1 import base64 2 import hashlib 3 import hmac 4 import json 5 import os 6 import random 7 import time 8 from sys import platform 9 from Crypto.Cipher import ARC4 10 11 import requests 12 13 if platform != "win32": 14 import readline 15 16 17 class XiaomiCloudConnector: 18 19 def __init__(self, username, password): 20 self._username = username 21 self._password = password 22 self._agent = self.generate_agent() 23 self._device_id = self.generate_device_id() 24 self._session = requests.session() 25 self._sign = None 26 self._ssecurity = None 27 self._userId = None 28 self._cUserId = None 29 self._passToken = None 30 self._location = None 31 self._code = None 32 self._serviceToken = None 33 34 def login_step_1(self): 35 url = "" 36 headers = { 37 "User-Agent": self._agent, 38 "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" 39 } 40 cookies = { 41 "userId": self._username 42 } 43 response = self._session.get(url, headers=headers, cookies=cookies) 44 valid = response.status_code == 200 and "_sign" in self.to_json(response.text) 45 if valid: 46 self._sign = self.to_json(response.text)["_sign"] 47 return valid 48 49 def login_step_2(self): 50 url = "" 51 headers = { 52 "User-Agent": self._agent, 53 "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" 54 } 55 fields = { 56 "sid": "xiaomiio", 57 "hash": hashlib.md5(str.encode(self._password)).hexdigest().upper(), 58 "callback": "", 59 "qs": "%3Fsid%3Dxiaomiio%26_json%3Dtrue", 60 "user": self._username, 61 "_sign": self._sign, 62 "_json": "true" 63 } 64 response =, headers=headers, params=fields) 65 valid = response is not None and response.status_code == 200 66 if valid: 67 json_resp = self.to_json(response.text) 68 valid = "ssecurity" in json_resp and len(str(json_resp["ssecurity"])) > 4 69 if valid: 70 self._ssecurity = json_resp["ssecurity"] 71 self._userId = json_resp["userId"] 72 self._cUserId = json_resp["cUserId"] 73 self._passToken = json_resp["passToken"] 74 self._location = json_resp["location"] 75 self._code = json_resp["code"] 76 else: 77 if "notificationUrl" in json_resp: 78 print("Two factor authentication required, please use following url and restart extractor:") 79 print(json_resp["notificationUrl"]) 80 print() 81 return valid 82 83 def login_step_3(self): 84 headers = { 85 "User-Agent": self._agent, 86 "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" 87 } 88 response = self._session.get(self._location, headers=headers) 89 if response.status_code == 200: 90 self._serviceToken = response.cookies.get("serviceToken") 91 return response.status_code == 200 92 93 def login(self): 94 self._session.cookies.set("sdkVersion", "accountsdk-18.8.15", domain="") 95 self._session.cookies.set("sdkVersion", "accountsdk-18.8.15", domain="") 96 self._session.cookies.set("deviceId", self._device_id, domain="") 97 self._session.cookies.set("deviceId", self._device_id, domain="") 98 if self.login_step_1(): 99 if self.login_step_2(): 100 if self.login_step_3(): 101 return True 102 else: 103 print("Unable to get service token.") 104 else: 105 print("Invalid login or password.") 106 else: 107 print("Invalid username.") 108 return False 109 110 def get_devices(self, country): 111 url = self.get_api_url(country) + "/home/device_list" 112 params = { 113 "data": '{"getVirtualModel":true,"getHuamiDevices":1,"get_split_device":false,"support_smart_home":true}' 114 } 115 return self.execute_api_call_encrypted(url, params) 116 117 def get_beaconkey(self, country, did): 118 url = self.get_api_url(country) + "/v2/device/blt_get_beaconkey" 119 params = { 120 "data": '{"did":"' + did + '","pdid":1}' 121 } 122 return self.execute_api_call_encrypted(url, params) 123 124 def execute_api_call_encrypted(self, url, params): 125 headers = { 126 "Accept-Encoding": "identity", 127 "User-Agent": self._agent, 128 "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", 129 "x-xiaomi-protocal-flag-cli": "PROTOCAL-HTTP2", 130 "MIOT-ENCRYPT-ALGORITHM": "ENCRYPT-RC4", 131 } 132 cookies = { 133 "userId": str(self._userId), 134 "yetAnotherServiceToken": str(self._serviceToken), 135 "serviceToken": str(self._serviceToken), 136 "locale": "en_GB", 137 "timezone": "GMT+02:00", 138 "is_daylight": "1", 139 "dst_offset": "3600000", 140 "channel": "MI_APP_STORE" 141 } 142 millis = round(time.time() * 1000) 143 nonce = self.generate_nonce(millis) 144 signed_nonce = self.signed_nonce(nonce) 145 fields = self.generate_enc_params(url, "POST", signed_nonce, nonce, params, self._ssecurity) 146 response =, headers=headers, cookies=cookies, params=fields) 147 if response.status_code == 200: 148 decoded = self.decrypt_rc4(self.signed_nonce(fields["_nonce"]), response.text) 149 return json.loads(decoded) 150 return None 151 152 def get_api_url(self, country): 153 return "https://" + ("" if country == "cn" else (country + ".")) + "" 154 155 def signed_nonce(self, nonce): 156 hash_object = hashlib.sha256(base64.b64decode(self._ssecurity) + base64.b64decode(nonce)) 157 return base64.b64encode(hash_object.digest()).decode('utf-8') 158 159 @staticmethod 160 def generate_nonce(millis): 161 nonce_bytes = os.urandom(8) + (int(millis / 60000)).to_bytes(4, byteorder='big') 162 return base64.b64encode(nonce_bytes).decode() 163 164 @staticmethod 165 def generate_agent(): 166 agent_id = "".join(map(lambda i: chr(i), [random.randint(65, 69) for _ in range(13)])) 167 return f"Android-7.1.1-1.0.0-ONEPLUS A3010-136-{agent_id} APP/xiaomi.smarthome APPV/62830" 168 169 @staticmethod 170 def generate_device_id(): 171 return "".join(map(lambda i: chr(i), [random.randint(97, 122) for _ in range(6)])) 172 173 @staticmethod 174 def generate_signature(url, signed_nonce, nonce, params): 175 signature_params = [url.split("com")[1], signed_nonce, nonce] 176 for k, v in params.items(): 177 signature_params.append(f"{k}={v}") 178 signature_string = "&".join(signature_params) 179 signature =, msg=signature_string.encode(), digestmod=hashlib.sha256) 180 return base64.b64encode(signature.digest()).decode() 181 182 @staticmethod 183 def generate_enc_signature(url, method, signed_nonce, params): 184 signature_params = [str(method).upper(), url.split("com")[1].replace("/app/", "/")] 185 for k, v in params.items(): 186 signature_params.append(f"{k}={v}") 187 signature_params.append(signed_nonce) 188 signature_string = "&".join(signature_params) 189 return base64.b64encode(hashlib.sha1(signature_string.encode('utf-8')).digest()).decode() 190 191 @staticmethod 192 def generate_enc_params(url, method, signed_nonce, nonce, params, ssecurity): 193 params['rc4_hash__'] = XiaomiCloudConnector.generate_enc_signature(url, method, signed_nonce, params) 194 for k, v in params.items(): 195 params[k] = XiaomiCloudConnector.encrypt_rc4(signed_nonce, v) 196 params.update({ 197 'signature': XiaomiCloudConnector.generate_enc_signature(url, method, signed_nonce, params), 198 'ssecurity': ssecurity, 199 '_nonce': nonce, 200 }) 201 return params 202 203 @staticmethod 204 def to_json(response_text): 205 return json.loads(response_text.replace("&&&START&&&", "")) 206 207 @staticmethod 208 def encrypt_rc4(password, payload): 209 r = 210 r.encrypt(bytes(1024)) 211 return base64.b64encode(r.encrypt(payload.encode())).decode() 212 213 @staticmethod 214 def decrypt_rc4(password, payload): 215 r = 216 r.encrypt(bytes(1024)) 217 return r.encrypt(base64.b64decode(payload)) 218 219 220 def print_tabbed(value, tab): 221 print(" " * tab + value) 222 223 224 def print_entry(key, value, tab): 225 if value: 226 print_tabbed(f'{key + ":": <10}{value}', tab) 227 228 229 servers = ["cn", "de", "us", "ru", "tw", "sg", "in", "i2"] 230 servers_str = ", ".join(servers) 231 print("Username (email or user ID):") 232 username = input() 233 print("Password:") 234 password = input() 235 print(f"Server (one of: {servers_str}) Leave empty to check all available:") 236 server = input() 237 while server not in ["", *servers]: 238 print(f"Invalid server provided. Valid values: {servers_str}") 239 print("Server:") 240 server = input() 241 242 print() 243 if not server == "": 244 servers = [server] 245 246 connector = XiaomiCloudConnector(username, password) 247 print("Logging in...") 248 logged = connector.login() 249 if logged: 250 print("Logged in.") 251 print() 252 for current_server in servers: 253 devices = connector.get_devices(current_server) 254 if devices is not None: 255 if len(devices["result"]["list"]) == 0: 256 print(f"No devices found for server \"{current_server}\".") 257 continue 258 print(f"Devices found for server \"{current_server}\":") 259 for device in devices["result"]["list"]: 260 print_tabbed("---------", 3) 261 if "name" in device: 262 print_entry("NAME", device["name"], 3) 263 if "did" in device: 264 print_entry("ID", device["did"], 3) 265 if "blt" in device["did"]: 266 beaconkey = connector.get_beaconkey(current_server, device["did"]) 267 if beaconkey and "result" in beaconkey and "beaconkey" in beaconkey["result"]: 268 print_entry("BLE KEY", beaconkey["result"]["beaconkey"], 3) 269 if "mac" in device: 270 print_entry("MAC", device["mac"], 3) 271 if "localip" in device: 272 print_entry("IP", device["localip"], 3) 273 if "token" in device: 274 print_entry("TOKEN", device["token"], 3) 275 if "model" in device: 276 print_entry("MODEL", device["model"], 3) 277 print_tabbed("---------", 3) 278 print() 279 else: 280 print(f"Unable to get devices from server {current_server}.") 281 else: 282 print("Unable to log in.") 283 284 print() 285 print("Press ENTER to finish") 286 input()
1 from miio import FanP5 2 3 ip = '你的ip' 4 token = '你的tooken' 5 fan = FanP5(ip=ip, token=token) 6 fan.on() 7