Java Redis实现session共享

1 package com.hzlg.ui.util; 2 3 import javax.annotation.Resource; 4 5 import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; 6 import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; 7 8 import redis.clients.jedis.Jedis; 9 import redis.clients.jedis.JedisPool; 10 @Component 11 public class RedisUtil { 12 13 /** 14 * redis 连接池,这里jedisPool我们再之前spring配置中配置好了,交给spring管理,这里可以自动注入 15 */ 16 @Autowired 17 private JedisPool jedisPool; 18 19 public void setPool(JedisPool jedisPool) { 20 this.jedisPool = jedisPool; 21 } 22 /** 23 * 获取jedis 24 * @return 25 */ 26 public Jedis getResource(){ 27 Jedis jedis =null; 28 try { 29 jedis =jedisPool.getResource(); 30 } catch (Exception e) { 31; 32"can't get the redis resource"); 33 } 34 return jedis; 35 } 36 /** 37 * 关闭连接 38 * @param jedis 39 */ 40 public void disconnect(Jedis jedis){ 41 jedis.disconnect(); 42 } 43 /** 44 * 将jedis 返还连接池 45 * @param jedis 46 */ 47 public void returnResource(Jedis jedis){ 48 if(null != jedis){ 49 try { 50 jedisPool.returnResource(jedis); 51 } catch (Exception e) { 52; 53"can't return jedis to jedisPool"); 54 } 55 } 56 } 57 /** 58 * 无法返还jedispool,释放jedis客户端对象, 59 * @param jedis 60 */ 61 public void brokenResource(Jedis jedis){ 62 if (jedis!=null) { 63 try { 64 jedisPool.returnBrokenResource(jedis); 65 } catch (Exception e) { 66; 67"can't release jedis Object"); 68 } 69 } 70 } 71 }
package com.hzlg.ui.service; import java.util.Map; public interface RedisCacheStorageService<K,V> { /** * 在redis数据库中插入 key 和value * @param key * @param value * @return */ boolean set(K key,V value); /** * 在redis数据库中插入 key 和value 并且设置过期时间 * @param key * @param value * @param exp 过期时间 * @return */ boolean set(K key, V value, int exp); /** * 根据key 去redis 中获取value * @param key * @return */ V get(K key,Object object); /** * 删除redis库中的数据 * @param key * @return */ boolean remove(K key); /** * 设置哈希类型数据到redis 数据库 * @param cacheKey 可以看做一张表 * @param key 表字段 * @param value * @return */ boolean hset(String cacheKey,K key,V value); /** * 获取哈希表数据类型的值 * @param cacheKey * @param key * @return */ V hget(String cacheKey,K key,Object object); /** * 获取哈希类型的数据 * @param cacheKey * @return */ Map<K,V> hget(String cacheKey,Object object); /** * 该条记录在redis中是否存在 * **/ boolean exists(String sessionid); }

package com.hzlg.ui.service.impl; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import net.sf.json.JSONObject; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import org.springframework.util.StringUtils; import redis.clients.jedis.Jedis; import redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisException; import com.hzlg.ui.entity.UserInfo; import com.hzlg.ui.service.RedisCacheStorageService; import com.hzlg.ui.util.CommonUtils; import com.hzlg.ui.util.RedisUtil; @Service("redisCacheStorageServiceImpl") public class RedisCacheStorageServiceImpl<V> implements RedisCacheStorageService<String,V>{ /** * 默认过时时间 */ private static final int EXPRIE_TIME =3600*24; /** * 获取Jedis相关操作 */ @Autowired private RedisUtil redisUtil; @Override public boolean set(String key, V value) { return set(key,value,EXPRIE_TIME); } @Override public boolean set(String key, V value, int exp) { Jedis jedis=null; if(StringUtils.isEmpty(key)){ return false; } try { //获取jedis对象 jedis= redisUtil.getResource(); //使用对象转换为Json格式插入redis JSONObject json = JSONObject.fromObject(value);//将java对象转换为json对象 String jsonValue = json.toString();//将json对象转换为json字符串 jedis.setex(key,exp,jsonValue); }catch (Exception e){; //释放jedis对象 redisUtil.brokenResource(jedis);"client can't connect server"); return false; }finally { redisUtil.returnResource(jedis);//返还连接池 return true; } } @Override public V get(String key,Object object) { Jedis jedis=null; V v=null; if(StringUtils.isEmpty(key)){"redis取值,key为空"); return null; } try{ jedis=redisUtil.getResource(); //获取连接 String jsonValue=jedis.get(key); //从redis得到值,得到的是json字符串,因为我们之前插入的时候是使用的json字符串 if(StringUtils.isEmpty(jsonValue)){ return null; } JSONObject obj = new JSONObject().fromObject(jsonValue);//将json字符串转换为json对象 v = (V)JSONObject.toBean(obj,object.getClass());//将建json对象转换为你想要的java对象 return v; }catch (Exception e){; //释放jedis对象 if(jedis!=null){ redisUtil.brokenResource(jedis); }"client can't get value"); return null; }finally { //返还连接池 redisUtil.returnResource(jedis); } } @Override public boolean remove(String key) { Jedis jedis=null; try{ jedis=redisUtil.getResource(); if(StringUtils.isEmpty(key)){"redis取值,key为空"); return false; } jedis.del(key); }catch (Exception e) {; //释放jedis对象 if(jedis!=null){ redisUtil.brokenResource(jedis); }" del fail from redis"); return false; }finally{ //返还连接池 redisUtil.returnResource(jedis); return true; } } @Override public boolean hset(String cacheKey, String key, V value) { Jedis jedis =null; //将key 和value 转换成 json 对象 JSONObject json = JSONObject.fromObject(cacheKey);//将java对象转换为json对象 String jCacheKey = json.toString();//将json对象转换为json字符串 JSONObject json2 = JSONObject.fromObject(value);//将java对象转换为json对象 String jsonValue = json2.toString();//将json对象转换为json字符串 //操作是否成功 boolean isSucess =true; if(StringUtils.isEmpty(jCacheKey)){"cacheKey is empty"); return false; } try { jedis =redisUtil.getResource(); //执行插入哈希 jedis.hset(jCacheKey, key, jsonValue); } catch (Exception e) {"client can't connect server"); isSucess =false; if(null !=jedis){ //释放jedis 对象 redisUtil.brokenResource(jedis); } return false; }finally{ if (isSucess) { //返还连接池 redisUtil.returnResource(jedis); } return true; } } @Override public V hget(String cacheKey, String key,Object object) { Jedis jedis =null; V v =null; JSONObject json = JSONObject.fromObject(cacheKey);//将java对象转换为json对象 String jCacheKey = json.toString();//将json对象转换为json字符串 if(StringUtils.isEmpty(jCacheKey)){"cacheKey is empty"); return null; } try { //获取客户端对象 jedis =redisUtil.getResource(); //执行查询 String jsonValue = jedis.hget(jCacheKey, key); //判断值是否非空 if(StringUtils.isEmpty(jsonValue)){ return null; }else{ JSONObject obj = new JSONObject().fromObject(jsonValue);//将json字符串转换为json对象 v = (V)JSONObject.toBean(obj,object.getClass());//将建json对象转换为java对象 } //返还连接池 redisUtil.returnResource(jedis); } catch (JedisException e) {"client can't connect server"); if(null !=jedis){ //redisUtil 对象 redisUtil.brokenResource(jedis); } } return v; } @Override public Map<String, V> hget(String cacheKey,Object object) { JSONObject json = JSONObject.fromObject(cacheKey);//将java对象转换为json对象 String jCacheKey = json.toString();//将json对象转换为字符串 //非空校验 if(StringUtils.isEmpty(jCacheKey)){"cacheKey is empty!"); return null; } Jedis jedis =null; Map<String,V> result =null; V v=null; try { jedis =redisUtil.getResource(); //获取列表集合 因为插入redis的时候是jsonString格式,所以取出来key是String value也是String Map<String,String> map = jedis.hgetAll(jCacheKey); if(null !=map){ for(Map.Entry<String, String> entry : map.entrySet()){ if(result ==null){ result =new HashMap<String,V>(); } JSONObject obj = new JSONObject().fromObject(entry.getValue());//将json字符串转换为json对象 v = (V)JSONObject.toBean(obj,object.getClass());//将建json对象转换为java对象 result.put(entry.getKey(), v); } } } catch (JedisException e) {"client can't connect server"); if(null !=jedis){ //释放jedis 对象 redisUtil.brokenResource(jedis); } } return result; } @Override public boolean exists(String sessionid) { UserInfo userInfo=(UserInfo) get(sessionid,new UserInfo()); if(userInfo!=null){ return true; } return false; } }

package com.hzlg.ui.service.impl; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import net.sf.json.JSONObject; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import org.springframework.util.StringUtils; import redis.clients.jedis.Jedis; import redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisException; import com.hzlg.ui.entity.UserInfo; import com.hzlg.ui.service.RedisCacheStorageService; import com.hzlg.ui.util.CommonUtils; import com.hzlg.ui.util.RedisUtil; @Service("redisCacheStorageServiceImpl") public class RedisCacheStorageServiceImpl<V> implements RedisCacheStorageService<String,V>{ /** * 默认过时时间 */ private static final int EXPRIE_TIME =3600*24; /** * 获取Jedis相关操作 */ @Autowired private RedisUtil redisUtil; @Override public boolean set(String key, V value) { return set(key,value,EXPRIE_TIME); } @Override public boolean set(String key, V value, int exp) { Jedis jedis=null; if(StringUtils.isEmpty(key)){ return false; } try { //获取jedis对象 jedis= redisUtil.getResource(); //使用对象转换为Json格式插入redis JSONObject json = JSONObject.fromObject(value);//将java对象转换为json对象 String jsonValue = json.toString();//将json对象转换为json字符串 jedis.setex(key,exp,jsonValue); }catch (Exception e){; //释放jedis对象 redisUtil.brokenResource(jedis);"client can't connect server"); return false; }finally { redisUtil.returnResource(jedis);//返还连接池 return true; } } @Override public V get(String key,Object object) { Jedis jedis=null; V v=null; if(StringUtils.isEmpty(key)){"redis取值,key为空"); return null; } try{ jedis=redisUtil.getResource(); //获取连接 String jsonValue=jedis.get(key); //从redis得到值,得到的是json字符串,因为我们之前插入的时候是使用的json字符串 if(StringUtils.isEmpty(jsonValue)){ return null; } JSONObject obj = new JSONObject().fromObject(jsonValue);//将json字符串转换为json对象 v = (V)JSONObject.toBean(obj,object.getClass());//将建json对象转换为你想要的java对象 return v; }catch (Exception e){; //释放jedis对象 if(jedis!=null){ redisUtil.brokenResource(jedis); }"client can't get value"); return null; }finally { //返还连接池 redisUtil.returnResource(jedis); } } @Override public boolean remove(String key) { Jedis jedis=null; try{ jedis=redisUtil.getResource(); if(StringUtils.isEmpty(key)){"redis取值,key为空"); return false; } jedis.del(key); }catch (Exception e) {; //释放jedis对象 if(jedis!=null){ redisUtil.brokenResource(jedis); }" del fail from redis"); return false; }finally{ //返还连接池 redisUtil.returnResource(jedis); return true; } } @Override public boolean hset(String cacheKey, String key, V value) { Jedis jedis =null; //将key 和value 转换成 json 对象 JSONObject json = JSONObject.fromObject(cacheKey);//将java对象转换为json对象 String jCacheKey = json.toString();//将json对象转换为json字符串 JSONObject json2 = JSONObject.fromObject(value);//将java对象转换为json对象 String jsonValue = json2.toString();//将json对象转换为json字符串 //操作是否成功 boolean isSucess =true; if(StringUtils.isEmpty(jCacheKey)){"cacheKey is empty"); return false; } try { jedis =redisUtil.getResource(); //执行插入哈希 jedis.hset(jCacheKey, key, jsonValue); } catch (Exception e) {"client can't connect server"); isSucess =false; if(null !=jedis){ //释放jedis 对象 redisUtil.brokenResource(jedis); } return false; }finally{ if (isSucess) { //返还连接池 redisUtil.returnResource(jedis); } return true; } } @Override public V hget(String cacheKey, String key,Object object) { Jedis jedis =null; V v =null; JSONObject json = JSONObject.fromObject(cacheKey);//将java对象转换为json对象 String jCacheKey = json.toString();//将json对象转换为json字符串 if(StringUtils.isEmpty(jCacheKey)){"cacheKey is empty"); return null; } try { //获取客户端对象 jedis =redisUtil.getResource(); //执行查询 String jsonValue = jedis.hget(jCacheKey, key); //判断值是否非空 if(StringUtils.isEmpty(jsonValue)){ return null; }else{ JSONObject obj = new JSONObject().fromObject(jsonValue);//将json字符串转换为json对象 v = (V)JSONObject.toBean(obj,object.getClass());//将建json对象转换为java对象 } //返还连接池 redisUtil.returnResource(jedis); } catch (JedisException e) {"client can't connect server"); if(null !=jedis){ //redisUtil 对象 redisUtil.brokenResource(jedis); } } return v; } @Override public Map<String, V> hget(String cacheKey,Object object) { JSONObject json = JSONObject.fromObject(cacheKey);//将java对象转换为json对象 String jCacheKey = json.toString();//将json对象转换为字符串 //非空校验 if(StringUtils.isEmpty(jCacheKey)){"cacheKey is empty!"); return null; } Jedis jedis =null; Map<String,V> result =null; V v=null; try { jedis =redisUtil.getResource(); //获取列表集合 因为插入redis的时候是jsonString格式,所以取出来key是String value也是String Map<String,String> map = jedis.hgetAll(jCacheKey); if(null !=map){ for(Map.Entry<String, String> entry : map.entrySet()){ if(result ==null){ result =new HashMap<String,V>(); } JSONObject obj = new JSONObject().fromObject(entry.getValue());//将json字符串转换为json对象 v = (V)JSONObject.toBean(obj,object.getClass());//将建json对象转换为java对象 result.put(entry.getKey(), v); } } } catch (JedisException e) {"client can't connect server"); if(null !=jedis){ //释放jedis 对象 redisUtil.brokenResource(jedis); } } return result; } @Override public boolean exists(String sessionid) { UserInfo userInfo=(UserInfo) get(sessionid,new UserInfo()); if(userInfo!=null){ return true; } return false; } }

<context:property-placeholder location="classpath*:/" ignore-resource-not-found="true" ignore-unresolvable="true" /> <bean id="jedisPoolConfig" class="redis.clients.jedis.JedisPoolConfig"> <property name="maxTotal" value="500"/><!-- 最大连接数 --> <property name="maxIdle" value="100"/><!-- 最大闲置 --> <property name="minIdle" value="10"/><!-- 最小闲置 --> <property name="maxWaitMillis" value="5000"/><!-- 最大等待 --> <property name="testOnBorrow" value="true"/><!-- 可以获取 --> </bean> <bean id="jedisPool" class="redis.clients.jedis.JedisPool"> <constructor-arg index="0" ref="jedisPoolConfig"/> <constructor-arg index="2" value="6379"/><!-- 端口 --> <constructor-arg index="3" value="5000"/><!-- 超时 --> <constructor-arg index="1" value=""/><!-- Redis IP地址 --> <constructor-arg index="4" value="123456"/><!-- 密码 --> </bean>
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