
上文中提到通过读取配置文件中的数据,以此定制JMeter Slave的脚本分发路径(默认脚本路径,即参数文件相对路径父目录)。


通过阅读JMeter源码 core/src/ 如下代码片段可知,其通过 private void initializeProperties(CLArgsParser parser) 方法初始化响应的系统、用户等设置。


  1     private void initializeProperties(CLArgsParser parser) {
  2         if (parser.getArgumentById(PROPFILE_OPT) != null) {
  3             JMeterUtils.loadJMeterProperties(parser.getArgumentById(PROPFILE_OPT).getArgument());
  4         } else {
  5             JMeterUtils.loadJMeterProperties(NewDriver.getJMeterDir() + File.separator
  6                     + "bin" + File.separator // $NON-NLS-1$
  7                     + "");// $NON-NLS-1$
  8         }
 10         if (parser.getArgumentById(JMLOGFILE_OPT) != null){
 11             String jmlogfile=parser.getArgumentById(JMLOGFILE_OPT).getArgument();
 12             jmlogfile = processLAST(jmlogfile, ".log");// $NON-NLS-1$
 13             JMeterUtils.setProperty(LoggingManager.LOG_FILE,jmlogfile);
 14         }
 16         JMeterUtils.initLogging();
 17         JMeterUtils.initLocale();
 18         // Bug 33845 - allow direct override of Home dir
 19         if (parser.getArgumentById(JMETER_HOME_OPT) == null) {
 20             JMeterUtils.setJMeterHome(NewDriver.getJMeterDir());
 21         } else {
 22             JMeterUtils.setJMeterHome(parser.getArgumentById(JMETER_HOME_OPT).getArgument());
 23         }
 25         Properties jmeterProps = JMeterUtils.getJMeterProperties();
 26         remoteProps = new Properties();
 28         // Add local JMeter properties, if the file is found
 29         String userProp = JMeterUtils.getPropDefault("",""); //$NON-NLS-1$
 30         if (userProp.length() > 0){ //$NON-NLS-1$
 31             FileInputStream fis=null;
 32             try {
 33                 File file = JMeterUtils.findFile(userProp);
 34                 if (file.canRead()){
 35           "Loading user properties from: "+file.getCanonicalPath());
 36                     fis = new FileInputStream(file);
 37                     Properties tmp = new Properties();
 38                     tmp.load(fis);
 39                     jmeterProps.putAll(tmp);
 40                     LoggingManager.setLoggingLevels(tmp);//Do what would be done earlier
 41                 }
 42             } catch (IOException e) {
 43                 log.warn("Error loading user property file: " + userProp, e);
 44             } finally {
 45                 JOrphanUtils.closeQuietly(fis);
 46             }
 47         }
 49         // Add local system properties, if the file is found
 50         String sysProp = JMeterUtils.getPropDefault("",""); //$NON-NLS-1$
 51         if (sysProp.length() > 0){
 52             FileInputStream fis=null;
 53             try {
 54                 File file = JMeterUtils.findFile(sysProp);
 55                 if (file.canRead()){
 56           "Loading system properties from: "+file.getCanonicalPath());
 57                     fis = new FileInputStream(file);
 58                     System.getProperties().load(fis);
 59                 }
 60             } catch (IOException e) {
 61                 log.warn("Error loading system property file: " + sysProp, e);
 62             } finally {
 63                 JOrphanUtils.closeQuietly(fis);
 64             }
 65         }
 67         // Process command line property definitions
 68         // These can potentially occur multiple times
 70         List<CLOption> clOptions = parser.getArguments();
 71         for (CLOption option : clOptions) {
 72             String name = option.getArgument(0);
 73             String value = option.getArgument(1);
 74             FileInputStream fis = null;
 76             switch (option.getDescriptor().getId()) {
 78             // Should not have any text arguments
 79             case CLOption.TEXT_ARGUMENT:
 80                 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown arg: " + option.getArgument());
 82             case PROPFILE2_OPT: // Bug 33920 - allow multiple props
 83                 try {
 84                     fis = new FileInputStream(new File(name));
 85                     Properties tmp = new Properties();
 86                     tmp.load(fis);
 87                     jmeterProps.putAll(tmp);
 88                     LoggingManager.setLoggingLevels(tmp);//Do what would be done earlier
 89                 } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
 90                     log.warn("Can't find additional property file: " + name, e);
 91                 } catch (IOException e) {
 92                     log.warn("Error loading additional property file: " + name, e);
 93                 } finally {
 94                     JOrphanUtils.closeQuietly(fis);
 95                 }
 96                 break;
 97             case SYSTEM_PROPFILE:
 98       "Setting System properties from file: " + name);
 99                 try {
100                     fis = new FileInputStream(new File(name));
101                     System.getProperties().load(fis);
102                 } catch (IOException e) {
103                     log.warn("Cannot find system property file " + e.getLocalizedMessage());
104                 } finally {
105                     JOrphanUtils.closeQuietly(fis);
106                 }
107                 break;
108             case SYSTEM_PROPERTY:
109                 if (value.length() > 0) { // Set it
110           "Setting System property: " + name + "=" + value);
111                     System.getProperties().setProperty(name, value);
112                 } else { // Reset it
113                     log.warn("Removing System property: " + name);
114                     System.getProperties().remove(name);
115                 }
116                 break;
117             case JMETER_PROPERTY:
118                 if (value.length() > 0) { // Set it
119           "Setting JMeter property: " + name + "=" + value);
120                     jmeterProps.setProperty(name, value);
121                 } else { // Reset it
122                     log.warn("Removing JMeter property: " + name);
123                     jmeterProps.remove(name);
124                 }
125                 break;
126             case JMETER_GLOBAL_PROP:
127                 if (value.length() > 0) { // Set it
128           "Setting Global property: " + name + "=" + value);
129                     remoteProps.setProperty(name, value);
130                 } else {
131                     File propFile = new File(name);
132                     if (propFile.canRead()) {
133               "Setting Global properties from the file " + name);
134                         try {
135                             fis = new FileInputStream(propFile);
136                             remoteProps.load(fis);
137                         } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
138                             log.warn("Could not find properties file: " + e.getLocalizedMessage());
139                         } catch (IOException e) {
140                             log.warn("Could not load properties file: " + e.getLocalizedMessage());
141                         } finally {
142                             JOrphanUtils.closeQuietly(fis);
143                         }
144                     }
145                 }
146                 break;
147             case LOGLEVEL:
148                 if (value.length() > 0) { // Set category
149           "LogLevel: " + name + "=" + value);
150                     LoggingManager.setPriority(value, name);
151                 } else { // Set root level
152                     log.warn("LogLevel: " + name);
153                     LoggingManager.setPriority(name);
154                 }
155                 break;
156             case REMOTE_STOP:
157                 remoteStop = true;
158                 break;
159             default:
160                 // ignored
161                 break;
162             }
163         }
165         String sampleVariables = (String) jmeterProps.get(SampleEvent.SAMPLE_VARIABLES);
166         if (sampleVariables != null){
167             remoteProps.put(SampleEvent.SAMPLE_VARIABLES, sampleVariables);
168         }
169         jmeterProps.put("jmeter.version", JMeterUtils.getJMeterVersion());
170     } initializeProperties(CLArgsParser parser) 方法源码

通过源码可以看出、、system.properties均被系统获取,并最终保存在 类中的appProperties 这个私有变量中,我们可通过 类中如下方法获取我们想要获取的值。

下面就通过定制JMeter Slave的脚本分发路径实例演示(相关命令请参阅上文)。

一、 源码修改及编译,生成class文件

	 * Get slave home for set base by fanfengping 2016-06-21
	 * <p>
	 * Reset base to SLAVE_ARG_HOME or JMETER_HOME when jmxBase is '.'.
	public File getSlaveBaseHome() {
		String slaveArgHome = JMeterUtils.getPropDefault("SLAVE_ARG_HOME", "");
		File jmeterHomeBase = new File(JMeterUtils.getJMeterHome());
		if ("".equals(slaveArgHome)) {
			return jmeterHomeBase;
		} else {
			return new File(slaveArgHome);

2、修改 setBase 方法
     * Sets the current base directory for relative file names.
     * @param jmxBase the path of the script file base directory, cannot be null
     * @throws IllegalStateException if files are still open
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code basepath} is null
    public synchronized void setBase(File jmxBase) {
        if (jmxBase == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("jmxBase must not be null");
        // base = jmxBase;
		 * fanfengping 2016-06-21
		base = ".".equals("" + jmxBase) ? getSlaveBaseHome() : jmxBase;
			"setBase Set new base='"+base+"'");

3、修改 setBaseDir 方法
     * Sets the current base directory for relative file names from the provided path.
     * If the path does not refer to an existing directory, then its parent is used.
     * Normally the provided path is a file, so using the parent directory is appropriate.
     * @param basedir the path to set, or {@code null} if the GUI is being cleared
     * @throws IllegalStateException if files are still open
    public synchronized void setBasedir(String basedir) {
        checkForOpenFiles(); // TODO should this be called if basedir == null?
        if (basedir != null) {
            File newBase = new File(basedir);
            if (!newBase.isDirectory()) {
                newBase = newBase.getParentFile();
            // base = newBase;
			 * fanfengping 2016-06-21
			base = ".".equals("" + newBase) ? getSlaveBaseHome() : newBase;
  "setBasedir Set new base='"+base+"'");



将新生成的class文件拷贝至对应目录,重新打包 ApacheJMeter_core.jar,并替换JMETER_HOME/lib/ext 下的源文件。


在文件末尾添加:SLAVE_ARG_HOME=E:/jmeter/script/,并在对应目录放置相应的参数文件 distributed.csv。

在D盘根目录下,重新执行启动JMeter服务命令:jmeter -s


jmeter -n -t JMeter分布式测试参数化示例.jmx -r -l report.csv -j remote.log






PS:暂未发现修改 base 后有其他的什么问题出现。若有发现因此产生的问题,敬请留言告知,不胜感激!


至此,此文顺利完结,希望此文能够给初学 JMeter 的您一份参考。

最后,非常感谢亲的驻足,希望此文能对亲有所帮助。热烈欢迎亲一起探讨,共同进步。非常感谢! ^_^


posted @ 2016-06-21 23:37  范丰平  Views(8102)  Comments(0Edit  收藏  举报