Controls and UI

ASP.NET "Atlas" enables you to create browser-based applications that feature a highly responsive UI and that can harness the power of the server. This brings a richer user experience to Web applications while reducing the need to post pages back to the server.

ASP.NET "Atlas" provides a foundation for building rich client applications using a suite of JavaScript libraries that run in the browser. The libraries simplify and enhance application creation by providing built-in client-scripted controls and components. The result is that ASP.NET "Atlas" developers can write Web applications in a number of ways.

This QuickStart describes creating ASP.NET "Atlas" applications with JavaScript code and with the new ASP.NET "Atlas" script in the client. ASP.NET "Atlas" script is an XML-based syntax that features a simple, declarative definition of client controls, components, behaviors, and data binding for elements in the page. This QuickStart also describes the new UpdatePanel control, and triggers and control extenders that allow you to add ASP.NET "Atlas" functionality to a regular ASP.NET 2.0 Web page. Finally, it discusses how control developers can add ASP.NET Atlas functionality to custom components.

This section provides information about the following:

  • ASP.NET "Atlas" client script


    • ASP.NET "Atlas" client controls: Client controls enable you to create rich applications using JavaScript or ASP.NET "Atlas" script.
    • Client events: Events such as the client onclick event can be handled or attached using client controls.
    • Actions: Actions are collections of tasks to perform, such as calling methods or setting properties.
    • Behaviors: Behaviors are pre-written functionality, such as a pop-up menu or a tooltip, that can be attached to individual controls.
    • Data binding: Data binding allows you to connect controls and components together and to manage the flow of data between them.
    • Control extensions: Extensions enable you to create new client objects to enhance or compose rich functionality for client controls. Page developers can add your enhanced control to their own pages.


  • ASP.NET "Atlas" Server controls


    • Adding "Atlas" functionality to regular ASP.NET 2.0 pages: ASP.NET "Atlas" allows you to add selective ASP.NET "Atlas" functionality to your existing Web applications through use of the UpdatePanel control, triggers, and ASP.NET "Atlas" control extenders. "Atlas" includes designer support as well.
    • Using ASP.NET "Atlas" server controls: "Atlas" introduces new server controls, such as the TimerControl, and enables you to use existing ASP.NET 2.0 rich controls like TreeView.
    • Extending ASP.NET "Atlas" server controls: You can extend server controls in two ways: (1) Create control extenders that add ASP.NET "Atlas" client functionality to existing controls, and (2) Create new ASP.NET "Atlas" custom controls that are enabled with client features.


ASP.NET "Atlas" provides a framework for developing rich client-based applications. The framework consists of JavaScript libraries that are downloaded to the client and referenced in page markup. Developers using the framework can work with a suite of APIs that abstract client elements in ways familiar to ASP.NET developers. The APIs perform multiple functions: they handle the complexity of supporting multiple browsers, extend JavaScript types, and provide a UI framework such as a suite of controls. The libraries are designed to let you work with controls and components using object-oriented principles that are not normally available in JavaScript.

Because the framework is implemented as JavaScript libraries, you can write applications directly by coding in JavaScript. However, to simplify development, ASP.NET "Atlas" introduces a client declarative model for adding client functionality to pages in a browser-agnostic way. You can think of this as similar to using markup to create a ASP.NET server-side applications.

Finally, page developers can also build applications with the entire client functionality encapsulated in a server control. These server controls generate all required ASP.NET "Atlas" script.

A Simple Example

The following example uses ASP.NET "Atlas" controls coded using traditional JavaScript functions, an approach that is familiar to developers who have used Dynamic HTML (DHTML) for client coding. The sample demonstrates how to create an ASP.NET "Atlas" client button control:

var btn = new Web.UI.Button($('buttonId')

The button instance is associated with the markup element in the page that is identified by the id='buttonId' attribute. Code such as $('your_element_id') is equivalent to document.getElementById(your_element_id).

With 'Atlas', ASP.NET pages can also include new server controls in the atlas: namespace, such as the <atlas:ScriptManager> control. These controls download relevant JavaScript libraries to the client.

ASP.NET "Atlas" Controls: Simple Client Control with JavaScript
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Instead of using JavaScript to create ASP.NET "Atlas" controls and interact with them, ASP.NET "Atlas" introduces a simplified and powerful declarative way to define client controls and their associated markup elements. With this new declarative client syntax, you can:

  • Add ASP.NET "Atlas" components and controls that are associated with markup elements in the page.
  • Create bindings that define tasks such as setting the text of a label from a button click.
  • Handle events such as click, propertyChanged, or selectionChanged, and perform tasks, or actions, as a result of these events.
  • Create and define actions, such as calling control or component members or bindings, with invokeMethod and setProperty constructs.
  • Define mappings to templates for the controls, allowing complex composition and handling.
  • Define behaviors, or pre-written functionality, that can be associated with controls.

The following example performs the same tasks as the preceding example, but moves all JavaScript code and event hookups into the ASP.NET "Atlas" script definition in the page. This removes the complexity of JavaScript code. It also separates the declarations, potentially allowing them to be removed from the markup page entirely, so that the designer and developer can work independently.

Notice in the sample that the JavaScript code for the "Atlas" script and control definitions is defined within the ASP.NET "Atlas" script, rather than as references in the <head> section of the page.

ASP.NET "Atlas" Controls: Validators: Simple Client Control with "Atlas" Script
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ASP.NET "Atlas" Client Controls

An ASP.NET "Atlas" client control or component is conceptually a class definition, or an object when instantiated. The client control's object model (OM) exposes members as you would expect in a traditional object-oriented class definition, so you have access to properties and member functions. You an work with an ASP.NET "Atlas" client control in your page programmatically with JavaScript or declaratively using the new ASP.NET "Atlas" script.

JavaScript ASP.NET "Atlas" Script  
            <script language="JavaScript">
            function pageLoad() {
            var controlVar = new Web.UI.Control($('elementId'));

In both examples, the controls will be instantiated during the Load event of the ASP.NET page.

Setting Properties, Handling Events, and Performing Actions

The following example shows a simple way to both programmatically and declaratively handle events and set properties on individual controls.


ASP.NET "Atlas" Client Controls: Events or Actions and Properties
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The declarative ASP.NET "Atlas" script in the page shows that the element <div id="panel"> is associated with Web.UI.Control, a base class for ASP.NET "Atlas" client controls. The control's cssClass property is set declaratively to the start style rule.

ASP.NET "Atlas" Script  
            <script type="text/xml-script">
            <control id="panel" cssClass="start"/>

Button controls are also instantiated declaratively, and their click events automatically hooked up as a way to set properties on the panel control. This declaration causes the onclick event to be handled by performing an action. The following code example shows how to declaratively set the <setProperty> action, which sets the visible property on the panel to true. The sample also demonstrates the use of the <invokeMethod> action to call a method on the panel control.

ASP.NET "Atlas" Script  
            <script type="text/xml-script">
            <button id="showButton">
            <setProperty target="panel" property="visible" value="true" />
            <button id="largeButton">
            <invokeMethod target="panel" method="removeCssClass">
            <parameters className="small"/>


Data Binding

Bindings are a powerful way of connecting controls and components and managing the flow of data between them. The following example demonstrates declarative syntax to bind data values entered in a text box and write that value elsewhere on the page.


ASP.NET "Atlas" Controls: Declarative Data Binding
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The same functionality can be achieved through JavaScript using the ASP.NET "Atlas" framework and controls.

ASP.NET "Atlas" Controls: Programmatic Data Binding
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Binding can be set up between controls. The following code example shows how to bind the text property in a label control to the value entered in a textBox control. The propertyChanged event on the textBox control causes the binding to occur. By default, all bindings are live and will execute when the page is instantiated. The dataContext attribute specifies the source for the data and binds the data context object's text property (defined using the dataPath attribute) to the text property of the label control (defined using the property attribute).

ASP.NET "Atlas" Script  
            <span id="label2">Empty</span>
            <input type="text" id="textBoxInput" />
            <script type="text/xml-script">
            <textBox id="textBoxInput"/>
            <label id="label2">
            <binding dataContext="textBoxInput" dataPath="text" property="text" />

When the page loads, the label control's "Empty" text value is immediately lost, because bindings are live and resolved on page load. You can prevent this by adding the automatic="false" attribute to the binding, which specifies that binding is not automatic.

Defining Binding Direction

Bindings can specify a direction. By default, bindings are one way, defined with the value In. It is also possible to define a binding direction as Out or as InOut, as shown in the following example. In the example, setting the text value in either text box updates the value of the other text box.


JavaScript ASP.NET "Atlas" Script  
            <script language="JavaScript">
            function pageLoad() {
            var tbInput = new Web.UI.TextBox($('textBoxInput'));
            var lbValue = new Web.UI.Label($('labelSpan'));
            var binding_1 = new Web.Binding();
            binding_1.set_transformerArgument("Checkbox is {0}.");


Binding Transformers

Bindings support a transform event, which you can handle to perform an operation as part of the binding. The preceding examples show two built-in transforms, ToString and Invert. Transforms attach a handler to the transform event and also allow you to add transformerArgument values that are passed to the transform event handler.

It is possible to use your own transform handlers as shown in the following code examples. Note that your own handlers require a particular prototype signature.

JavaScript ASP.NET "Atlas" Script  
            <script language="JavaScript">
            function pageLoad() {
            var binding_1 = new Web.Binding();
            function onCustomTransform(sender, eventArgs) { .. }


Invoking Bindings from Event Handlers

The preceding examples demonstrated that bindings can be invoked by ID. For example, in the code example, the select control's selectionChanged event invokes the relevant binding using the invokeMethod.


ASP.NET "Atlas" Script  
            <script type="text/javascript">
            function DoOtherStuff(sender, eventArgs)
            var value = eventArgs.get_value();
            var newValue = value + " Some other text";
            <script type="text/xml-script">
            <page xmlns:script="">
            <textBox id="textBoxText" />
            <invokeMethod target="setCss" method="evaluateIn" />
            <label id="labelText">
            <binding dataContext="textBoxText" dataPath="text"
            property="text" />
            <binding id="setCss" dataContext="selectStyle"
            dataPath="selectedValue" property="cssClass"
            transform="DoAdditionalHandling" />



Validators are a powerful way of checking the data entered by the user into ASP.NET "Atlas" client controls of type InputControl, such as the Web.UI.TextBox control. "Atlas' provides a number built-in validators:
  • requiredFieldValidator. Checks that data was entered.
  • typeValidator. Checks the type of the data, such as Number.
  • rangeValidator. Checks the input value between an upper and lower bound.
  • customValidator. Defines a custom expression handler.
  • regexValidator. Checks the data using a regular expression. The regular expression value must be delimited with "/" characters.
ASP.NET "Atlas" Script  
            <textBox id="value3TextBox">
            <requiredFieldValidator errorMessage="You must enter some text." />
            <regexValidator regex="/\(\d{3}\)(\ )\d{3}-\d{4}/"
            errorMessage="The format '(nnn) nnn-nnnn'." />

Validators are defined through a collection. When the propertyChanged event is raised, the control value is validated and the validate event raised. You can handle the validated event, as shown in the example that follows. During validation, the validators are queried and might result in the client control's invalid and validationMessage properties being set.

A special control of type validationErrorLabel can be used to display the error message using a tooltip and asterisk (*). Validators can also be grouped so that you can check validity for a group of controls as a unit. The following example demonstrates these concepts.

ASP.NET "Atlas" Controls: Validators
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Behaviors encapsulate actions that can be associated with DHTML events, such as the click or hover events. They are components that can be attached to the client control to provide more sophisticated UI and behavioral characteristics, including complex operations such as drag-and-drop behavior, auto-completion, and floating actions. They are defined using a collection on the client control.

The following example demonstrates some simple declarative and JavaScript samples for behaviors.

Using ASP.NET "Atlas" Behaviors
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The behaviors demonstrated in the preceding example show:

  • Click behavior, which provides simple click behavior handling.
  • Floating behavior, which provides drag-and-drop behavior.
  • Hover behavior, which provides handling for DHTML events such as onmouseover, onmouseout, onfocus, and onblur.
  • Pop-up component, which provides pop-up functionality, such as advanced tooltips.
  • Auto-complete behavior, which is a specialized behavior that provides the means to complete entries added to text boxes. The behavior requires handlers in order to provide the data for auto-completion.

The following example demonstrates a pop-up component for a label control that provides additional details about the highlighted word. The pop-up is a component that is invoked from the Hover behavior that is attached to the <span> element.

Using ASP.NET "Atlas" Behaviors
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For extensibility, you can create custom behaviors that can be associated with controls to provide very sophisticated UI functionality.


ASP.NET "Atlas" client controls allow you to create layout using templates. For specific examples, please refer to the samples for the listview client-side control


Client-side Components

In some of the preceding examples in this page, you have seen the use of a component such as popup. There are other components within the ASP.NET "Atlas" framework. The following sample shows the Web.Timer component used both programmatically and declaratively. Components are not bound to markup elements and so should be regarded as non-UI objects.


Using ASP.NET "Atlas" Components
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ASP.NET "Atlas" Server Controls

The ASP.NET "Atlas" framework allows you to develop rich UI applications using client controls and components in a declarative or a programmatic form. You can add similar client functionality to new or existing ASP.NET applications using the ASP.NET "Atlas" server controls. You can:
  • Specify partial page rendering in place of a normal postback using UpdatePanel controls to specify rendering and update behavior of regions of the Web page.
  • Use control extenders to add pre-written client behavior to ASP.NET controls, such as adding the autocomplete behavior to the ASP.NET TextBox control.
  • Create custom extenders that define new behaviors for server controls. Page developers can then add your extenders to server controls and get client behavior without writing ASP.NET "Atlas" script or JavaScript.


UpdatePanel Controls

In typical ASP.NET 2.0 applications, when a postback occurs, the page is re-rendered. This causes the page to flash in the browser. On the server, during postback, the page lifecycle executes. This ultimately raises the control event that caused the postback and runs the event handler (for example, a Button control's Click handler).

The ASP.NET "Atlas" UpdatePanel control eliminates the full page refresh. The UpdatePanel control is used to mark a region in the page that will be updated when a postback occurs, but without the traditional postback behavior in the client. On the server, the page still handles the postback and runs normally, such as raising event handlers. But during the final rendering of the page, only the regions defined by UpdatePanel controls are created. This is referred to as partial rendering.

The following example demonstrates the use of an UpdatePanel control.

Using the ASP.NET "Atlas" UpdatePanel Control
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UpdatePanel controls require a ScriptManager control, which is responsible for creating relevant ASP.NET "Atlas" script references in the client and for managing the partial rendering model. The ScriptManager control manages partial page updates and allows only the UpdatePanel controls and their children to render. For more information, see the ASP.NET "Atlas" ScriptManager Control section.

            <atlas:ScriptManager runat="server" ID="ScriptMgr" EnablePartialRendering="true">
            <atlas:UpdatePanel runat="server" ID="UpdatePanel2" Mode="Always">
            <asp:label runat="server" Text="Keep changing me!" ID="Label1" />

UpdatePanel controls have ContentTemplate elements that act as a container for content, generally ASP.NET server controls. The ContentTemplate specifies the markup that will be rendered in a partial update.

The Mode property specifies when the UpdatePanel refreshes its contents. If the Mode property is set to Always, the contents of the panel are refreshed during every postback. If the Mode property is set to Conditional, the panel is rendered on the server based on one or more triggers, such as when specified property values change or when specified events occur. This optimizes the markup sent to the client during postback.

You can nest UpdatePanel controls. In that case, you can associate a trigger in the child UpdatePanel control with a control property or event in the parent UpdatePanel control.

Using Triggers with UpdatePanel Controls

When the UpdatePanel control's Mode property is set to Conditional, the panel's markup is rendered only in response to a trigger. The UpdatePanel control contains a collection of triggers. There are two types of triggers:
  • ControlEventTrigger. This defines a trigger associated with a specific event (EventName) raised by a control on the page (ControlID). When the event is raised on the associated control, the trigger is fired and the contents of the UpdatePanel control will be rendered during the partial rendering of the page on the server.


                    <asp:Button runat="server" ID="btnTrigger" Text="Trigger"
                    OnClick="btnTrigger_Click" />
                    <atlas:UpdatePanel runat="server" ID="UpdatePanel2" Mode="Conditional">
                    <atlas:ControlEventTrigger ControlID="btnTrigger" EventName="Click" />


  • ControlValueTrigger. This defines a trigger associated with a specific property (PropertyName) for control on the page (ControlID). When the property value changes on the associated control, the trigger is fired and the contents of the UpdatePanel control will be refreshed during postback.


                    <asp:TextBox ID="txtMessage" runat="server" />
                    <atlas:UpdatePanel runat="server" ID="UpdatePanel2" Mode="Conditional">
                    <atlas:ControlValueTrigger ControlID="txtMessage" PropertyName="Text" />


The following example demonstrates the use of triggers with an UpdatePanel control and illustrates various update modes.

Using the ASP.NET "Atlas" UpdatePanel Control with Triggers
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Changes in an UpdatePanel control can be triggered by the new ASP.NET "Atlas" TimerControl, which enables you to refresh an UpdatePanel control at a given interval.

The ASP.NET "Atlas" ScriptManager Control

The ScriptManager control manages several pieces in the ASP.NET "Atlas" runtime. In particular, it writes to the rendered page a number of script references that are required for ASP.NET "Atlas". (These are implicit script references; additional references can be added using the Scripts collection.) The ScriptManager control is also responsible for much of the work in managing partial page rendering for UpdatePanel controls. UpdatePanel controls interact with the ScriptManager control to detect a partial rendering request and then determine whether to render.


ASP.NET "Atlas"  
            <atlas:ScriptManager runat="server" ID="UpdatePanel2"
            EnableScriptComponents="True" EnablePartialRendering="True">
            <atlas:ScriptReference Name="AtlasUIMap" />
            <atlas:ScriptReference Path="~/MyScripts/MyScript.js" />
            <atlas:ServiceReference Path="ComplexService.asmx" />

When the ScriptManager control's EnableScriptComponents property is true, the control instructs ASP.NET to reference a .js library that contains not only the JavaScript type system, but also definitions for the client UI components and behaviors. When the property is set to false (the default), the page references a runtime library only. This is more lightweight and optimum when there is no need to also download the UI components and behaviors for the page.

The EnablePartialRendering property determines how the ScriptManager control manages partial page rendering. When the property is set to true, the ScriptManager control performs many operations in generating and managing the partial rendering of the Web page with UpdatePanel controls. When the property is set to false, partial page rendering is disabled and only regular postbacks are supported.

The Services property is a collection of JavaScript proxies in the client. For more information, see the Services QuickStart sample.

The Scripts property is a collection of ScriptReference controls. These allow you to optionally include other ASP.NET "Atlas" scripts such as AtlasUIMap.js or custom scripts. You can define the browser for which the reference should be rendered. The ScriptReference control's properties are:

  • Name The name of one of the ASP.NET "Atlas" framework script files. The enumeration FrameworkScriptName can be used in custom controls that need to register a script requirement with the ScriptManager control.
  • Path The location of a custom script.
  • Browser The browser type for the reference to be rendered.

The ScriptManager control will rebase any script references to the parent Web page. If you want to use the ASP.NET "Atlas" debug scripts, you can set debug="true" in the <compilation> element of the Web.config file. (Setting debug="true" in @ Page directives for debug scripts is not currently supported.) Scripts are loaded from the following location:

~/scriptlibrary/atlas/debug/... - for debug scripts
~/scriptlibrary/atlas/release/... - for release scripts

Only one ScriptManager control is allowed per page. In master-page scenarios, if the master page and content page need to reference a different set of scripts, the master page defines a ScriptManager control and the content page can define a ScriptManagerProxy control. The ScriptManagerProxy control is similar to the ScriptManager control; it helps to separate the scripts required only by a specific content page from the scripts defined in the master page.

The following example demonstrates the use of a ScriptManagerProxy control in a master page and content page.

Using the ASP.NET "Atlas" ScriptManagerProxy Control with Master Pages and Content Pages
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Control Extenders

Control extenders provide a way to attach client functionality to ASP.NET server controls. The following sample demonstrates the use of AutoCompleteExtender to add auto-completion functionality to a TextBox control in an ASP.NET page.


ASP.NET 'Atlas'  
            <asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" runat="server" />
            <atlas:AutoCompleteExtender runat="server" ID="autoComplete1">
            <atlas:AutoCompleteProperties ServicePath="AutoComplete.asmx"
            TargetControlID="TextBox1" />

A control extender defines a collection of extender properties. Each property adds the extender functionality to a specified target control (TargetControlID). This means that you can use one control extender for multiple controls on the page. ASP.NET "Atlas" includes the following control extenders:

  • AutoCompleteExtender. Adds auto-completion and drop-down list functionality to a control. The extender has AutoCompleteProperties that define specific functionality.
  • DragOverlayExtender. Adds functionality to enable drag-and-drop behavior for specified sections of the Web page.
Using AutoCompleteExtender and Other Server Controls
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Control extenders write custom ASP.NET "Atlas" scripts to the client to add functionality such as the behaviors and actions described earlier in this section. For example, an AutoCompleteProperty extender creates the autoComplete behavior.


The ASP.NET "Atlas" TimerControl server control enables you to perform certain operations based on elapsed time. The following example demonstrates its use with an UpdatePanel control.


ASP.NET 'Atlas'  
            <atlas:TimerControl runat="server" Interval="15000" ID="tickerTimer" OnTick="tickerTimer_Tick" />
            <atlas:UpdatePanel runat="server" ID="UpdatePanel1">
            <atlas:ControlEventTrigger ControlID="tickerTimer" EventName="Tick" />

The TimerControl has an Interval property (set in milliseconds) used to set the duration for a tick. It can also raise a Tick event, which you can handle for custom operations that occur at the defined interval. The above sample demonstrates working with the UpdatePanel control based on the tick event.

This topic is ASP.NET ‘Atlas’ pre-release documentation and is unsupported by Microsoft. Blank topics are included as placeholders and existing content is subject to change in future releases.
posted @ 2006-10-18 18:58  MK2  阅读(579)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报