
原文地址:Movipa Mini Game Released!
发表时间:Friday, August 01, 2008 1:55 PM Movipa Mini Game Released!

The XNA Team is excited to announce the release of the mini game, Movipa. It is available for download now!

Movipa is a complete mini game for XNA Game Studio. The project comes ready to compile and run, and it's easy to customize with a little bit of C# programming. You are also free to use the source code as the basis for your own XNA Game Studio game projects, and to share your work with others.

Movipa was developed by AGENDA/Zenryokutei.

Movipa is a puzzle game involving moving images that demonstrates the following components:

  • Non-continuous rendering of puzzle tiles via texture coordinates
  • Asynchronous asset loading
  • Game state saving and loading
  • Multiple gameplay modes
  • Complex scene-description system for layered 2D scenes.
  • Skinned animation system, from the Skinning Animation sample.

Further details and the download of the Movipa game can be found here.






Movipa是一个完全用XNA Game Studio写的游戏。这个项目已经可以编译执行,它非常适合使用C#语言来定制。你可以自由的在XNA Game Studio中使用它的源代码来定制你自己的游戏,然后和他人共享。



  • 不连续的拼图
  • 异步素材载入
  • 游戏状态的保存和载入
  • 多种游戏模式
  • 多层次的2D场景表现出来的复杂场景表现系统
  • 卡通皮肤系统,参照:卡通皮肤样例


posted @ 2008-10-02 13:36  风海迷沙  阅读(433)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报