C# 利用委托和事件 传入一个参数进行进行计算并返回结果


   1:     public class TestData
   2:      {
   3:          //定义委托
   4:          public delegate void Get_TestDataEventHandler(Get_TestDataEventArgs e);
   5:          //定义事件
   6:          public event Get_TestDataEventHandler Get_TestData;
   7:          //定义数据类型 传递和获取 Observer所感兴趣的信息
   8:          //继承EventArgs类     
   9:          public class Get_TestDataEventArgs : EventArgs
  10:          {
  11:              //传递两个参数 strWhere strIN
  12:              //获取一个数据 dataset 类型  执行查询后返回的数据集
  13:              public readonly string strWhere,strIN;
  14:              private DataSet ds;        
  16:              /// <summary>
  17:             /// 参数类型初始化
  18:             /// </summary>
  19:             /// <param name="strWhere">数据库查询语句 WHERE </param>
  20:             /// <param name="strIN">数据库查询语句 IN </param>
  21:              public Get_TestDataEventArgs(string strWhere,string strIN)
  22:              {
  23:                  this.strWhere = strWhere;
  24:                  this.strIN = strIN;
  25:              }          
  26:              // 设置方法执行完毕后的Dataset类型的数据           
  27:              public DataSet Data
  28:              {
  29:                  set { ds = value; }
  30:                  get { return ds; }
  31:              }
  32:          }
  33:          private DataSet _testdata;
  35:          /// <summary>
  36:          /// 返回数据 DataSet
  37:          /// </summary>
  38:          public DataSet Testdata
  39:          {
  40:              get { return _testdata; }
  41:          }
  43:         //判断事件是否有赋值 
  44:          protected virtual void onGet_TestData(Get_TestDataEventArgs e)
  45:          {
  46:              if (Get_TestData != null)
  47:              {
  48:                  Get_TestData(e);
  49:                  _testdata = e.Data;
  50:              }
  51:          }
  52:          /// <summary>
  53:          /// 开始获取数据
  54:          /// </summary>
  55:          /// <param name="e"></param>
  56:          public void Start(Get_TestDataEventArgs e)
  57:          {
  58:              onGet_TestData(e);
  59:          }
  61:      }


        /// <summary>
        /// 多芯查询 有IN条件
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        public void Getdata_Method_Multicore(TestData.Get_TestDataEventArgs e)
            string sql = "SELECT * ";       
            sql += " WHERE (Name IN ("+e.strIN+"))";
            e.Data =  dbs.Query(sql);

        /// <summary>
        /// 双并查询 有IN条件
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        public void Getdata_Method_TwainCore(TestData.Get_TestDataEventArgs e)
            string sql = " SELECT * ";  
            sql += " WHERE "+e.strWhere+" AND (Result LIKE N'%PASS%') AND (Name IN ("+e.strIN+"))";
            e.Data = dbs.Query(sql);

        /// <summary>
        /// 单芯查询 无 IN条件
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        public void GetData_Method_OneCore(TestData.Get_TestDataEventArgs e)
            string sql = " SELECT * ";        
            sql += " WHERE " + e.strWhere + " AND (Result LIKE N'%PASS%') ";
            e.Data = dbs.Query(sql);


          TestData _TestData = new TestData(); 
_TestData.Get_TestData += _Method_User_3D.GetData_Method_OneCore;   //3D 数据查询方法设置 
          string strWhere = "Where 语句";                    //Where 语句
          string strIN = "IN 语句";                          //IN    语句 为空                       
          Maticsoft.DAL.TestData.Get_TestDataEventArgs e = new DAL.TestData.Get_TestDataEventArgs(strWhere, strIN);  //委托数据类型初始化                         
         _TestData.Start(e);                                                                                  //开始查询                         
         DataSet ds = _TestData.Testdata;                                                                     //查询到的数据                          
        if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)                                                                      //如果有记录 则表示为良品                      
               _result_3D = true;                       
       else { _result_3D = false; }

posted on 2013-11-11 11:33  坐看疯云  阅读(1681)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
