Last login: Mon Oct 29 11:47:17 2007
[root@supercity root]# cd /
[root@supercity /]# cd etc
[root@supercity etc]# ls
a2ps.cfg                 CORBA             gconf                 imrc                localtime       ntp           printcap.local   rpm                termcap
a2ps-site.cfg            cron.d            gimp                  init.d              log.d           ntp.conf      printconf.local  samba              tux.mime.types
adjtime                  cron.daily        gnome                 initlog.conf        login.defs      oaf           profile          sane.d             updatedb.conf
aep                      cron.hourly       gnome-vfs-2.0         inittab             logrotate.conf  odbc.ini      profile.d        scrollkeeper.conf  updfstab.conf
aep.conf                 cron.monthly      gnome-vfs-mime-magic  inputrc             logrotate.d     odbcinst.ini  protocols        securetty          updfstab.conf.default
aeplog.conf              crontab           gpm-root.conf          ltrace.conf     openldap      pwdb.conf        security           vfontcap
alchemist                cron.weekly       group                 iproute2            mail            opt           rc               sensors.conf       vfs
aliases                  csh.cshrc         group-                isdn                mailcap         oraInst.loc   rc0.d            services           w3m
aliases.db               csh.login         grub.conf             issue               mail.rc         oratab        rc1.d            sgml               warnquota.conf
alternatives             cups              gshadow                makedev.d       oratab~       rc2.d            shadow             webalizer.conf
anacrontab               default           gshadow-              jwhois.conf         man.config      pam.d         rc3.d            shadow-            webalizer.conf.sample
at.deny                  DIR_COLORS        gtk                   kde                 mime-magic      pam_smb.conf  rc4.d            shells             wgetrc
auto.master              DIR_COLORS.xterm  gtk-2.0               kderc               mime-magic.dat  pango         rc5.d            skel               wvdial.conf
auto.misc                dumpdates         host.conf             krb5.conf           mime.types      paper.config  rc6.d            slrn.rc            X11
bashrc                   esd.conf          hosts                 krb.conf            minicom.users   passwd        rc.d             smrsh              xinetd.conf
bashrc~                  exports           hosts.allow           krb.realms          modules.conf    passwd-       rc.local         sound              xinetd.d
bg5ps.conf               fam.conf          hosts.bak             ksysguarddrc        modules.conf~   pbm2ppa.conf  rc.sysinit       squid              xml
bg5ps.conf.zh_CN         fb.modes          hosts.deny            ldap.conf           motd            pcmcia        redhat-release   ssh                yp.conf
bg5ps.conf.zh_CN.GB2312  fdprm             hotplug              mtab            php.d         resolv.conf      stunnel
bg5ps.conf.zh_TW         filesystems       htdig.conf            mtools.conf     php.ini       resolv.conf.bak  sudoers
bg5ps.conf.zh_TW.Big5    fonts             httpd                 lftp.conf           Muttrc          pinforc       rmt              sysconfig
bonobo-activation        foomatic          im_palette.pal        libuser.conf        named.custom    pnm2ppa.conf  rndc.conf        sysct1.conf
cdrecord.conf            fstab             im_palette-small.pal  lilo.conf.anaconda  nscd.conf       ppp           rndc.key         sysctl.conf
chinese                  fstab.REVOKE      im_palette-tiny.pal   lisarc              nsswitch.conf   printcap      rpc              syslog.conf
[root@supercity etc]# vim oratab
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[12:13:26] Version exchange initiated...
# This file is used by ORACLE utilities.  It is created by
# and updated by the Database Configuration Assistant when creating
# a database.
# A colon, ':', is used as the field terminator.  A new line terminates
# the entry.  Lines beginning with a pound sign, '#', are comments.
# Entries are of the form:
# The first and second fields are the system identifier and home
# directory of the database respectively.  The third filed indicates
# to the dbstart utility that the database should , "Y", or should not,
# "N", be brought up at system boot time.
# Multiple entries with the same $ORACLE_SID are not allowed.




[root@supercity /]# cd opt/ora9/product/9.2/dbs/
[root@supercity dbs]# ls
initdw.ora  initgoldcity.ora  init.ora  init.ora~  lkGOLDCITY  orapwgoldcity  spfilegoldcity.ora
[root@supercity dbs]# vim init.ora
# replace DEFAULT with your database name



[root@supercity /]# cd opt/ora9/product/9.2/bin/
[root@supercity dbs]# vim dbstart
# usage: dbstart
# This script is used to start ORACLE from /etc/rc(.local).
# It should ONLY be executed as part of the system boot procedure.
trap 'exit' 1 2 3
    T) set -x ;;
# Set path if path not set (if called from /etc/rc)
case $PATH in
    "") PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/etc
        export PATH ;;
# Loop for every entry in oratab file and and try to start
# that ORACLE
cat $ORATAB | while read LINE
    case $LINE in
        \#*)                ;;        #comment-line in oratab
#       Proceed only if third field is 'Y'.
        if [ "`echo $LINE | awk -F: '{print $3}' -`" = "Y" ] ; then
            ORACLE_SID=`echo $LINE | awk -F: '{print $1}' -`
            if [ "$ORACLE_SID" = '*' ] ; then
#           Called programs use same database ID
            export ORACLE_SID
            ORACLE_HOME=`echo $LINE | awk -F: '{print $2}' -`
#           Called scripts use same home directory
            export ORACLE_HOME
#           Put $ORACLE_HOME/bin into PATH and export.
            PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/etc ; export PATH
#           add for bug # 652997



[root@supercity bin]# cd /
[root@supercity /]# cd etc
[root@supercity etc]# ls
a2ps.cfg                 CORBA             gconf                 imrc                localtime       ntp           printcap.local   rpm                termcap
a2ps-site.cfg            cron.d            gimp                  init.d              log.d           ntp.conf      printconf.local  samba              tux.mime.types
adjtime                  cron.daily        gnome                 initlog.conf        login.defs      oaf           profile          sane.d             updatedb.conf
aep                      cron.hourly       gnome-vfs-2.0         inittab             logrotate.conf  odbc.ini      profile.d        scrollkeeper.conf  updfstab.conf
aep.conf                 cron.monthly      gnome-vfs-mime-magic  inputrc             logrotate.d     odbcinst.ini  protocols        securetty          updfstab.conf.default
aeplog.conf              crontab           gpm-root.conf          ltrace.conf     openldap      pwdb.conf        security           vfontcap
alchemist                cron.weekly       group                 iproute2            mail            opt           rc               sensors.conf       vfs
aliases                  csh.cshrc         group-                isdn                mailcap         oraInst.loc   rc0.d            services           w3m
aliases.db               csh.login         grub.conf             issue               mail.rc         oratab        rc1.d            sgml               warnquota.conf
alternatives             cups              gshadow                makedev.d       oratab~       rc2.d            shadow             webalizer.conf
anacrontab               default           gshadow-              jwhois.conf         man.config      pam.d         rc3.d            shadow-            webalizer.conf.sample
at.deny                  DIR_COLORS        gtk                   kde                 mime-magic      pam_smb.conf  rc4.d            shells             wgetrc
auto.master              DIR_COLORS.xterm  gtk-2.0               kderc               mime-magic.dat  pango         rc5.d            skel               wvdial.conf
auto.misc                dumpdates         host.conf             krb5.conf           mime.types      paper.config  rc6.d            slrn.rc            X11
bashrc                   esd.conf          hosts                 krb.conf            minicom.users   passwd        rc.d             smrsh              xinetd.conf
bashrc~                  exports           hosts.allow           krb.realms          modules.conf    passwd-       rc.local         sound              xinetd.d
bg5ps.conf               fam.conf          hosts.bak             ksysguarddrc        modules.conf~   pbm2ppa.conf  rc.sysinit       squid              xml
bg5ps.conf.zh_CN         fb.modes          hosts.deny            ldap.conf           motd            pcmcia        redhat-release   ssh                yp.conf
bg5ps.conf.zh_CN.GB2312  fdprm             hotplug              mtab            php.d         resolv.conf      stunnel
bg5ps.conf.zh_TW         filesystems       htdig.conf            mtools.conf     php.ini       resolv.conf.bak  sudoers
bg5ps.conf.zh_TW.Big5    fonts             httpd                 lftp.conf           Muttrc          pinforc       rmt              sysconfig
bonobo-activation        foomatic          im_palette.pal        libuser.conf        named.custom    pnm2ppa.conf  rndc.conf        sysct1.conf
cdrecord.conf            fstab             im_palette-small.pal  lilo.conf.anaconda  nscd.conf       ppp           rndc.key         sysctl.conf
chinese                  fstab.REVOKE      im_palette-tiny.pal   lisarc              nsswitch.conf   printcap      rpc              syslog.conf
[root@supercity etc]# cd rc.d
[root@supercity rc.d]# ls
init.d  rc  rc0.d  rc1.d  rc2.d  rc3.d  rc4.d  rc5.d  rc6.d  rc.local  rc.local~  rc.sysinit
[root@supercity rc.d]# vim rc.local

# This script will be executed *after* all the other init scripts.
# You can put your own initialization stuff in here if you don't
# want to do the full Sys V style init stuff.
touch /var/lock/subsys/local
su - oracle -c "dbstart"
su - oracle -c "lsnrctl start"

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