in the Object Browser.

此时,假如我们要查看某一个函数的话,在“搜索”框输入如:cdialog 回车,就会在左边看到查询到的类信息,右边是类成员函数和变量,在右边可以按下想要搜索的函数开头字母,快速定位到以那字母开头的函数,然后右键想要查看的函数或变量选择“转到定义”,就会跳转到源代码处,如下图所示。



    VAX是Visual Studio插件,VC开发人员很多使用到它,它也可以查看源代码。在工具栏上左起第三个”Find Symbol“,如下图所示。

在弹出的对话框,先勾掉”Show only symbols defined in current solution",然后输入要检索的类或函数等等,如下图所示。




posted @ 2012-03-02 22:52  findumars  Views(1347)  Comments(0Edit  收藏  举报