[翻译]Microsoft Robotics Developer Sutdio 2008- 7月CTP发布了

原文地址:July CTP of Microsoft Robotics Developer Studio 2008

发表时间:Saturday, July 19, 2008 5:49 PM

The July Community Technical Preview (CTP) of Microsoft Robotics Developer Studio 2008 is now available for download. This is the 2nd CTP and like the first this one has a lot of new features and improvements. In addition to the list below you can see some of the features in the Welcome Letter and a complete list in the Whats New? document.

Microsoft Robotics Developer Studio 2008 -7月的社区预览版发布了。这是第二个CTP版本,像上次发布的一样有很多改进和新特性。除了下面列出的特性外你可以在欢迎信Whats New?文档中看到完整的更新列表。

1. New samples and tutorials: This CTP has many new samples and tutorials including:

1. DSS Node Discovery using UPnP: A new UPnP sample illustrates how to use UPnP for discovering DSS nodes across a UPnP network.

2. Transport Extensibility: PipeTransport and PipeTransportHost are two new tutorials on how to write your own transport and load it in your custom host. In addition you will also find the UdpTransport and UdpTransport as additional transport samples.

3. LINQ: Service Tutorial 12 shows how to subscribe to the Directory Service using a LINQ Filter and how to receive filtered notifications.

4. Silverlight: The XBox Controller Viewer sample shows support for use of interactive Silverlight-based UI

5. Embedded Simulation Environment: The sample EmbeddedSim sample shows how to embed the Visual Simulation Environment in a custom Windows Forms user interface.

6. Simulated Pursuit Camera: The PursuitCamera sample shows how to implement a camera entity that follows behind a target and avoids obstacles.

7. Simulated 4x4-drive: The SimulatedFourByFourDrive sample shows how to implement an entity that behaves like a 4x4 off-road car.

2. Global Assembly Cache: Core CCR and DSS assemblies are put into the Global Assembly Cache. means that they are a shared resource for all installations on a single machine.

3. Simulation on 64-bit machines: Simulation now runs on 64-bit systems using the Microsoft Windows-32-on-Windows-64 (WOW64) subsystem. To use simulation on 64-bit machines, make sure you use dsshost32.exe which forces the WOW64 mode.

4. Visual Studio Project Wizards: The Visual Studio Project Wizards have been rewritten to make it much simpler to create new service projects directly from Visual Studio 2005 and 2008. Project wizards are provided for VB.Net and C# targeting .NET Framework.

5. Much Faster DSS Proxy Generation: The DssProxy tool has been completely rewritten to simplify the generation of service proxy assemblies and to make it much faster to compile services. In addition, the tool chain for writing services for .NET Compact Framework has been simplified to no longer need a companion service project targeting the desktop version of .NET Framework. This makes development for .NET Compact Framework much easier.

6. DSS Log Analyzer: The DSS Log Analyzer is a preview of a powerful new debugging and monitoring tool that can visualize and analyze message exchanges between services sent within a DSS node or across nodes. In addition to showing the actual messages that have been sent it also provides message correlations, time lines, and illustrates how multiple message interactions are causally linked over time.

7. Embedded Visual Simulation Environment: In addition to having a stand-alone UI, the Visual Simulation Environment can now be embedded in other applications. This enables other applications to show the Visual Simulation Environment as part of their application.

Please help us making this release better by trying it out and send your comments, suggestions, and bug reports to our MSDN forums.


  • 新的例子和教程:这次发布的CTP包括了很多新的例子代码和教程:
    • 使用UPnP发现DSS节点:一个新的例子演示了如何在一个UPnP网络中使用UPnP来发现DSS节点;
    • 运输扩展性:PipeTransport 和PipeTransportHost 是两个新的教程,它讲解了如何写你自己的运输代码并在客户端中运行;另外你也可以看到UdpTransport 和以UdpTransport 为例的教程;
    • LINQ:教程服务第12章展示了如何在一个目录服务中使用一个LINQ过滤查询和接收过滤后的数据通知;
    • Silverlight:XBox控制器的例子展示了使用基于Silverlight的UI的接口来进行查看;
    • 嵌入式仿真环境:EmbeddedSim 例子展示了如何在用户界面的窗体中嵌入可视化仿真环境;
    • 仿真虚拟摄像机:PursuitCamera 例子展示了如何使用一个摄像机实体跟踪目标和绕过障碍物;
    • 仿真4x4驱动:SimulatedFourByFourDrive 例子展示了如何使用一个类似于4x4驱动的越野车;
  • 全局编译缓存:核心CCR和DSS编译器被放进全局编译缓存。这意味着它们将在一台机器上为所有的装置共享资源;
  • 64位机器上的仿真:仿真器目前使用32转64位系统来运行64位的程序。为了使用64位的机器,请确认你的dsshost32.exe是否被设置为WOW64模式。
  • Visual Studio项目转换向导:Visual Studio项目转换向导被重写,使建立一个新服务项目直接从vs2005转向vs2008变得十分简单。项目向导现在可实现VB.net和C#的.NET Fremework项目;
  • 新一代更快的DSS代理:DssProxy工具被完全重写,为了更简单的进行服务代理编译和更快的编译服务。另外.NET Compact Framework写服务的连锁工具变得简单,不再需要一个companion服务项目来指定.NET Framework的桌面版本,这使得对.NET Compact Framework的开发变得非常简单。
  • DSS日志分析:DSS日志分析器是一个强大的新调试和监视工具的预览版,它可以在一个DSS节点或是执行节点中服务和发送进行可视化分析信息交换。另外显示发达出去的精确的信息,还提供信息交互、时间线、用图表说明多个信息相互间是如何随着时间推移进行连接。
  • 嵌入可视化仿真环境:另外还有一个标准独立的界面,可视化仿真环境可以被嵌入到其它的应用中。这可以把其它应用程序显示可视化仿真环境做为他们程序的一部分。


posted @ 2008-07-21 12:36  风海迷沙  阅读(893)  评论(2编辑  收藏  举报