Summary review about Problem.Design.Solution 2

<!-- add on 07/06/04 -->


1.  Customize configuration section in Web.Config and handle web events.
      <section name="theBeerHouse"
         type="MB.TheBeerHouse.TheBeerHouseSection, __code"/>

<theBeerHouse defaultConnectionStringName="LocalSqlServer">
      <contactForm mailTo=""/>

      Specify the name of your customized section in Web.Config file, the content of 'type' stands for the classname, which will be used to handle your customized section.

      Create a specific class to handle this(its name needs to be same as the type you specified in Web.Config file), inheriting from ConfigurationSection. Use the [ConfigurationProperty("xxxx", DefaultValue="xxxxxx")] to bind the property to target node.

public class TheBeerHouseSection : ConfigurationSection
         DefaultValue = "LocalSqlServer")]
      public string DefaultConnectionStringName
         get { return (string)base["defaultConnectionStringName"]; }
         set { base["connectionStdefaultConnectionStringNameringName"] = value; }
      [ConfigurationProperty("contactForm", IsRequired=true)]
      public ContactFormElement ContactForm
         get { return (ContactFormElement) base["contactForm"]; }
public class ContactFormElement : ConfigurationElement


      public readonly static TheBeerHouseSection Settings =

     Note that you need to convert the type of your customized config section in order to create a reference to use.


2.  Two approaches to  loop through Cache
     Loop Recursively by using the IDictionaryEnumerator && Cache.GetEnumerator()
     IDictionaryEnumerator enumerator = BizObject.Cache.GetEnumerator();
         while (enumerator.MoveNext())
            if (enumerator.Key.ToString().ToLower().StartsWith(prefix))

      Loop Recursively by using the DictionaryEntry
      foreach   (DictionaryEntry   de   in   Cache)

posted @ 2007-06-04 16:43  眼里进了砂  阅读(263)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报